Saturday, February 12, 2022

February 11, 2022

 Friday February 11, 2022

Blog time 1150 sitting in Panera.

Up this morning at 0715.  The temperature was 32.  Checked outside and new snow.

I stepped outside to unlock the garage door.  Because of recent car muffler thefts in area I have taken to locking the garage before bed.

The snow was wet and 5” deep.  It was a cardiac snow.  Happily the drive was recently cleared.  All I had to do was shovel the sidewalk.

Nancy headed out early for her Friday swim at MVP.  Later she is attending Book Club at Moleski’s.

At home calisthenics and then oatmeal breakfast.  Drove to Y and was surprised the parking lot was jammed.  Asked the attendant why the crowd and she said all the schools in the area are closed because of last night’s snow.  What a bunch of sissies!

Calisthenics, short ride on stationary cycle before showering and heading to Panera.  

It is now noon and I am heading to Meijer’s to pick up prescriptions and buy bananas.  Meijer’s was crowded.   Looked like folks buying snacks for Super Bowl parties.

At home I fixed a light lunch.  Filled the bird feeders and put out corn for deer.  

Started working on questionnaire for Grandson Lucas’s baseball team.  The questionnaire asked our evaluation of companies we do business with.  We must do 50 evaluations.  

Nancy completed her 50 today.  I completed only 40 but will finish on Saturday.  

Nancy led the discussion at Book Club. She said it went well.

This and that:

Will Putin invade the Ukraine.  He is making our President look weak.

With the cold weather we have been having lately I want to know “what happened to Global Warming”.

Usually during winter months I see rabbits in neighborhood foraging for food.  They are missing this winter. 

Speaking of rabbits a lot of my high school friends loved winter rabbit hunting.  I have gone rabbit hunting but with little success.

My favorite outdoor recreation during winter months was playing hockey.  We played outdoor of course.  The City of Alpena maintained several ice rinks around the city.  I played seven days a week.

I finished the afternoon with a short nap.

This evening Nancy fixed me a pork chop with dressing.  Very good.

After the news we watched the first episode of Reacher on Prime.  The jury is still out.

Debbie and Missy Facetimed this evening.  It is hot in Ca and cold in Mi.

Checked courtyard before bed and everything ok.


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