Saturday, February 19, 2022

February 18, 2022

 Friday February 18, 2022

Blog time noon at Panera

Last night about 0300 I heard a noise in our Courtyard.  Checked and it was the snow removal crew from the Condo Association.  They cleaned sidewalk and drive.

Up this morning at 0700.  It was 16.  Sunrise today 0733.  

Nancy headed out early for her morning swim at MVP.  Later today she has an appointment with her foot doctor.

Followed normal at home routine and then left for the Y.  All the classes at the Y were full.  Showered and headed for Panera.

After getting my coffee and baguette I stated my morning reading.  Left Panera at noon.

Rest or afternoon’s activities:


Feed the birds and deer

Wrote monthly note to Grandkids.

Made appointment with security firm to get our door lock fixed.  Also a Tuesday afternoon appointment to meet with Attorney to sign some Estate papers.

It was cold and windy all day so I stayed inside.  I use to make an effort to get 20 minutes outside every day.  This policy has gone by the wayside.  My bones and sinuses cannot take the cold.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed bean soup with blueberries.  It was good.

Tonight we watched a new show on Netflix called the “Young Wallander”.  We gave it a C+.

It was snowing and windy when checked Courtyard before going to bed.  I don’t think the deer will be visiting.

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