Tuesday, February 28, 2023

February 27, 2023

Monday February 27, 2023

Blog time Monday afternoon at home.

 Up at 0700.  Looked out window and no snow/rain yet.  Weather folks have put us on a winter storm watch.

Oatmeal breakfast before heading to MVP.  Nancy and I drove together in the Escape.  As soon as we left the garage it began to pour.  The rain turned to ice pellets as soon as it hit ground.

At MVP Nancy swam and I did my calisthenics.  MVP was not crowded.  I showered after my workout.  

The rain intensity had increased in the last hour.  Thin layer of ice on ground.  

We drove to Meijer’s so I could pick up my prescription.  After we made a quick trip to Panera for our free coffee.  We headed straight home after the coffee. The road were becoming icy.

At home Nancy started the laundry and I did some blog writing.

We both agreed we were home bound today.  The intensity of the rain seems to increase by the hour.

Last week’s Saturday WSJ had an article on bugs in Apple’s pass code.  It was scary.

This and that:

I would never forgive student loans.  Folks have got to learn fiscal responsibility.

I am giving President Biden good marks for his handling the Ukraine war.

Big snow mobile race last weekend in Lincoln, Mi.  Riders from all over the Mid West attended.  Great to see folks enjoying winter.

My Sister, Helen, use to complain about some of the silly things our 80+ Dad use to do.  I find out that I do the same things.

I took a short nap this afternoon.

For dinner tonight we ate in the Main Dining room.  We sat with three other folks.  It was very pleasant.

We watched an episode of Madame Blanc Mysteries.  I fell asleep 1/2 through.  Bummer!

Looked out window before bed.  The rain has finally stopped.  Temp was slightly below freezing.  No rain or snow predicted for tomorrow.

Monday, February 27, 2023

February 26, 2023

 Sunday February 26, 2023

Blog time 2145 sitting in den.

Up at 0700. Dressed and fixed oatmeal breakfast.  Read several sections of GRP before heading to church. Church was very crowded.  

After Church we took a ride to Lowell.  Headed back home on Cascade Road. Quick stop at Meijer’s for prescription. Still not ready.  Bummer! I will change my pharmacy to Family Foods.  In fact Family Foods will be our go-to store for groceries.

After lunch.  Read paper, the GRP.  Nothing much happening. The only items of interest in the paper are the obits and funnies.

Took 1.5 mile walk. Absolutely beautiful day but did not see another walker. The walks were dry with little wind so why are folks staying inside.  Perhaps they have not heard my rule that every day one must spent 20 minutes outside.  My Grandfather Scott said every day one must work up a good “barnyard sweat”.  Grandfather had a lot of great saying, especially about farting.

We are still working to get the apartment the way we like it.  We might need another two week.  

Yesterday Alessandra told us that that she and Lucas both graduate on the 14th of June.  Next week I will arrange tickets.

Nancy and I are in charge of the Church’s March over 60 party.  I carry a notebook around with me so I can take names. So far we have 16 registered.  Hope to get 30.

Finished the afternoon with a short nap.

For dinner tonight we finished the last of Costco’s pinwheel sandwiches.  Tonight we watched an episode of “The Heart Guy”.

Looked outside before bed and it was clear with temp below freezing.  However, tomorrow a winter’s storm will move in.  Rain snow mix.

Sunday, February 26, 2023

February 25, 2023

 Saturday February 25, 2023

Blog time 1800 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0700.  We quickly dressed and headed to “The Gathering Place”.  The place was crowded but we were able to get our favorite table.

Oatmeal/scrambled egg with sourdough toast for me and a Western Omelette with raisin toast for Nancy.  

Today we drove to Lake Odessa for their Cabin Fever Antique Sale.  The sealed started at 1000.  We arrived early and had trouble finding a parking spot.  During the sale we FaceTimed Debbie to see if any of the antiques were what she wanted.  We bought three items.  

On way home stopped at Meijer’s for supplies. My Prescription was not ready.  Also filled up the Escape.  Gas was $3.30+/-.

 At home I took a 2 mile walk.  The path through the wetlands was very icy.  Glad I took my walking stick.  No critters seen.

Spent some time on blog and reading papers.  Finished the afternoon with a nap.

Once again we had Costco’ pinwheel sandwiches for dinner.

Big FaceTime evening, Nancy talked with granddaughter's  AJ and Alessandra.  Also FaceTimed with Debbie.

Finished the evening watching “Beyond Paradise”.  A Death in Paradise knockoff set in small coastal UK village.  It was good.

Very quiet when checked out side at 2200.  Tomorrow’s weather will be mild.

Saturday, February 25, 2023

February 24, 2023

 Friday February 24, 2023

Blog time 1730 on Saturday.  Yes a day late.

Up with the sun.  The snow had stopped and the weather folks said the roads were passable.

Nancy headed out for her swim at MVP.  I fixed oatmeal with blueberries for breakfast.  I drove to MVP.  Took a longer route to check roads.  Everything ok.

For first time in several days I was able to do my routine.  MVP was not crowded this morning.  Some businesses and schools are still closed.  After the workout I showered, dressed and headed home.  At home got coffee from Harbor Cafe.

As soon as Nancy got home we headed on some errands.

First stop Costco.  Nancy picked up a prescription and bought a sweater.  We bought some pinwheels for dinner tonight.

Next stop the Apple Store.  Nancy exchanged her iPad cover for the correct one.  On way home we stopped at Meijer’s for supplies.

At 1600 Nancy and I headed to the Harbor Cafe for a social hour.  About 12 folks in attendance.  We spent a hour talking with neighbors.  At 1800 we walked to the main dining room for dinner.  Tonight we sat alone.  I had planked salmon with fruit cup and dinner roll.  Nancy had soup and salad.  I brought a bottle of wine to sip with dinner.

Tonight Nancy spent an hour on the phone talking to her friend Kathi.  Debbie called at the same time. Bob and Debbie talked for an hour.  We keep hearing about the horrid Ca weather but it has not impacted Debbie.

We finished the final episode of “Bloodlines”.  Great show.

Light snow when checked out the window before bed.  Temp was in 20s.  Another below freezing day tomorrow.

February 23, 2023

 Thursday February 23, 2023

Blog time 1050 sitting in Harbor Cafe at Cook Valley’s Big House.

Slept in today until 0703.  Quickly dressed and walked outside to check roads.  They were ice covered.  Think we will stay home this morning.

Nancy wanted to walk on a treadmill so I showed where one was located in the building.  She walked several miles while I read newspaper on my iPad.

I did finally eat breakfast at 0900.  I wanted to finish yesterday blog and needed some coffee so I headed to Harbor Cafe.  Got my coffee and settled down for some blog writing.

The weather today made it an easy day.  I did not go outside.

For dinner tonight we headed down to the main dining room.  Nancy had a soup and salad.  I had the planked salmon with a fruit cup and dinner roll.

Tonight we watched another episode of “Bloodlines”.  Very interesting. One episode left.  It was snowing when looked outside before bed.  No creatures were stirring.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

February 22, 202

 Wednesday February 22, 2023

Blog time 1330 sitting in Sun Room.

Wednesday my easy day.  Slept in until 0730.  Nancy was up earlier getting ready for her Wednesday swim.

Today I wanted the find a small cafe for breakfast.  I drove to Breton Village and found a small cafe which said they serve breakfast and lunch.  

The waitress had difficulty with the language.  She never smiled and was no help with the menu.  Finally I was able to get scrambled eggs with sourdough toast and a middle eastern type salad.  I had to ask for silverware and a napkin.  The food was ok but I will never return.

Still wanted more food and hot coffee and drove to Panera.  Got coffee and a bagel.  The storm is suppose to start at 1000 so I headed straight home.  Nancy soon followed.

This morning I wrote my monthly note to Grandkids.  I still cannot get my printer to work.  Wrote the notes longhand.  

We were scheduled to go out tonight with the Mastens and Vances.  Cancelled because of the rain/snow that lasted until late evening

Walked to post box to mail Grandkids note and then took a long walk around the Big House.

At 1600 tonight Nancy and I will attend a wine party.  We arrived at 1600, about 10 folks were in attendance.  Cook Valley provided the wine free if charge.  Pretty good wine even if it was from a box.

Nancy and I enjoyed this get together.  Friendly conversation.

We had a very light dinner.  Watched the news.  The storm was the big item.  Looks like Michigan is shut down because of the storm.

Tonight we watched another episode of “Bloodlands”.  Great show tomorrow we will watch the final episode.

The snow/rain was still beating on the windows when we turned in.  We might be home bound again tomorrow morning.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

February 21, 2023

 I had trouble getting out of bed this morning.  I think last night’s roast beef sandwich screwed up my stomach.  We are under a Winter Storm Warming.  However, except for high wind it looked like a typical winter’s day.

Nancy headed out early for her treadmill/stationary bike routine at MVP.  I had a leisurely breakfast and then took the Fusion to MVP.  Today I took the long route.

As soon as I got on my workout clothes I perked right up.  Did the entire routine with no problem.  Showered, dressed and drove to Panera.  Read my email and Detroit and Alpena News before leaving. On way home I stopped at Forest Hills Foods.  

Forest Hill Foods is the closest full service store to our apartment.  Last time we visited we got lost because it was so crowded.  Kind of intimidating.  

Today I thought I would give it another try.  I took my time and slowly got familiar with the layout.  Bought everything I needed.  It is now my store of choice.

Lunch and then spent time in sun room reading.  Found nothing I want to comment on.

For dinner tonight we drove to Leo’s for our Tuesday hot dog.  Leo’s was empty.

At home poured a glass of wine and settled down for some TV.  Tonight was watched an episode of “Bloodlands”.  I like this show but fell sound asleep 1/2 way through.  Bummer.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We got caught up.

Looked out the window before bed.  It was very quiet.  Major storm starting tomorrow at 1000.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

February 20, 202

 Monday February 20, 2023

Sunrise today at 0730.  Got out of bed at 0720 and the sun was breaking out.  The temperature was 27.  I did not ride bike today because I thought the walks would be icy.  Nancy put on swim suit and headed to MVP.

Fixed oatmeal with blueberries for breakfast.  Do you see a pattern there?

I forgot that today is a holiday.  No business news this morning. Drove to MVP.  I expected MVP to be crowded because of the holiday.  Not the case.

After the workout showered, lotioned up, dressed and headed to Panera.  Got coffee and baguette.  Nancy joined me.

Rest of morning was spent shopping.

First stop was Lowe’s.  I was looking for rollers to put on bottom of kitchen chairs.  No luck.  I did buy some dark tinted safety glasses.

Stopped at REI.  Looked around but purchased nothing.

At Woodland Mall I visited J Crew, Macy’s and Von’s.  Once again no purchases.

Headed home and went on 1.5 mile walk.  Beautiful day for a walk.  Lunch and then a short trip to Meijer’s.  Wanted to pick up a prescription but they will not give me the medicine until the 25th.  Stupid law! I did buy a roast beef sandwich for dinner tonight.  At home I took a short nap.

This and that:

Biden’s trip to Ukraine was a great move.  Sends strong message to Putin.

Our move to Cook Valley totally screwed up my schedule.  Haven’t even started getting data for this year’s taxes.

So far I have only six church members signed up for our over 60 dinner on March 16.

Based on their recent election for officers the Michigan GOP is dead.

The weather folks talk about a big storm coming our way.  No sign of it yet.

I have been seeing several skunks in our yard recently.

We have a lot of birds near our apartment, especially cardinals.  Sunday Nancy and I saw several Bald Eagles.  Magnificent birds.

For dinner I had the roast beef sandwich I bought at Meijer’s along with coleslaw.  Nancy finished Saturday’s omelette.

After the news we watched two episodes of Madame Blanc Mysteries on Acorn.  Good show.

Looked out window before bed and saw a skunk wandering around.  Winter storm warning in place until Thursday.

Monday, February 20, 2023

February 19, 202

 Sunday February 19, 2023

Blog time 1815 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0700, sunrise at 0732.  Fixed a quick bowl of oatmeal before heading to Trinity Lutheran.  Church was very crowded today.  After church we headed to Moleski’s for a brunch.  Other folks joking us were Tim Mask and Connie Cady from Nancy’s book club.

Tom and Linda fixed a feast.  Pancakes, scrambled eggs, crisp bacon, fruit, and a plate of apple strudel.  I started with a Bloody Mary and Nancy had orange juice.  Spent time in pleasant conversation.

Got home at 1400.  First thing I took a 2 mile walk.  Beautiful day for a walk.  Sunny with temps in 40s.  I did not encounter another person on the walk.

Finished the afternoon with a nap.  Just fruit for dinner tonight.

We watched several episodes of 60 Minutes before switching to Netflix.  Tonight we watched a crime show on a lifer with crime solving powers.

Temp above freezing when looked outside before bed.  No critters seen.

Sunday, February 19, 2023

February 18, 2023

 Saturday February 18, 2023

Blog time 1500 sitting in office

Up at 0700.  The temp was in mid 20 with sun all day. Dressed and headed to “The Gathering Place “.  We had our usual great breakfast.

After breakfast we took a short ride.  Ended up at D&W on 28th.  We bought supplies.  On way home we stopped at Panera for our free coffee.

As soon as the groceries were unloaded I bundled up and took a 2 mile walk.  It was a beautiful winter’s day.

Meanwhile Nancy started the laundry.  I found time for a nap.

For dinner tonight we drove to Culver’s.  We both had a frozen custard.  Very, very good.

Nancy and I are in charge of the Church’s over 60s dinner in March.  We are already getting folks making reservations.  The Chinese restaurant we chose, First Wok, is very popular.

For our viewing tonight we watched a new show on Netflix.  I can’t remember the name but Nancy said she enjoyed it.

Checked outside before bed and everything ok.  Sun with temps in 40s for tomorrow.

Saturday, February 18, 2023

February 17, 2023

 Friday February 17, 2023

Blog time 1200 sitting in office.

Up at 0700.  Checked weather and it was snowing with temp in low teens.  A lot of schools in the area were closed.

The weather did not deter Nancy.  She put on swim suit and headed out to MVP.  I fixed my oatmeal breakfast before driving to MVP.  The snow had stopped and the sun was coming out.  The Road Commission had done a good job clearing the roads.

Only the hard core were at the gym today.  I did my routine before showering.  Head straight home right after the shower.

At home grabbed my iPad and headed up to the Harbor Cafe for a free cup of coffee.  Sat down at a small table by window.  I enjoy this spot because it is very bright unlike Panera.

While reading a women I slightly recognized introduced herself. She was Faye Tellman the wife of a fellow Civil Engineer, Jim.  I knew Jim quite well.  Tragically Jim passed several months ago.  We had a nice chat.  I like Cook Valley because the folks are so nice.  Faye and I had a nice chat.

A problem with the Harbor Cafe is the weak internet.  I left because I could not open my blog.

Returned to apartment and met Nancy heading out.  Today she is having lunch with Carol Masten, Pat Haskins and Becky Verker.  

Tonight we are having dinner in Cook Valley’s dining room. 

Nancy said she had a nice lunch.  Today the group ate at Schuler Books. 

Nancy and I are in charge on March’s dinner for the Over 60 group at Trinity Lutheran.  This morning I got a call from first parishioner wanting to attend.

Turkey’s earthquake still dominates the news.  Looking at the damage to relatively new buildings it looks like plan review in regards to earthquake design was lacks.  Buildings built to current codes should have survived.  I have never experienced an earthquake.  

President Biden seem to not have a clear idea of his agenda.  He does not make firm decisions.  

Putin seems to be eating NATO’S lunch.  NATO is letting Ukraine swing in the wind.  What a shame.

Finished the afternoon with a short nap.

Tonight we had dinner downstairs in the dining room.  Nancy had a cup of chicken noodle soup.  I had the Walleye dinner.  The dining room was empty.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We spent a long time catching up.  We also talked about Nancy’s cousin John Hartmann’s recent death.  Johnny was 6 years younger than Nancy.  He leaves behind a sister, Ann, and a daughter.

After Debbie’s FaceTime, Granddaughter Akerke FaceTimed.  We had a nice talk.

Tonight we watched an episode of “The Heart Guy”.  We had not seen this show in quite awhile.  Forgot how good it was.

Checked out window before bed.  No critters seen.

Friday, February 17, 2023

February 16, 2023

 Thursday February 16, 2023

Up this morning at 0720. The temp was in high 30s and no rain/snow until later.  I will ride bike to MVP.

Nancy headed out early for MVP.  Today is her treadmill/stationary bike day.  I fixed an oatmeal breakfast.  I will bike to MVP but since the cleaning folks will be here when I get back I put my iPad in the Fusion.  When I get back from MVP I will put up bike and then drive to Panera without getting in way of of cleaning crew.

Pleasant bike ride to MVP.  Completed my routine, showered and pedaled home.  It started to snow when I got halfway home.  Parked bike and headed to Panera.

Just got my coffee when Nancy walked in.  We sat and talked over coffee.

Tonight we are going to Trinity’s over 60 dinner at Cascade Roadhouse.

This and that:

Called my Sister, Helen, yesterday.  The news said some of Tucson was shut down because of a toxic spill.  Helen said it did not impact her.

President Biden gets poor marks for his handling of the flying balloons and Ukraine.  He should make getting Abrams tanks a first priority.

It started to snow about 1400.  The storm got stronger and stronger.  In late afternoon we got a message from Trinity that the over 60s dinner has been canceled.  The roads are in bad shape.

So what did I do after the dinner cancellation.  Took a nap.  

If I had been thinking clearer we would have gone Cook Valleys cocktail hour between 1700 and 1800.  Instead I napped.

It is now 1800 and Nancy is fixing me a Lean Cuisine meat loaf dinner.  The Lean Cuisine dinners are tasty and not too filling.  

Missy FaceTimed tonight and we brought her up to date.  

For our viewing we watched an episode of “The Brokenwood Mysteries”.  I slept through most of the show.  I think the reason fall sleep most evenings is because I put a warm blanket over me.  The warmth of the blanket puts me right to sleep.

It was still snowing when checked out the window before bed.  Temps will drop to teens this evening.  No bike ride tomorrow.

Thursday, February 16, 2023

February 15, 2023

 Wednesday February 15, 2023

Blog time 1020 sitting in Main Cafe, Big House

Up this morning at 0535.  Today is Breakfast Club Wednesday.

It was pitch black and pouring rain when I headed downtown.  Not a pleasant drive.

We only had 20 folks at BC.  That was a shame because we had a great speaker.  She is the Director of Opera Grand Rapids.  We just might attend an upcoming performance.

After BC I headed to Staples.  Got my passport photo taken.  Also bought some minor Knick knacks for office.

At home, Nancy had not yet got back from her morning swim.  The first thing I must do when she arrives is get the Escape filled up.  It is running on fumes.  Later this afternoon I have an appointment with Dermatologist to get a spot on my neck checked out.  

As soon as Nancy walked in I grabbed the keys to the Escape and headed to the Shell Station at the north end of East Paris.  The gage said 30 miles left in tank.  Gas today was $3.13.  

I had a light lunch before heading to the Dermatologist.  Today I saw a PA.  He looked me over and sprayed some Freon on a small spot on neck.

On way home I stopped at Bill and Paul’s Sporting Good.  Bought a small knife.  

At home Nancy and I made a trip to our storage room.  Nancy made a quick inventory our food supply.  Brought up several bags of chips and a large bottle of ginger ale.

I am finally back on schedule. I did a load of laundry.  Rope, yarn Wednesday is back.  

This evening we had dinner in the dining room.  Our dining guests were the Paul’s.  We had a pleasant conversation.  As always the food was good.

Tonight we watched an episode of “The Republic of Doyle”.  I slept through the entire show.

The cleaning crew comes tomorrow so we spent some time picking up.  Checked out the window and saw no critters.

Tomorrow morning I will be able to get my bike ride in before snow starts.  Winter weather returns for the weekend.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

February 14, 2023

 Tuesday February 14, 2023

Blog time 1245 sitting in Sun room at #228 Cook Valley.

Lately I cannot get up at the preferred 0700.  Today it was 0725. For years when working I got up at 0535 with no alarm.

Sunrise today was 0740 compared with 0811 on Dec 21.  51 more minutes of sun.  Sun trumps everything.  This morning the temp was 27.  Sun all day today with a high of 55.  Good grief it is mid February.  The temperature should be in single digits.

Nancy headed out early for her Tu/Th exercise routine at MVP, treadmill and stationary bike.  

After an oatmeal breakfast I got on the Bianchi and pedaled to MVP.  Performed my standard routine.  Showered and then pedaled home.

I cannot remember if I commented on renting a locker at MVP.  One advantage is that they wash my clothes every day.  It is great to put on clean clothes before every workout.  

Today day is Valentine’s Day.  First thing I remember about VD is that in grade school we alway exchanged Valentines with all our classmates.  My mother would buy the cards for me and I would address them.  I always hoped the cute freckled face redhead would sent me a special card.  I never knew.

Yesterday we received an “Incredible Edible” food tray from an unknown source.  Would the nice person who sent this gift please come forward.  We want to thank you.

Veronica txt Nancy today saying did we get a package.  Above mystery solved.  Thanks Scott Team!

It is now 1315, Nancy is on a short walk and I am waiting on a printer repair man.  Since we moved I cannot get the printer connected to my iPad or the network.

Tonight we will follow our Tuesday routine of Hot Dogs at Leo’s.  Leo’s has great hot dogs for only $1.50.  Eat your heart out Costco.

The Computer guy was right on time. It took him about 20 minutes to get things working. 

I did some minor chores before taking a nap.  After the nap I did more chores before sitting down at the iPad to print my blog.  Bummer nothing worked! Called the tech back and told him my displeasure.

It was raining when we drove to Leo’s.  The place was jammed. Folks getting a hot dog on Valentine’s?

At home we watched the last episode of “Three Pines”.  Not the ending we wanted.

High winds developing later tonight.  The winds will continue tomorrow.

Monday, February 13, 2023

February 13, 2023

 Monday February 13, 2023

Blog time 1745 sitting at desk.

Up at 0700.  Today will be another nice sunny day.

Nancy headed to MVP for her morning swim.  I fixed oatmeal with blueberries for breakfast.  Put on bike clothes and then headed to MVP.

I forgot to mention in yesterday’s blog the Feb 12th is Abe Lincoln’s birthday.  No mention was made in any of the papers I read of this event.  Terrible.  Plenty of news on stone heads Price Harry and Megan but not of Abe.

Temp was in high 30s when I headed out.  MVP was not crowded this morning.  Did my routine, showered and biked home.  Total bike miles, 4.

At home I got out of bike clothes and put on my casual week day outfit.  When I ride my bike to MVP Panera is just too far away to reach on bike.  As an alternative  I have been heading back to the Big House.  Free coffee is available in the Big House’s Main Cafe.  I get my coffee and sit at a table to do my morning read.  Today a big group of  women met in the Cafe.  It was very distracting.  Must find quiet place for my morning read.

After I headed out to run some errands.

First stop was Meijer’s.  It being the 13th I bought two lottery tickets.  Also bought some handkerchiefs for Nancy.  This winter she has a perpetual running nose.

Next I stopped at Costco to get my Passport photos taken.  Surprise! Costco no longer does photos.  I did buy mini-Naans and eyedrops.

We had a light dinner tonight.  

Sad news tonight.  Nancy’s sister Peg called to tell her that their cousin Johnny Hartmann had just passed.  Out of five Hartmann kids only Cousin Ann survives.

Tonight we watched an episode of “Three Pines” on Amazon.  I think tomorrow we will watch the final episode.

Looked out the Apartment’s window and saw no movement.  Tomorrow will be another bike riding day. 

After thoughts. What is with all the flying object we are shooting down.  No one is telling the general public.

I am greatly disappointed at NATO’S response to Russia’s new offensive in Ukraine.  Biden looks very weak.

February 12, 2023

Sunday February 12, 2023

Up this morning at 0700.  Looks like another nice sunny day.  Temps in mid 40s.  Fixed an oatmeal breakfast with blueberries.

We left for church at 0845.  I keep forgetting how close Trinity Lutheran is to our apartment.  We arrived 20 minutes early.  We got coffee and a cookie provided by the Church ladies.

Today is labeled the Sixth Sunday after Epiphany.  Very big crowd at today’s service.  Pastor Dan’s homily was kind of gloomy.

After church we took a ride through downtown and then headed north to Comstock Park.  A great day for an hours drive.

At home I put on bike clothes and took a 7.25 mile bike ride.  Today I took my Bianchi San Jose.  The pavement was dry so no need for the studded tire I have on my Cannondale.  

After the ride showered and found time for a short nap.  At 1700 Nancy and I attended a Super Bowl party in the Main Cafe.  About 25 folks attended.  Great time talking to the neighbors.  Everyone brought a snack to pass.  I overloaded on cookies and wine.

This evening we continued watching a show that we started a month ago and then stopped so we could watch Jack Ryan and Bloodlines.  Good show but took awhile to get up to speed.

Looked out the window before bed.  No critters were seen. Temperature was still in low 40s.  Tomorrow should be another nice sunny day.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

February 11, 2023

 Saturday February 11, 2023

Blog time 1100 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0700.  The temperature was 27.  Today will be sunny with high temp in 40s.  

First thing, we spent some time changing sheets.  It is a pain.  Maybe we can bribe the cleaning crew to change our sheets every two weeks.  We miss Kim.

This morning we drove to “The Gathering Place for Breakfast”.  We had our usual order.  

Nancy had a Western Omelette and raisin toast.  I had oatmeal with scrambled egg and raisin toast.  As always the food was great.  We were surprised the place was not crowded.

After breakfast we took a short drive.  We did stop at Panera to get our free coffee.  Panera was empty.  Is it the economy that is keeping folks from eating out?

Sister, Helen, has been sending photos of Grandson Andrew Short recovering from a bad motorcycle crash.  He looks in great pain.  Nancy and I are praying for a safe and speedy recovery.

As soon as we got home Nancy started the laundry.  I took an hour bike ride.  We have no snow on the ground so the ride was easy.

Shaved and showered after the ride.  Finished the afternoon with a short nap.

Nancy fixed tomato soup for dinner.  Campbell’s soup is great.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed.  I have some memory issues with who exactly called.  I should keep paper and pencil close by so I can write down things I want in my blog.  If I wait a day my memory is fuzzy.

Fuzzy thinking by our state Government!  Single folks will get get a $180 tax refund.  Couples who file jointly will also get $180. In other words I will get $90.  Penalty for folks filing a joint return.

Tonight we watched episode 1 of Bloodlands on Acorn.  It was good.  

Looked out window before bed. All clear.  Temp will drop to high 20s tonight.  Tomorrow will be sunny with high temp in 40s.

Saturday, February 11, 2023

February 10, 2023

Friday February 10, 2023

Blog time 1112 sitting in Harbor Cafe at Cook Valley’s Big House.

We have really been sleeping in lately.  Today it was 0730.

Today is Nancy’s swim day so she headed out early.  I had an oatmeal breakfast with blueberries.

The temperature outside was 36 with no rain or wind.  Decided I will ride my bike to MVP.  Bundled up and headed out.  It is 1.5 miles to MVP, a very easy bike ride.  I have only one street to cross (Cook Valley Blvd at East Paris) and that intersection has a traffic signal.

I have noticed that most members at MVP are on a MWF schedule.  Members are of two types.  The super hard core who never smile and seniors who take their exercise routine lightly.  This group is very friendly.  I am surprised at how many members I  remember from the old MAC.  Great to get reacquainted.

Showered and headed home.  Nice thing about MVP, they provide towels and wash my exercise after each workout.  

Today I start a new routine.  I will get my free coffee at the Harbor Cafe in the Big House. The cafe is very bright and comfortable.  At least it is today.  I thought donuts were available.  Not the case, on Monday I will bring a cookie.

Nancy left for an ENT appointment at 1300.  Nancy has been having pain  on the right side of her face.  She keeps getting the run around from her doctors.  Nancy will have to contact our GP and start anew.  Doctors are great buck passers.

Before lunch I ran errands.  Filled up the Fusion.  Gas was $3.30.  Stopped at PAKMore and got more financial papers shredded.  Also dropped off some items at Good Will.

Lunch and then a short nap.  Today I paid my final natural gas bill.  Good news no more gas or electric bills.

We are still getting settled in.  I keep rearranging papers or office Knick knacks trying to get it just right.

For dinner tonight we headed downstairs to the main dining room.  I had placed an order yesterday for a table.

Tonight we sat alone.  Nancy had the potato soup and I had a burger.  The burgers in the dining room are great.

Tonight we watched the last episode of Jack Ryan on Amazon.  I gave this show an A.

We finished up the evening watching Harrison Ford in an Apple TV show called Shrinking.  I give this show a C-.

It was 32 and falling when I looked our our window before bed. Low tonight will be 27.  No critters were seen.


Friday, February 10, 2023

February 9, 2023

 Thursday February 9, 2023

Blog time 1032 sitting in the Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd.

First blog since Jan 10.  Our life is getting back to normal.  All the boxes are unpacked and we have finally located all items we thought lost because of the move.  

Up this morning at 0700.  It was raining and 36.  Fixed an oatmeal breakfast and then headed to MVP.  Nancy left for MVP several minutes before me.  This is our new normal routine.

When the weather improves I will ride my bike.  Yesterday was a beautiful winter’s day so I made a trial run to MVP on my bike.  The sidewalks were all plowed so it was a safe ride.  Less than two miles from Cook Valley.

Speaking of weather January was one of the most miserable Januarys I can remember.  Most of the month was devoid of Sunshine.  In fact we had more minutes of sun the first five days of Feb than we had the whole month of Jan.  Sunshine trumps everything.

We moved into Porter Hills, Cook Valley, on the 12th of January.  The move went as well as could be expected.  

We have a 1,370 sq ft apartment in a large building called the Big House.  The Big House is full.  There are 34 apartments on each of the two floors (68 total).  Porter Hills Cook Valley also has 48 free standing condos. 

We have met many neighbors.  Everyone is very nice.  Our monthly fee includes an allowance for meals (lunch and dinner). We eat at least three dinners a week in the dining room.  Usually we are seated with neighbors.

Nancy has attended a book club and plans on joining.  I attended a men’s monthly get together with coffee and donuts.  My first meeting was fun.  They had a joke telling contest.  Some very good jokesters.

We are allowed one parking space in the underground garage.  It is heated.  Initially I parked the Fusion outside but after shoveling and deicing several times I paid for a parking space in garage.

I will report on our new living experience in future blogs.

My new MVP exercise routine includes, chin/pull-ups, sit-ups, push ups, 1000 meters on the rowing machine and ten minutes on stationary bike.  My hip has fully recovered from last May’s surgery so I can use the rowing machine with no pain at a very easy setting of course. 

After the workout I shower.  MVP provides towel.  The Y did not.  After I usually head for Panera.  Nancy usually joins me.  

My daily reading still includes the Alpena and Detroit News, and of course the WSJ.  The politicians are still nasty to one another.  I just wish they had gone to Sunday School.

I am a big supporter of Ukraine and their struggles with Russia.  I wish NATO would make a stronger effort supporting Ukraine with heavy weapons.

Lunch for me is usually at 1400.  Includes a cup of yogurt, cup of vanilla pudding, muffin and glass of milk.

Today after Panera I headed home.  I wanted to replenish some of my supplies so Nancy and I headed to Meijer’s.  Thursday afternoon must be seniors day at Meijer’s.  

This afternoon I continue to get my work space squared away.  I just received my new checks from Macatawa.  They have our new address.  Spent some time discarding checks with old address.  Tomorrow I will make a trip to PAKMAIL  to get old financial papers shredded.

Finished the afternoon with a short nap.  Tonight we had a very light dinner.

It has rained all day.  Channel 8 said we set a record for Feb 9, over 1”.  

We have been watching the new season of Jack Ryan.  It is very good.  Tonight we watched two episodes, one episode left.

I do miss my Courtyard check before bed.  Now before bed I just look out the window.  Several times I have seen a deer.

We are still with window coverings.  Wednesday we were told the new blinds were in.  The installer unpacked the blinds and found they were the wrong kind.  We must wait another three weeks for new blinds.

Thursday, February 9, 2023

January 10, 2023

 Tuesday January 10, 2023


This is my first blog in a week.  It seems everything we own is in a box.  Our basement is very cold since I removed all the towels I used to block cold air from the bottom of our slider.  I did move a small portable desk upstairs so at least I can check emails.

Tomorrow the movers come. They will finish packing and move all the boxes onto their truck.  Nancy and I will stay in a motel tomorrow night.  Thursday is move in day.  We have a meeting with Porter Hills, Cook Valley, at 1000.  I will write the largest check ever to pay for our unit.

During the last seven days our time has been consumed with the move.  With many trips to Good Will.  

I did go to the Y on Friday.  I closed my locker account but left my membership active.  I might want to use the running track.

At MVP I got my self a membership and a locker.  Will start going next week.

This and that:

Yesterday, Monday, Nephew Jason Crandall visited and took the revolver and shotgun and also Nancy’s old Apple Desktop.

The GOP has gone berserk.  In neighboring Ottawa County a group of extreme Right Wing has taken control of the County Board.  They fired the Administrator, deleted a Diversity Office and upset the Health Department.  Most thinking GOP members were taken by surprise.

Our new voting address is in Grand Rapids Township.  When I register to vote I will say I am an Independent.

The extreme GOP members of Congress held up Kevin McCarthy’s confirmation to be Speaker.

The GOP has always been pro defense.  But it looks like the new congress wants to reduce the defense budget at a time when the world is ready to explode.

This afternoon Clean Sweep is coming to remove the rest of the junk in the house.