Wednesday, February 2, 2022

February 1, 2022

 Tuesday February 1, 2022

Blog time 1445 sitting in Debbies kitchen.

Up with 0630 alarm this morning.  Debbie has an early morning meeting so Nancy and I are taking Violet for her morning walk.

It was cold, 38, so we dressed for the weather.  Walked 1.5 miles.

At home I fixed cheerios with banana for breakfast.  After I sat on couch and immediately feel asleep.  Good grief I slept for 2 hours.  

After my nap I walked to YumYum Donuts and got our morning coffee and some glazed donuts.  The store gave me a carrier so the walk home was easy.

We had a scheduled lunch with an old Alpena friend Fred Weber on Wednesday.  However, Fred has cataract surgery today and I developed have sniffles overnight so I called and canceled.  Don’t want to infect Fred.  This afternoon Nancy and I walked Violet.

Yogurt lunch.  Spent the afternoon reading.  Today is an easy day.  Want to get rid of sniffles.

Took afternoon nap.  I accompanied Debbie on her evening walk with Violet.

After the news and Jeopardy we switched to BritBox and watched and episode of “McDonald and Dodds”.  We all liked the show.

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