Wednesday, February 23, 2022

February 22, 2022

Tuesday February 22, 2022 or 22222

Blog time 1100 on Wednesday the 23rd.  Yes I am a day late.

Up at 0700.  Checked outside and it was raining with temps in 30s.

Days activities:

Calisthenics and breakfast.

Standard routine at Y.

At Panera read papers, emails and finished yesterday’s blog.

Nancy and I left home at 1300 and drove through heavy rain to Attorney’s office in Hudsonville.  We had to sign some trust papers and have them witnessed.

At home checked main bird feeder.  The squirrels had opened the lid allowing rainwater in.  It ruined the seed.  I emptied, cleaned and hung up to dry.

Last night the deer ate all the corn I had set out.  Why do I pick up more cobs than I put out?

Late lunch and then a nap.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed Cod with vegetables and strawberries.

Watched the news.  No strong opinions from commentators  on President Biden’s sanctions on Russia.  I think it should have been stronger.  Putin does not fear us.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  

Tonight we watched two episodes of  “Reacher”.

Checked Courtyard at 2200 everything ok.

Heard a noise on our deck at 2300.  Turned on deck light and the deck was empty.  I did see a deer very close to the house.  

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