Tuesday, February 8, 2022

February 7, 2022

Monday February 7, 2022

Blog time 1120 at Panera in GR.

Up this morning at 0700.  The sun was not yet up. Sunrise is at 0748.  Temperature was a mild 25 but strong wind put wind chill in the mid teens.

Nancy said today we start our back to normal schedule after three great weeks in sunny San Jose, Ca.  Nancy headed out for her Monday morning swim at MVP.

I did my at home calisthenics at 60%.  Breakfast of oatmeal with banana before heading out to the Y.

The parking lot at the Y was full.  I was worried that I might have to wait to use a chin-up bar.  Not the case because most folks were in an organized class.

Several Y members asked me where I had been.  My standard answer was sunny Ca.  One member, a meteorologist at the airport, said I picked the perfect time to be away.  Temps were 5-10 degrees below average most of the time we were gone. 

Today I did my calisthenics, at 60%, and rode a stationary bike.  The bike is now my go to winter aerobics exercise.  It is easiest on my hip.  Quick shower and then I drove to Panera.

It was nice that several folks at Panera asked where I had been.   I gave my standard sunny Ca answer.

Comments on recent CA trip

Our main reason for going to Ca was to get out of the cold. We achieved this goal.  Sun every day.  Cool mornings, low 40s, but pleasant 60 degree afternoons.

We did not do any sight seeing. 

Daily I rode Debbie’s bike on the Los Gatos Creek trail.  I saw some interesting water birds and turtles.  The banks of Los Gatos Creek had a lot of homeless shelters.  

Tesla cars are more pronounced than either Ford or Chevy.

Nancy usually took a 3 mile walk.

Neither Nancy or I watched our diet.  I became hooked on Yum Yum donuts.  Nancy liked Debbie’s big selection of cookies.

Debbie is working from home. It might be several months before Apple employees return to office.

The cost of everything in Ca from gas to food was much higher than in GR.

Restaurants and store in CA insist on wearing mask.  We got a supply of the approved masks.

We left SJ on Friday the 4th.  The 4th is also Grand daughter Akerke’s birthday.  We did get a chance to call Akerke to wish her a Happy Birthday.

Our flights were uneventful until we went to pick up our bags in GR.  The bags were in Chicago. Bags were finally delivered to our Condo early Sunday morning.

Sunday we resumed our routine.  Church and short ride after church.

Nancy spent most of Sunday  doing laundry.

This and that:

Why won’t folks get vaccinated?  It baffles me.

Is Russia playing NATO over their actions in Ukraine?  Risky gamble.

The groundhog says six more weeks of winter. That puts winter ending near St Pat’s day.   St Pat’s day has always been my default end of winter.

President Biden’s spending programs are to costly.  

Coronavirus just won't go away.  I think we should just live with it and get on with our lives.

Saturday filled up bird feeders and put out corn for deer. Noted Sunday no takers for corn.  But last night at midnight looked out the window and 4 deer were eating corn.

Spent afternoon on several project:

Our keyless entry lock is malfunctioning.  Changing batteries did not help.  Called EPS our security firm and found that the lock is connected to our security system.  Supposedly I can actually lock the door remotely using their app on my phone.  Have to get EPS to help me get the app working.

Spent time gathering material to take to Accountant so he can do taxes.

John Krause a fellow engineer I have know since the 70s called me.  We talked for over an hour.  Will have lunch soon.

I mail the Grandkids a monthly note.  Today the note I sent to AJ came back as undeliverable.  Called Missy and she said that this is a common problem at her address.  Good Grief we cannot even rely on the USPS.

For dinner had Cheerios with strawberries.  

Watched the news and then episode 1 of a new season of “Total Offence”.  

It was 22 when checked the yard at 2130.  Everything secure.


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