Thursday, February 10, 2022

February 9, 2022

Blog time 1600 sitting in office

Once again slept in until 0730.  Nancy was already up and heading out to her Wednesday morning swim at MVP.

Today is my easy day so no Y.  Did my calisthenic routine at home.  Of course I did it at 50%.

This morning I walked to Panera.  Ordered oatmeal, coffee and a scone.  

At 1000 Nancy stopped at Panera for her morning coffee.  We both got in the Escape and drove to Costco.  

We also stopped at Meijer’s to pick up Nancy’s prescription.  It was not yet available.  Will stop by tomorrow.

At home I gathered up trash and recyclables.  Tomorrow is pickup day.   Also did a load of laundry.

Nancy had a 1500 appointment with ENT doctor today.

I checked the corn I put out yesterday and found it was untouched.  Something is spooking the deer.

Finished the afternoon with a mile walk.  I had to walk in street because the sidewalks were not cleared.

Dinner tonight was Cheerios with strawberries. Tonight Nancy headed to bed early.  I stayed up and watched a documentary on WWII.  It was very interesting.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  

Checked Courtyard at 2200.  Noted no deer tracks.  Temperature was 32.

At midnight looked out window and saw two deer eating corn.  Good news!

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