Monday, July 26, 2021

July 25, 2021

 Weekend Update for WE 25Jul21

Blog time 1750 sitting in living room.

Saturday July 24.  I was just getting ready to post Saturday’s blog when I lost it.  Major league Bummer.

The following is a brief review of yesterday.

Up at 0630.

Breakfast at Gathering Place.

Nancy did laundry and I took an 8 mile bike ride.

Lunch and spent most of afternoon watching Olympics.

For dinner we drove to Ada and got an ice cream.

Watched a musical comedy on Apple+ followed by Wild Bill on BritBox.  Debbie Facetimed us tonight.  Everything ok.

Our water problem I have concluded is caused by ground water leaking through a crack in our basement wall.

Sunday July 25, 2021

Up at 0630.  Dressed and had quick breakfast. Drove to Panera for coffee.  It was sunny and warm.  Temp will reach 90 this afternoon.

Nancy and I left at 0845 for Trinity Lutheran.  Good turnout at today’s service. 

After church we took a drive to Grand Haven.  Took Fulton to M45 and headed west past GVSU, Allendale to US 31.  In Grand Haven drove to the State Park.  We did not enter the park because traffic was backed up several miles.  

All the recent rains have really helped the corn crop.  We were surprised at how tall the corn is.

At home I put on bike clothes and took an 8 mile ride.  After the ride I had quick lunch and then showered.

After lunch Nancy and I drove to Meijer’s.  I filled the Fusion up. Gas was $3.28.  Nancy bought milk and yogurt.

At home I took a short nap.  I did watch the USA and France BB game.  France won.  USA looked sloppy.

Dinner tonight of scrambled eggs, spinach pie, and sausage. 

After dinner we watched the Olympics for an hour.  We finished the evening watching New Tricks.

Debbie Facetimed this evening.  Everything ok. 

Missy just got home from the East Coast.  Akerke is joining her friend Grace and family on a motor home trip across the USA.  They will stop a several National Parks.  Missy will be home alone for about 20 days.

Noted at bright full moon when checked the front yard at 2200.

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