Saturday, July 31, 2021

July 30, 2021

 Friday July 30, 2021

Set alarm for 0615 so Nancy can make her early classes at MVP.  I do all my calisthenics at home.  Breakfast of oatmeal and banana before heading out on my morning ride. 

It was 58 when I left.  I put two layers of long sleeve shirts on and it was barely sufficient.

This and that:

Times have really changed.  In the early 60s when I was a junior officer the Navy’s Civil Engineering Corps had 1500 officers.  No women.  Just read where a female Rear Admiral had just took over Command of the Atlantic region.  Now that is progress.

Carl Levin Michigan’s longest service US Senator has passed.  He gets accolades for his support of Michigan’s auto industry and the US Military.  RIP Senator Levin.

I like reading the Alpena News because I can read some interesting small town/rural news.  This morning the Dept of Natural Resources commented on a female Conservation Officer answering a call about a pig running wild on US 23 a major N-S road.  The Officer tackled the pig and moved it out of traffic.  The pig was returned to Grateful owner. 

As soon as I got home we got in the Escape and headed to Costco.  We were looking for a new kitchen waste can.  No luck Costco was out of stock.

Next stop was Bed Bath and Beyond.  They had kitchen waste cans but they were a bit pricey.  Will wait until Costco restocks.

Total Wines is next door to BBB.  I stopped in and bought three bottles of my favorite wine, Apothic Red.

After lunch I drove to Office Max.  I am looking for a desk top storage item.  I did not find what I wanted.  On way home I stopped at Meijer’s and bought a turkey sub for dinner tonight.

Found time this afternoon for a nap.

For dinner tonight Nancy had some pasta left over from last night’s dinner at NO CO.  I had the turkey sub I purchased earlier.

Tonight after the news we watched the last two episodes of “Line of Duty”.  Great series.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  She is lonely with AJ being gone on her RV trip across USA.  

Yard check at 2200.  It was cool and clear.  I noted a small frog hanging on our garage door trim.  The tiny frog was about vey level.  I ran inside to get my iPhone to take a picture.  It was gone when I got back.  Temp in low 50s tomorrow morning.

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