Wednesday, February 9, 2022

February 8, 2022

Tuesday February 8, 2022

Blog time noon at Panera

Slept in today until 0730.  Nancy was already up and heading out to a class at MVP.  

Did my at home calisthenics followed by oatmeal breakfast before heading to Y.  The Y was nearly empty today.  Most folks must be on a MWF schedule.

After workout showered and then headed to Panera.  Ordered coffee and baguette before setting down for my morning read.

This and that:

I have not been watching the Olympics.  No interest.

Inflation is up.  Why is the stock market doing so well?

The political news has gotten so partisan that I don’t read except in WSJ.  

The GOP party is insane to censure Rep. Cheney of Wy.  Glad to hear Senator McConnell’s sensible comments.

When I got home from Panera I stayed home for the rest of day.

No nap today.  Spent the afternoon in office cleaning up.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed a tamale with strawberries.  Of course I had two oatmeal cookies for dessert.

After the news we watched an episode of Agatha Raisin.  

Checked front yard tonight and everything ok.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We said everything ok.


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