Monday, February 21, 2022

February 20, 2022

Sunday February 2.0, 2022

Up this morning at 0645.  It was 19 and my weather report says it will be sunny.  Temp will reach mid 40s later today.

Drove to Biggby coffee for our Sunday coffee.  Biggby opens at 0700.  I arrived at 0705 and asked if I was first.  No I was third.

At home I fixed oatmeal to go with my coffee.  Only had time to read the comics before heading to Trinity Lutheran.

Small crowd at Church today.  Our new Associate Pastor was officially ordained today.  We attended the reception after the service.  A great selection of cookies and brownies was available.  I consumed my sugar allotment for the month.

After Church we drove west on Pearl/Lake Michigan to John Ball Zoo and then continued on to Millennium Park, Johnson Park and then home along 28th.  Total time was about 90 minutes.  

Changed clothes at home and then drove to Meijer’s.  Let Nancy off to shop and I filled the Fusion up.  Gas was $3.35.

Checked the corn supply.  The deer did not visit last night.  The deer might not be hungry but the birds sure are.  Filled the feeders twice today.

Lunch and then a short nap.

I had not been outside for any length of time in several days.  At 1700 I bundled up and took a two mile walk.  The sidewalks were dry and the sun was shining.  Perfect conditions for a winter’s walk. My average walking time for a mile was 27 minutes.  Terrible time but who cares!

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed me a poached egg on toast.  Also had a dish of blackberries. 

Called my Sister, Helen, in Tucson.  She is enjoying the nice AZ weather.  Son Jason and granddaughter Kennedy are visiting next week.  

We watched 60 minutes followed by an episode of “New Tricks”.  New Tricks is no longer on our list of favored shows. 

About 2130 I took my evening pills with prune juice.  I usually take two Motrin along with 2 MG pills every evening.

Checked the Courtyard before turning in. Everything is ok.

At midnight the pain in my hip was uncomfortable so I took two more Motrin.  It worked.

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