Tuesday, February 15, 2022

February 14, 2022

 Monday February 14, 2022

Blog time noon at Panera

Happy Valentine’s Day.  I remember in grade school my Mother would buy me a pack of Valentines enough for every person in my fourth grade class.  I would address all the cards and take them to school.  Special time was allocated by our teacher to pass out the cards.  I always gave the best card to the cute freckle faced redhead in my class.

Really overslept today, 0730.  Nancy was getting ready to leave for her Monday swim.

I did my at home calisthenics before oatmeal breakfast.  It was 5 degrees outside so I dressed warmly, i.e. long underwear.

The Y was crowded.  Luckily the members do not use the equipment I like so no waiting.  I did calisthenics and mile walk before shower.

Drove to Panera for my morning coffee.  As usual Panera was cold.

This and that:

I have told this Valentine story before but I like it:  February 1964 I was stationed in Vietnam.  My group included  four single Lieutenants.  The only Valentine card we received were from our Mothers.  Good old Mom.

President Biden is an idiot when it comes to energy policy.  The USA cannot build energy pipelines or drill for our plentiful supply of natural gas.  I understand Massachusetts imports gas. How stupid is that.

Last weekend the City of Alpena had a winter carnival.  It was very successful.  

During my youth the City also had an annual winter carnival.  The carnival was centered around a large outdoor speed skating rink.  Speed skating was a big sport in Mi.  The Michigan Outdoor Speed Skating championship was held annually in Alpena. Skaters from around the state assembled for a weekend of races.  The local figure skating club also put on a big evening show on the outdoor rink.  The whole town showed up.  

I remember annually on one winter school day afternoon classes were cancelled.  All students met at the rink for an afternoon of races.

My office on these cold days is unbearable.  After Panera I stopped at Bed Bath and Beyond and bought draft snake.  The snake is about 4’ long, cylindrical and filled with an insulating sand.  I put the snake along the bottom of our slider.  I hope this stops the cold draft.

After lunch I worked on some financial info.  Tomorrow we are meeting with our WF financial advisor.  Our purpose is to make sure our financial affairs are in order.  We don’t want the kids to have to go through probate.

The temperature today stayed in the teens.  On Wednesday and Thursday the high temps will be in 40s.

We had a simple dinner last night.  Cheerios with blueberries.  I also had a lemon cookie that Nancy bought me for Valentine’s Day.  She got it at Sugar Momma.  Very tasty.

Tonight we watched an episode of “Queens of Mystery”.  Nice light show.

Both Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Cold in Mi hot in Ca.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Noted no tracks in snow so looks like the deer will not visit tonight.

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