Sunday, February 27, 2022

February 26, 2022

 Saturday February 26, 2022.

Blog time 1630 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0700.  Quickly dressed, filled up bird feeders and then headed to the Gathering Place for breakfast. The temperature was in low 20s and will remain in the 20s all day.

Most of folks we see on Saturday mornings eating breakfast are repeat customers.  The food is very good.

After breakfast we drove to Lake Odessa, Mi.  Lake Odessa is a small village in Ionia County.  The Village has several antique stores.  Today the stores are having their “Cabin Fever Sale”.  All items are 30% off.  Because of Covid we missed the sale in 2020 and 2021.  Spent several hours looking around but did not make any purchases.

At home Nancy started the laundry.  I started checking emails and reading the local news.

After lunch  I spent time in office printing off forms for our taxes.  Think I have everything needed to take to our tax accountant.  Our accountant is located on Tahoe within walking distance of our Condo.  You know it is tax season because lately on Saturdays their parking lot is full.

Finished the afternoon with a mile walk.

For dinner tonight we cleared our refrigerator of left overs.  To night we watched an episode of Vera.

Checked Courtyard at 2100 and noted deer tracks in the snow.  Tomorrow I expect to see the corn cobs put out today cleaned of kernels.

We headed to bed about 2100.  Received a joint FaceTime call from both Debbie and Alessandra.  They were amused that us old folks were going to bed so early.  

Technology is great when we can have a three way video call between Long Beach and San Jose, Ca and GR, Mi.  The sound and video were great.

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