Friday, September 1, 2023

September 1, 2023

 Friday September 1, 2023

Blog time 2109 sitting in den.

Today is the first day of meteorological fall.  Temps in 50s with sun.

Nancy had a tough night.  She was going to forego her swim but later decided to go.  Left home at 0900.

I did my calisthenics at home, sans pull/chin ups.  Oatmeal breakfast with blueberries.  Headed to MVP at 0930, 2.5 miles.

Did the chin/pull-up routine and then back on bike and headed to Panera.  Got coffee and baguette, settled down to read the Michigan papers.  

Bad news, AHS lost their football game to Marquette 49-0.  Major league disappointment.  

The Detroit News has reported that our Governor has been making several USA policy statements.  They speculate that the Gov is positioning herself as a possible presidential candidate if President Biden should stumble.

The USA also has several senior Senators who have big health problems.  Sen Feinstein of Ca and Sen McDonnell of Kentucky. Neither has indicated that they will resign. 

1230 I pack up my gear and pedal home.  Total miles today = 10.2.

Because of oatmeal breakfast and baguette at Panera I did not have lunch.  Took a short nap after a shower.

We attended Happy Hour outside today.  Temp in low 80s with cloudless blue sky.

Dinner tonight was a burger with tomato bisque soup.  Nancy had her favorite shrimp cocktail. 

Tonight watched an episode of “Red Dahlia”.  After the show Nancy headed to bed.  I still have to read the WSJ before turning in.

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