Saturday, September 9, 2023

September 8, 2023

 Friday September 8, 2023

Blog time 2030 sitting in den

Up this morning at 0730.  Temp in 50s and cloudy.

The pool at MVP is being repaired so Nancy stayed home today. 

I did the at home calisthenics and then biked to MVP.  It was misting so I cut my ride short.  Did my chin-ups/pull-up routine.  When I exited MVP the threat of rain had passed so I biked to Panera on Lake Eastbrook.  I ordered a yogurt parfait to go with my coffee.  Panera’s parfait is not in the same league as Forest Hills Foods parfait.   In fact the atmosphere at Panera is not as pleasant as Forest Hills Foods.  The only positive about Panera is the low cost coffee.  I read the Alpena and Detroit News before heading home.  Total bike miles today = 9.

Nancy has book club today.  It is at Linda Moleskis which is quite a distance from Cook Valley.  I volunteered to drive.  

At home I showered and lotioned up.  The book club starts at 1315 and we made it with time to spare.

While Nancy was at BC I ran some errands.  First stop was Mr Thangs tailor shop. I have a leather vest that I dearly love but the buttons are coming off.  Ordinary sewing needles do not work.  Ms Thang has the equipment to secure the buttons.  It will cost $30.  I told her to fix it.  Pick up Monday.

Book Club meeting ended at 1500. Nancy was ready.  We drove to Meijer’s so Nancy could pick up a prescription.  We also spent time buying groceries.

No time for a nap today.  At 1700 we drove to “Shepard’s Grill”.  The place was jammed.  We got the last table.

Nancy ordered a hot dog and I had a fried perch sandwich and glass of wine.  The food is always good at Shepards.

Tonight Nancy is playing “Mexican Train” at the Harbor Inn room.  It started at 1915 and it is now 2050 and Nancy is not home yet.  “Mexican Train” is very popular among Women folks at Cook Valley.

This and that:

The big talk at MVP today was the Lions win over Kansas City.

I have a problem with folks making accusations about famous folks.  Most don’t seem credible.  Wouldn’t it be nice is we had a truth machine.

While Nancy was at Mexican Train I read a book about the folks that founded Alpena.  Very interesting.  My sister, Helen, sent me the book.

Nancy got home at 2200.  She went straight to bed.  I read the WSJ before turning in.  

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