Wednesday, September 27, 2023

September 24, 2023

 September 23, and 24:  weekend update

Blog time 1630 on Wednesday October 27.

Still playing catchup.

The weekend of the 23 and 24 was typical summer weekend.  Actually it was a Fall weekend.

The great weather continues:  I was able to bike both days.  Typical ride between 9 and 10 miles.

Saturday morning we had breakfast as usual at “The Gathering Place”.  Western Omelette for Nancy and oatmeal for me.

We took our Saturday after breakfast ride through Ada.  Progress is being made on the big new addition to the Village.

At home Nancy did the laundry and I took a bike ride. Another great day for a ride. Today I rode to Ada, total miles 12.

I only watched a small part of the UM game.  The newspaper have been having a field day with the problems of MSU’s football coach. It almost looks to me like he was set up my his accuser. 

Every Saturday I check the Alpena News to see how my old high school’s teams are doing.  Bottom line it has been a miserable season.

Sunday September 24.

Up at 0730 and get ready for church.  I fixed a bowl of oatmeal with blueberries for breakfast.

Big turnout at church today.  Always glad to see so many young folks involved in church activities.

After church we took a ride south on Kalamazoo Ave to Barry County.  The leaves are just starting to turn.

At home I took a 10 mile ride followed by a nap.  I did read the GRP.  I look at the obits and sports.

A lot of news on the mess the GOP has made in Ottawa County.  It is such a mess that I no longer call myself a Republican.  

Light dinner tonight followed by the news and some Netflix streaming.

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