Thursday, February 24, 2022

February 23, 2022

 Wednesday February 23, 2022

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Today is my easy Wednesday.  Up at 0700 and did my entire calisthenics at home because on easy Wednesday I only perform at 50%.

Checked outside and despite temps in teens the roads appeared ice free.

Nancy headed out for a swim at MVP.  This afternoon she is working at Gardens.

After the calisthenics I gathered up the trash, filled up the bird feeder.  The corn was uneaten so no need for putting out corn.

After morning chores I drove to Panera.  I bought oatmeal, bagel and coffee.  I rate Panera’s oatmeal at a B-.

Checked emails, finished blog and started the papers.  Ukraine still dominates the news.  I am surprised at the GOP leaderships attack on Liz Cheney.  Any Republican who does not support Trump is my friend. 

After Panera I drove to Meijer’s.  I replenished my supply of yogurt, bananas, cookies and wine.  New State Law says I had to show my ID in order to purchase wine.  Stupid!

Nancy had already left for the Gardens when I got home.  I fixed a quick lunch and then took a short nap.

After the nap I headed to office and continued cleaning my desk.  Ordered several items from LL Bean using Christmas gift cards.  Except for the WSJ I finished my News read for the day. Finished the afternoon with a 1.33 mile walk.

For dinner tonight I had the Wednesday standby of Cheerios and fruit.  Finished meal with oatmeal cookies.

Tonight after the news we watched two episodes of “Reacher”.  I am hooked on this show.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Everything ok in CA and MI.

Checked Courtyard at 2200.  Everything quiet.  Pretty half moon, what do you call a half moon?

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