Monday, February 28, 2022

February 27, 2022

Sunday February 27, 2022

Blog time 1900 sitting in living room.

Up this morning at 0700.  Dressed and headed out to Biggby to get our morning coffee.  

The temperature was 30 and will remain in the 30s all day.

Oatmeal with banana for breakfast. 

Left for Trinity Lutheran at 0845.  Church was crowded today.  Trinity this week lifted their mask mandate.  Good news for most parishioners.

After church we made a dry run to the Mid Towne Medical Center.  Tomorrow I have a 1400 appointment at Mid Towne.  Hope I get more info on hip.

We then took a short drive.  North up Beltline to Knapp, east on Knapp to Pettis, south on Pettis to Fulton and then headed to the Cascade Meijer’s.  Bought supplies before heading home.

We enjoy our Sunday morning drives.  Today was no exception. Nice winter’s day.

At home filled up bird feeders and put out more corn for deer.  Before lunch checked my email.  Nothing important.

Light lunch followed by nap.  Spent the rest of afternoon reading the GRP.  The GRP is a failure as a local paper.  Most of the stories are pulled from wire services.  We get our local news from our local NBC TV station.  

For dinner tonight I had toast with peanut butter.  Trying to lose weight.  In the past three months I have gone from 150 to 157 pounds.  

We watched several episodes of 60 Minutes before switching to Netflix.  Tonight we watched episode 1 of a Harlan Coben written mystery “Stay Close”.  So far so good.

Just before dinner I looked out back slider and saw 4 deer in the back yard.  They were eating corn I had put out earlier.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Everything secure.  

Sunday, February 27, 2022

February 26, 2022

 Saturday February 26, 2022.

Blog time 1630 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0700.  Quickly dressed, filled up bird feeders and then headed to the Gathering Place for breakfast. The temperature was in low 20s and will remain in the 20s all day.

Most of folks we see on Saturday mornings eating breakfast are repeat customers.  The food is very good.

After breakfast we drove to Lake Odessa, Mi.  Lake Odessa is a small village in Ionia County.  The Village has several antique stores.  Today the stores are having their “Cabin Fever Sale”.  All items are 30% off.  Because of Covid we missed the sale in 2020 and 2021.  Spent several hours looking around but did not make any purchases.

At home Nancy started the laundry.  I started checking emails and reading the local news.

After lunch  I spent time in office printing off forms for our taxes.  Think I have everything needed to take to our tax accountant.  Our accountant is located on Tahoe within walking distance of our Condo.  You know it is tax season because lately on Saturdays their parking lot is full.

Finished the afternoon with a mile walk.

For dinner tonight we cleared our refrigerator of left overs.  To night we watched an episode of Vera.

Checked Courtyard at 2100 and noted deer tracks in the snow.  Tomorrow I expect to see the corn cobs put out today cleaned of kernels.

We headed to bed about 2100.  Received a joint FaceTime call from both Debbie and Alessandra.  They were amused that us old folks were going to bed so early.  

Technology is great when we can have a three way video call between Long Beach and San Jose, Ca and GR, Mi.  The sound and video were great.

Saturday, February 26, 2022

February 25, 2022

 Friday February 25, 2022

Blog time 1150 at Panera

Up at 0700.  We had a nice layer of snow overnight.  About 1.5”.  Our drive was already plowed.  I shoveled the courtyard walk.  Bright sun with temperature of 18. Nice winter’s day.

Nancy headed out at 0800 for her Friday swim.  Later She is having lunch with Carol Masten and Beckie Verker at Schuler’s Book.

Started the day with at home calisthenics, followed by filling up bird feeders.  Breakfast and then left for the Y at 0830.

The classes at the Y today were full.  The body pump classes are very popular.  They look like a great work out.

I just did some calisthenics and a 15 minute ride on the stationary bike.  Shower and headed to Panera.

At Panera I read local paper, checked email and finished yesterday’s blog.  Left Panera at 1230.  Nancy was still at lunch.  I feed the birds and then had lunch.

After lunch I worked on taxes before taking a late afternoon nap.

After the nap I called JT’s pizza and ordered a medium ham and pineapple pizza.  JT’s parking lot was full both with dine in and take out customers.

We watched the news while consuming the pizza.  Today we watched a Netflix movie.  It was called “Foreigner” starring Jackie Chan and Pierce Brosnan.  I liked it.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.

Checked Courtyard before bed and everything was quiet.  

This and that:

Several men at the Y are deadlifting over 450 pounds.  Several women can deadline 250# +. That is major league strong.  

I am not a fan of camouflage clothes on women.

Our Governor is up for reelection this year.  She won’t get my vote but the GOP competition is unimpressive. 

Gas prices are still below $4 in MI.

The Alpena News this morning had a photo and story of a man who owns a trucking company.  He was putting a big USA flag on his truck.  He is joining the group of truckers heading to Washington DC.  He said nobody should tell him to wear a mask or get vaccinated and he is protesting.  I don’t get this logic.

I think we should make a stronger response to Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.  How about NATO threatening air support or a naval blockade?


Friday, February 25, 2022

February 24, 2022

 Thursday February 24, 2022

Blog time noon at Panera

Up this morning at 0700.  My iPad kept flashing news of Russia attacking Ukraine.  Not good news.

At home calisthenics before breakfast.  Filled up the bird feeders.  The corn in the backyard was untouched.  The temp was in teens so I bundled up before driving to Y.

Nancy left 30 minutes before me to attend a class at MVP.

Kim will be here this morning to clean.  First time in several months.

Once again the Y’s parking lot was full but the individual work out areas were empty.

Calisthenics and rode stationary bike before shower. Drove to Panera for coffee and bagel.  Got out iPad and 

1. read the Alpena News 

2. Checked emails 

3. finished yesterday’s blog and started todays.

Left Panera at 1215

At home Nancy and I headed to the strip mall at the end of 28th Street.  Nancy visited the Dollar Tree and I bought another bag of bird seed at Chow Hound.

This afternoon Nancy has a 1400 PT appointment.  Her foot doctor prescribed physical therapy for her foot and leg.

Quick lunch and then filled bird feeders.  I also picked up corn cobs that had been picked clean and put out new cobs. The area where I put the cobs is steep.  Today I slipped on the ice, no damage. 

The temperature was in mid 20s but the sidewalks and roads were dry.  I pumped up the tires on the Cannondale and took a short bike ride.  It felt good.  I have major league Spring Fever.

No nap today.  Finished the afternoon reading the papers.

Nancy fixed chicken noodle soup for dinner.  Also had a dish of strawberries.  

The news tonight had sketchy reports from the Ukraine.  The President did make a TV address this afternoon.  Kind of tepid.

Tonight we finished the last two episodes of Reacher.  Liked this show.  

Checked Courtyard at 2200 and everything was clear.

Thursday, February 24, 2022

February 23, 2022

 Wednesday February 23, 2022

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Today is my easy Wednesday.  Up at 0700 and did my entire calisthenics at home because on easy Wednesday I only perform at 50%.

Checked outside and despite temps in teens the roads appeared ice free.

Nancy headed out for a swim at MVP.  This afternoon she is working at Gardens.

After the calisthenics I gathered up the trash, filled up the bird feeder.  The corn was uneaten so no need for putting out corn.

After morning chores I drove to Panera.  I bought oatmeal, bagel and coffee.  I rate Panera’s oatmeal at a B-.

Checked emails, finished blog and started the papers.  Ukraine still dominates the news.  I am surprised at the GOP leaderships attack on Liz Cheney.  Any Republican who does not support Trump is my friend. 

After Panera I drove to Meijer’s.  I replenished my supply of yogurt, bananas, cookies and wine.  New State Law says I had to show my ID in order to purchase wine.  Stupid!

Nancy had already left for the Gardens when I got home.  I fixed a quick lunch and then took a short nap.

After the nap I headed to office and continued cleaning my desk.  Ordered several items from LL Bean using Christmas gift cards.  Except for the WSJ I finished my News read for the day. Finished the afternoon with a 1.33 mile walk.

For dinner tonight I had the Wednesday standby of Cheerios and fruit.  Finished meal with oatmeal cookies.

Tonight after the news we watched two episodes of “Reacher”.  I am hooked on this show.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Everything ok in CA and MI.

Checked Courtyard at 2200.  Everything quiet.  Pretty half moon, what do you call a half moon?

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

February 22, 2022

Tuesday February 22, 2022 or 22222

Blog time 1100 on Wednesday the 23rd.  Yes I am a day late.

Up at 0700.  Checked outside and it was raining with temps in 30s.

Days activities:

Calisthenics and breakfast.

Standard routine at Y.

At Panera read papers, emails and finished yesterday’s blog.

Nancy and I left home at 1300 and drove through heavy rain to Attorney’s office in Hudsonville.  We had to sign some trust papers and have them witnessed.

At home checked main bird feeder.  The squirrels had opened the lid allowing rainwater in.  It ruined the seed.  I emptied, cleaned and hung up to dry.

Last night the deer ate all the corn I had set out.  Why do I pick up more cobs than I put out?

Late lunch and then a nap.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed Cod with vegetables and strawberries.

Watched the news.  No strong opinions from commentators  on President Biden’s sanctions on Russia.  I think it should have been stronger.  Putin does not fear us.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  

Tonight we watched two episodes of  “Reacher”.

Checked Courtyard at 2200 everything ok.

Heard a noise on our deck at 2300.  Turned on deck light and the deck was empty.  I did see a deer very close to the house.  

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

February 21, 2022

 Monday February 21, 2022

Up this morning at 0645.  Temperature was in mid 30s.  The weather folks say high of 41 today with rain tonight.

Today is President’s Day.  The schools, banks are closed today. Also no mail.

Today is Nancy’s swim day at MVP.  I did the at home calisthenics before my oatmeal breakfast.  Dressed and headed to Y.  

With many offices and schools closed today the Y was crowded. Calisthenics and 15 minutes on stationary bike before showering.  Dressed and headed to Panera.

Bought coffee and baguette before starting morning read.  First thing, I checked the Detroit News for an article about yesterday’s Michigan vs Wisconsin BB game.  Michigan’s coach Howard lost his cool and became physical after the game.  The News thinks that Howard should be suspended or fired.  I think fired.

Headed home at noon.  At home I dropped off my gym clothes.  

I have major league Spring Fever.  I took the bike seat post off my Cannondale bike. This bike has steel studded tire so I can ride it on late winter days when most snow is gone.  I have more control of my bike when my feet easily reach the ground. I will take the seat post to ACE Hardware and see if they can cut 1.5” off the post.

First stop before ACE was Macatawa Bank.  I was surprised that it was open.  I got money for Kim who cleans on Thursday.

Showed my bike post to the ACE man and asked if he could remove 1.5”.  His reply was no problem. 5 minutes later he had the project done.  It cost me $1.50.

At home I put the shortened post on the bike and took it for a spin.  Perfect!

Before lunch I filled the bird feeders.  Put out corn for deer and picked up cobs.

Lunch and then headed down to office.  Spent the afternoon cleaning up.  I also ordered license tags for the Focus and Escape.

Before dinner I walked to post box to mail the license application. 

Dinner tonight was Cheerios with blackberries and toast w/peanut butter.  Nothing like Cheerios and peanut butter.  American staples.

Both Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Missy had just arrived home from her weekend visit with Debbie. 

Tonight we watched a very old British mystery about a Grandmother who works as a private detective.  Not very good.

Usually I comment on my late evening check of the Courtyard.  I usually see nothing.  Tonight when I checked I encountered five deer not more that 20 feet from me.  Made my day.

Monday, February 21, 2022

February 20, 2022

Sunday February 2.0, 2022

Up this morning at 0645.  It was 19 and my weather report says it will be sunny.  Temp will reach mid 40s later today.

Drove to Biggby coffee for our Sunday coffee.  Biggby opens at 0700.  I arrived at 0705 and asked if I was first.  No I was third.

At home I fixed oatmeal to go with my coffee.  Only had time to read the comics before heading to Trinity Lutheran.

Small crowd at Church today.  Our new Associate Pastor was officially ordained today.  We attended the reception after the service.  A great selection of cookies and brownies was available.  I consumed my sugar allotment for the month.

After Church we drove west on Pearl/Lake Michigan to John Ball Zoo and then continued on to Millennium Park, Johnson Park and then home along 28th.  Total time was about 90 minutes.  

Changed clothes at home and then drove to Meijer’s.  Let Nancy off to shop and I filled the Fusion up.  Gas was $3.35.

Checked the corn supply.  The deer did not visit last night.  The deer might not be hungry but the birds sure are.  Filled the feeders twice today.

Lunch and then a short nap.

I had not been outside for any length of time in several days.  At 1700 I bundled up and took a two mile walk.  The sidewalks were dry and the sun was shining.  Perfect conditions for a winter’s walk. My average walking time for a mile was 27 minutes.  Terrible time but who cares!

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed me a poached egg on toast.  Also had a dish of blackberries. 

Called my Sister, Helen, in Tucson.  She is enjoying the nice AZ weather.  Son Jason and granddaughter Kennedy are visiting next week.  

We watched 60 minutes followed by an episode of “New Tricks”.  New Tricks is no longer on our list of favored shows. 

About 2130 I took my evening pills with prune juice.  I usually take two Motrin along with 2 MG pills every evening.

Checked the Courtyard before turning in. Everything is ok.

At midnight the pain in my hip was uncomfortable so I took two more Motrin.  It worked.

Sunday, February 20, 2022

February 19, 2022

 Saturday February 19, 2022

Up this morning at 0730.  It was 12 degrees with high winds making the wind chill -7. 

We had about 1” of new snow last night.  I cleaned snow off bird feeders and replenished seed.

Our Condo snow crew had just finished cleaning the walks and drive when we left house at 0730.

We drove to “The Gathering Place” for our breakfast.  Oatmeal for me and Western Omelette for Nancy.  We also had raisin toast.  As always the restaurant was warm and cozy.

After breakfast we took a ride through our winter wonderland.  We have had several sunny days.  We ended up at Rivertown Mall.  Nancy bought a sweatshirt at Kohls and I bought lined pants at Eddie Bauer.

On way home we stopped at the strip mall at end of 28th Street.  I visited the Chow Hound and bought more birdseed.  Nancy bought several items at Dollar Tree.

Finished Saturday’s outing by filling up the Escape at Meijer’s.  Gas was $3.34.

Because of high winds making wind chill in the teens I stayed inside the rest of the day.  We have been having high winds almost daily. 

After a quick lunch I spent time in office trying to clear my desk.  I was unsuccessful.  

Finished the afternoon with a nap.

This evening I had a very light dinner.  Yogurt with a pice of toast.

We watched the news and then switched to Acorn.  Watched two episodes of “The Queens of Mystery”.

Checked Courtyard at 2200.  No deer tracks were seen so today’s corn will remain uneaten. 

This and that:

We had not heard from Missy in several days so I FaceTimed her.  Much to my surprise she was visiting Debbie.  Great to see the family together.

We have not watched any of NBC’s coverage of the Olympics.

The Ukraine dominates our news.  I hope President Biden does not let Putin push him around.

More and more schools are getting rid of mask mandates.  Good news.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

February 18, 2022

 Friday February 18, 2022

Blog time noon at Panera

Last night about 0300 I heard a noise in our Courtyard.  Checked and it was the snow removal crew from the Condo Association.  They cleaned sidewalk and drive.

Up this morning at 0700.  It was 16.  Sunrise today 0733.  

Nancy headed out early for her morning swim at MVP.  Later today she has an appointment with her foot doctor.

Followed normal at home routine and then left for the Y.  All the classes at the Y were full.  Showered and headed for Panera.

After getting my coffee and baguette I stated my morning reading.  Left Panera at noon.

Rest or afternoon’s activities:


Feed the birds and deer

Wrote monthly note to Grandkids.

Made appointment with security firm to get our door lock fixed.  Also a Tuesday afternoon appointment to meet with Attorney to sign some Estate papers.

It was cold and windy all day so I stayed inside.  I use to make an effort to get 20 minutes outside every day.  This policy has gone by the wayside.  My bones and sinuses cannot take the cold.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed bean soup with blueberries.  It was good.

Tonight we watched a new show on Netflix called the “Young Wallander”.  We gave it a C+.

It was snowing and windy when checked Courtyard before going to bed.  I don’t think the deer will be visiting.

Friday, February 18, 2022

February 17, 2022

Thursday February 17, 2022

Blog time 1630 sitting in living room

Up at 0700 this morning.  Checked outside and the temperature had dropped to 30.  Twenty degree temperature change from yesterday.

Nancy thinks her iPad is not working properly.  Her background is very dark like she has a weak battery.  Agreed to drive her to the Apple store after the Y.  She might need a new iPad.  Put Debbie on notice.

At home calisthenics followed by oatmeal w/banana breakfast.  Drove to the Y.  Calisthenics, 16 minutes on stationary bike before shower.  

After Y drove to Panera got my coffee and baguette before settling down.  This morning I brought my mini because I was not going to do any typing.  After reading my emails and the Alpena News I packed up.

Nancy said she still thinks she has a weak battery.  We drove to Apple Store.  Told the greeter our problem and he showed us how to lighten up the background.  It was very simple.  I was embarrassed that I did not know how to change background lighting or use “settings”.

On way home we stopped at Fidelity.  At home I could not get our statement to print.  No problem at Fidelity.  He ran a copy for  us using the same screen I could not get to print at home.  Will have to check my printer connections at home.

Dropped Nancy off at home.  I then drove to Meijer’s to get some supplies.

Lunch and then feed the birds and deer.  Last night the deer finally visited.  They were hungry because the cobs were stripped clean.

For the rest of the afternoon I worked on taxes.

Nancy had a busy day of the phone.  

Before dinner Kathy Kothe called from Indiana.  They talked for an hour.  I think they got caught up.

For dinner we drove to Shepard’s Grill.  Nancy had a bowl of pea soup and I had a Lake Perch sandwich.  We were surprised at how empty the place was.  I like Shepard’s Grill it has a nice neighborhood bar atmosphere.

After dinner Nancy’s college friend Karen Horlings called from Fl.  Once again Nancy talked for nearly an hour.  I think they also got caught up.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report.

Tonight we watched an episode of Reacher on Prime.

It was snowing when checked the Courtyard at 2200.  


Thursday, February 17, 2022

February 16, 2022

 Wednesday February 16, 2022

Blog time 1900 sitting in Den

Up at 0525.  Today I have breakfast club.

Left home at 0615.

Stopped at Biggby for a coffee.  The baristas gave me a free cup.

Small crowd at BC.  The speakers were two BC members who talked on the recent merger of two large hospital systems.  One in GR, Spectrum, and the other in the Detroit, Beaumont.  One speaker was a Doctor and the other an executive with the local health alliance.  Great talk.  Hospitals are big business and the speakers were against the merger.

After BC I drove to Cabella’s to look around.   Bought nothing.

I wanted to visit Eddie Bauer in Rivertown Mall.  It was 0930 and all the entrances were blocked.  Mall opens at 1000.  Woodland Mall will let walkers in before the Mall opens.  Rivertown is not walker friendly.

Drove to Panera and got coffee and a scone.  Finished yesterday’s blog and read some news.

At home Nancy was upset because she could not find her Social Security card.  She looked everywhere.  I thought it might be in our lockbox at Macatawa Bank.  Drove to the bank and sure enough the card was in box.

This afternoon Nancy worked at the Gardens.  The Butterflies Exhibit is starting soon.  In fact some have already arrived.

This afternoon I fed the birds and deer.  Took out recyclables and trash.  Also did a load of laundry.

I did find time for a short nap.

The weather remained in 40s all day.  Snow is goin fast.

We had Cheerios with blueberries for dinner tonight. Watched NBC news and part of Shepard Smith on CNBC. 

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  AJ has missed several days of school because of winter flu.  

Tonight we watched an episode of Republic of Doyle.  

It was raining when checked Courtyard at 2200.  

Looked out bedroom slider at 2300 and noted three deer eating corn.  It was raining hard but the weather did not deter them.  Must be hungry.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

February 15, 2022

 Tuesday February 15, 2022

Blog time 1230 sitting in living room

Up this morning at 0700.  The temperature was 18 with light snow.

Nancy headed out early for her class at MVP.  I did the at home calisthenics before my oatmeal with banana breakfast.

Drove to the Y.  Light crowd at Y.  This week I am finally back to 100% of my calisthenics routine.  I also rode 3 miles on stationary bike and walked 0.6 miles.  Showered and headed to Panera.  Not many folks at Panera, maybe because it is so cold.

After getting my coffee and baguette I checked emails and morning news.  Russia vs Ukraine still dominates.

At noon I packed up and headed home.  This afternoon we have a 1400 meeting with our Wells Fargo Advisor.  Quick lunch before heading to WF.  

Our meeting went well.  Our main concern was avoiding probate.  It look like we are ok.  

Tonight Nancy fixed Shepard’s Pie for dinner.  It was good.

After the news watched final episode of “Queens of Mystery”.  We rated the show as very good.

Checked Courtyard at 2200.  Everything ok.  The temperature will stay above freezing for the next couple of days.  

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

February 14, 2022

 Monday February 14, 2022

Blog time noon at Panera

Happy Valentine’s Day.  I remember in grade school my Mother would buy me a pack of Valentines enough for every person in my fourth grade class.  I would address all the cards and take them to school.  Special time was allocated by our teacher to pass out the cards.  I always gave the best card to the cute freckle faced redhead in my class.

Really overslept today, 0730.  Nancy was getting ready to leave for her Monday swim.

I did my at home calisthenics before oatmeal breakfast.  It was 5 degrees outside so I dressed warmly, i.e. long underwear.

The Y was crowded.  Luckily the members do not use the equipment I like so no waiting.  I did calisthenics and mile walk before shower.

Drove to Panera for my morning coffee.  As usual Panera was cold.

This and that:

I have told this Valentine story before but I like it:  February 1964 I was stationed in Vietnam.  My group included  four single Lieutenants.  The only Valentine card we received were from our Mothers.  Good old Mom.

President Biden is an idiot when it comes to energy policy.  The USA cannot build energy pipelines or drill for our plentiful supply of natural gas.  I understand Massachusetts imports gas. How stupid is that.

Last weekend the City of Alpena had a winter carnival.  It was very successful.  

During my youth the City also had an annual winter carnival.  The carnival was centered around a large outdoor speed skating rink.  Speed skating was a big sport in Mi.  The Michigan Outdoor Speed Skating championship was held annually in Alpena. Skaters from around the state assembled for a weekend of races.  The local figure skating club also put on a big evening show on the outdoor rink.  The whole town showed up.  

I remember annually on one winter school day afternoon classes were cancelled.  All students met at the rink for an afternoon of races.

My office on these cold days is unbearable.  After Panera I stopped at Bed Bath and Beyond and bought draft snake.  The snake is about 4’ long, cylindrical and filled with an insulating sand.  I put the snake along the bottom of our slider.  I hope this stops the cold draft.

After lunch I worked on some financial info.  Tomorrow we are meeting with our WF financial advisor.  Our purpose is to make sure our financial affairs are in order.  We don’t want the kids to have to go through probate.

The temperature today stayed in the teens.  On Wednesday and Thursday the high temps will be in 40s.

We had a simple dinner last night.  Cheerios with blueberries.  I also had a lemon cookie that Nancy bought me for Valentine’s Day.  She got it at Sugar Momma.  Very tasty.

Tonight we watched an episode of “Queens of Mystery”.  Nice light show.

Both Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Cold in Mi hot in Ca.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Noted no tracks in snow so looks like the deer will not visit tonight.

Monday, February 14, 2022

February 13, 2022

 Sunday February 13, 2022

Blog time 2030 sitting in living room watching Super Bowl.

Up this morning at 0630.  Quickly dressed and drove to Biggby coffee to get our morning brew.   

The temperature was 14 and will remain in teens all day.  Typical February weather.

At home fixed my morning oatmeal with a banana.  At 0845 we headed to Trinity Lutheran for their 0915 service.

Light turnout at Church.   However, the folks watching the Service via zoom is substantial, 500-600.

After the service we took a short ride.  Drove to Lowell on Fulton and headed home on Grand River.  The sun came out making it a nice winter’s drive.  

Checked the corn I set out yesterday and it was untouched.  However, the bird seed is another story.  Both feeder were almost empty.  I made a quick run to Chow Hound to get another 18# bag of seed.

We have a great variety of birds feeding.  I keep a bird book in the living room so I can identify the various species.

I needed some outdoor time so I bundled up and took a 1.66 mile walk.  The temp was 14 with little wind so the walk was bearable.

After the walk, lunch and then a short nap.

After the nap I read the paper edition of the GRP and finished yesterday’s blog.  Read Apple News on iPad.  

For dinner tonight I had two poached eggs on waffle.  Also coleslaw and blueberries.  Nancy had a piece of buttered toast.

We watched the 1800 news on ABC.  At 1830 switched to NBC to watch Super Bowl.  

Much to my surprise I watched the entire game.  It was good and I liked the outcome.

The temperature was in single digits when I checked Courtyard just before bed.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

February 12, 2022

 February 12, 2022

Blog time 1730 sitting in living room.

Happy Birthday Abe:  today as most school kids know is President Lincoln’s birthday.  It was a big deal at McPhee Elementary.  We cut out black silhouettes of President Lincoln’s profile and pasted them on white paper.  The good ones got posted on the Bulletin Board.  Mine never made it.  I have problems using scissors and paste.  Most left handed folks do.

Up this morning at 0700.  It was a cool 17.  Temperature will remain in teens all day.  Another dark gloomy day.

We had breakfast this morning at the Gathering Place.  Nancy had her Western Omelette with raisin toast.  I had oatmeal with scrambled egg and raisin toast.  Same menu every week.  Good food.

Took a short ride after breakfast.  At home Nancy started the laundry.

My morning activities:

Finished completing questionnaire for LB Poly BB team.

Filled bird feeders and put out corn for deer.

Got the Escape washed.

At Meijer’s purchased supplies.

Tomorrow is the 13th.  Usually on the 13th I purchase lottery tickets.  However, I do not gamble on the sabbath so I purchased 2 tickets today for Nancy.

Filled the Escape up.

Stopped at Panera and got our morning coffee.

Quick lunch and then spent time checking checking emails and reading Saturday papers.  Not much in papers.

Found time this afternoon for a nap.  For dinner Nancy fixed French Onion soup with coleslaw and strawberries.

Debbie FaceTimed tonight.  It is hot in San Jose.

Tonight we watched a new show on BritBox called “Murder They Hope”.  We both gave is an E.  It was terrible.

Temperature was in teens when checked Courtyard at 2130.

Cold continues tomorrow.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

February 11, 2022

 Friday February 11, 2022

Blog time 1150 sitting in Panera.

Up this morning at 0715.  The temperature was 32.  Checked outside and new snow.

I stepped outside to unlock the garage door.  Because of recent car muffler thefts in area I have taken to locking the garage before bed.

The snow was wet and 5” deep.  It was a cardiac snow.  Happily the drive was recently cleared.  All I had to do was shovel the sidewalk.

Nancy headed out early for her Friday swim at MVP.  Later she is attending Book Club at Moleski’s.

At home calisthenics and then oatmeal breakfast.  Drove to Y and was surprised the parking lot was jammed.  Asked the attendant why the crowd and she said all the schools in the area are closed because of last night’s snow.  What a bunch of sissies!

Calisthenics, short ride on stationary cycle before showering and heading to Panera.  

It is now noon and I am heading to Meijer’s to pick up prescriptions and buy bananas.  Meijer’s was crowded.   Looked like folks buying snacks for Super Bowl parties.

At home I fixed a light lunch.  Filled the bird feeders and put out corn for deer.  

Started working on questionnaire for Grandson Lucas’s baseball team.  The questionnaire asked our evaluation of companies we do business with.  We must do 50 evaluations.  

Nancy completed her 50 today.  I completed only 40 but will finish on Saturday.  

Nancy led the discussion at Book Club. She said it went well.

This and that:

Will Putin invade the Ukraine.  He is making our President look weak.

With the cold weather we have been having lately I want to know “what happened to Global Warming”.

Usually during winter months I see rabbits in neighborhood foraging for food.  They are missing this winter. 

Speaking of rabbits a lot of my high school friends loved winter rabbit hunting.  I have gone rabbit hunting but with little success.

My favorite outdoor recreation during winter months was playing hockey.  We played outdoor of course.  The City of Alpena maintained several ice rinks around the city.  I played seven days a week.

I finished the afternoon with a short nap.

This evening Nancy fixed me a pork chop with dressing.  Very good.

After the news we watched the first episode of Reacher on Prime.  The jury is still out.

Debbie and Missy Facetimed this evening.  It is hot in Ca and cold in Mi.

Checked courtyard before bed and everything ok.


Friday, February 11, 2022

February 10, 2022

 Thursday February 10, 2022

Blog time 1700 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0700.  Nancy was up before me and headed out for her early morning class at MVP.

Today was another yucky day.  Temps in 30s with humidity.

I did the at home calisthenics before breakfast.  Drove to the Y.

I was surprised at how busy the Y was on a Thursday.  Most of the members were attending a class.  I have never attended a class at any health club.

Performed calisthenics, 28 minutes, and rode stationary bike for 16 minutes.  Showered and drove to Panera.

Got my coffee and baguette before sitting down for some reading.  Left Panera at noon.  

At home I picked up Nancy and drove to D&W so she could get some veggies.  We need our veggies.

Quick lunch and then I made a quick trip to Costco.

Helped Nancy print out some material for tomorrow’s Book Club.  

Veronica sent us a questionnaire for the Long Beach Poly baseball team.  It is a fund raiser.  I had to call Veronica to have her help me get started.  

For dinner tonight we drove to Sundance Grill.  I had fish and chips and a glass of wine.  Nancy had a sandwich.  Sundance was empty.

At home we spent time working on the Long Beach Poly questionnaire.  Finished the evening watching “Sister Boniface” on BritBox.  I slept through the entire show.

The temperature was 32 when checked the Courtyard at 2200.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

February 9, 2022

Blog time 1600 sitting in office

Once again slept in until 0730.  Nancy was already up and heading out to her Wednesday morning swim at MVP.

Today is my easy day so no Y.  Did my calisthenic routine at home.  Of course I did it at 50%.

This morning I walked to Panera.  Ordered oatmeal, coffee and a scone.  

At 1000 Nancy stopped at Panera for her morning coffee.  We both got in the Escape and drove to Costco.  

We also stopped at Meijer’s to pick up Nancy’s prescription.  It was not yet available.  Will stop by tomorrow.

At home I gathered up trash and recyclables.  Tomorrow is pickup day.   Also did a load of laundry.

Nancy had a 1500 appointment with ENT doctor today.

I checked the corn I put out yesterday and found it was untouched.  Something is spooking the deer.

Finished the afternoon with a mile walk.  I had to walk in street because the sidewalks were not cleared.

Dinner tonight was Cheerios with strawberries. Tonight Nancy headed to bed early.  I stayed up and watched a documentary on WWII.  It was very interesting.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  

Checked Courtyard at 2200.  Noted no deer tracks.  Temperature was 32.

At midnight looked out window and saw two deer eating corn.  Good news!

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

February 8, 2022

Tuesday February 8, 2022

Blog time noon at Panera

Slept in today until 0730.  Nancy was already up and heading out to a class at MVP.  

Did my at home calisthenics followed by oatmeal breakfast before heading to Y.  The Y was nearly empty today.  Most folks must be on a MWF schedule.

After workout showered and then headed to Panera.  Ordered coffee and baguette before setting down for my morning read.

This and that:

I have not been watching the Olympics.  No interest.

Inflation is up.  Why is the stock market doing so well?

The political news has gotten so partisan that I don’t read except in WSJ.  

The GOP party is insane to censure Rep. Cheney of Wy.  Glad to hear Senator McConnell’s sensible comments.

When I got home from Panera I stayed home for the rest of day.

No nap today.  Spent the afternoon in office cleaning up.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed a tamale with strawberries.  Of course I had two oatmeal cookies for dessert.

After the news we watched an episode of Agatha Raisin.  

Checked front yard tonight and everything ok.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We said everything ok.


Tuesday, February 8, 2022

February 7, 2022

Monday February 7, 2022

Blog time 1120 at Panera in GR.

Up this morning at 0700.  The sun was not yet up. Sunrise is at 0748.  Temperature was a mild 25 but strong wind put wind chill in the mid teens.

Nancy said today we start our back to normal schedule after three great weeks in sunny San Jose, Ca.  Nancy headed out for her Monday morning swim at MVP.

I did my at home calisthenics at 60%.  Breakfast of oatmeal with banana before heading out to the Y.

The parking lot at the Y was full.  I was worried that I might have to wait to use a chin-up bar.  Not the case because most folks were in an organized class.

Several Y members asked me where I had been.  My standard answer was sunny Ca.  One member, a meteorologist at the airport, said I picked the perfect time to be away.  Temps were 5-10 degrees below average most of the time we were gone. 

Today I did my calisthenics, at 60%, and rode a stationary bike.  The bike is now my go to winter aerobics exercise.  It is easiest on my hip.  Quick shower and then I drove to Panera.

It was nice that several folks at Panera asked where I had been.   I gave my standard sunny Ca answer.

Comments on recent CA trip

Our main reason for going to Ca was to get out of the cold. We achieved this goal.  Sun every day.  Cool mornings, low 40s, but pleasant 60 degree afternoons.

We did not do any sight seeing. 

Daily I rode Debbie’s bike on the Los Gatos Creek trail.  I saw some interesting water birds and turtles.  The banks of Los Gatos Creek had a lot of homeless shelters.  

Tesla cars are more pronounced than either Ford or Chevy.

Nancy usually took a 3 mile walk.

Neither Nancy or I watched our diet.  I became hooked on Yum Yum donuts.  Nancy liked Debbie’s big selection of cookies.

Debbie is working from home. It might be several months before Apple employees return to office.

The cost of everything in Ca from gas to food was much higher than in GR.

Restaurants and store in CA insist on wearing mask.  We got a supply of the approved masks.

We left SJ on Friday the 4th.  The 4th is also Grand daughter Akerke’s birthday.  We did get a chance to call Akerke to wish her a Happy Birthday.

Our flights were uneventful until we went to pick up our bags in GR.  The bags were in Chicago. Bags were finally delivered to our Condo early Sunday morning.

Sunday we resumed our routine.  Church and short ride after church.

Nancy spent most of Sunday  doing laundry.

This and that:

Why won’t folks get vaccinated?  It baffles me.

Is Russia playing NATO over their actions in Ukraine?  Risky gamble.

The groundhog says six more weeks of winter. That puts winter ending near St Pat’s day.   St Pat’s day has always been my default end of winter.

President Biden’s spending programs are to costly.  

Coronavirus just won't go away.  I think we should just live with it and get on with our lives.

Saturday filled up bird feeders and put out corn for deer. Noted Sunday no takers for corn.  But last night at midnight looked out the window and 4 deer were eating corn.

Spent afternoon on several project:

Our keyless entry lock is malfunctioning.  Changing batteries did not help.  Called EPS our security firm and found that the lock is connected to our security system.  Supposedly I can actually lock the door remotely using their app on my phone.  Have to get EPS to help me get the app working.

Spent time gathering material to take to Accountant so he can do taxes.

John Krause a fellow engineer I have know since the 70s called me.  We talked for over an hour.  Will have lunch soon.

I mail the Grandkids a monthly note.  Today the note I sent to AJ came back as undeliverable.  Called Missy and she said that this is a common problem at her address.  Good Grief we cannot even rely on the USPS.

For dinner had Cheerios with strawberries.  

Watched the news and then episode 1 of a new season of “Total Offence”.  

It was 22 when checked the yard at 2130.  Everything secure.


Wednesday, February 2, 2022

February 2, 2022

 Wednesday February 2, 2022

Blog time 1630 sitting in Debbies living room.

NOTICE:  I am taking a short vacation.  Will restart blog on Monday February 7.

February 1, 2022

 Tuesday February 1, 2022

Blog time 1445 sitting in Debbies kitchen.

Up with 0630 alarm this morning.  Debbie has an early morning meeting so Nancy and I are taking Violet for her morning walk.

It was cold, 38, so we dressed for the weather.  Walked 1.5 miles.

At home I fixed cheerios with banana for breakfast.  After I sat on couch and immediately feel asleep.  Good grief I slept for 2 hours.  

After my nap I walked to YumYum Donuts and got our morning coffee and some glazed donuts.  The store gave me a carrier so the walk home was easy.

We had a scheduled lunch with an old Alpena friend Fred Weber on Wednesday.  However, Fred has cataract surgery today and I developed have sniffles overnight so I called and canceled.  Don’t want to infect Fred.  This afternoon Nancy and I walked Violet.

Yogurt lunch.  Spent the afternoon reading.  Today is an easy day.  Want to get rid of sniffles.

Took afternoon nap.  I accompanied Debbie on her evening walk with Violet.

After the news and Jeopardy we switched to BritBox and watched and episode of “McDonald and Dodds”.  We all liked the show.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

January 31, 2022

 Monday January 31, 2022

Blog time 1130 sitting in Debbie’s kitchen

Slept in until 0700.  Nancy was on a walk and Debbie just got back from walking Violet.

Nancy walked 3 miles this morning.  Way to go Nancy.

I dressed and walked to Yum Yum Donuts.  I bought two old fashion donuts and a coffee.  Did some reading on my mini iPad.  Bought Nancy a coffee and Debbie some glazed donuts before heading home.

At home Nancy and I took a short trip to CVS looking for special masks, not available.  Whole Foods was right next door so we loaded up on fresh fruit.  Nancy learned that since she is an Amazon Prime member she is eligible for a discount.  Whole Foods is owned by Amazon.  Good news since a Whole Foods is being built near us in GR.

This afternoon took a 10 mile bike ride.  I stopped at some exercise stations located along the trail and did chin/pull ups and push ups.

For dinner tonight we had a chicken pot pie from Costco.  It was tasty.

After the news we watched an episode of “Queens of Mystery”.  We were in bed by 2130.  Temperature will drop to high 30s overnight.