Monday, February 14, 2022

February 13, 2022

 Sunday February 13, 2022

Blog time 2030 sitting in living room watching Super Bowl.

Up this morning at 0630.  Quickly dressed and drove to Biggby coffee to get our morning brew.   

The temperature was 14 and will remain in teens all day.  Typical February weather.

At home fixed my morning oatmeal with a banana.  At 0845 we headed to Trinity Lutheran for their 0915 service.

Light turnout at Church.   However, the folks watching the Service via zoom is substantial, 500-600.

After the service we took a short ride.  Drove to Lowell on Fulton and headed home on Grand River.  The sun came out making it a nice winter’s drive.  

Checked the corn I set out yesterday and it was untouched.  However, the bird seed is another story.  Both feeder were almost empty.  I made a quick run to Chow Hound to get another 18# bag of seed.

We have a great variety of birds feeding.  I keep a bird book in the living room so I can identify the various species.

I needed some outdoor time so I bundled up and took a 1.66 mile walk.  The temp was 14 with little wind so the walk was bearable.

After the walk, lunch and then a short nap.

After the nap I read the paper edition of the GRP and finished yesterday’s blog.  Read Apple News on iPad.  

For dinner tonight I had two poached eggs on waffle.  Also coleslaw and blueberries.  Nancy had a piece of buttered toast.

We watched the 1800 news on ABC.  At 1830 switched to NBC to watch Super Bowl.  

Much to my surprise I watched the entire game.  It was good and I liked the outcome.

The temperature was in single digits when I checked Courtyard just before bed.

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