Monday, July 19, 2021

July 18, 2021

Sunday July 18, 2021

Blog time 1700 sitting in office, listening to XM Satellite 40 tunes on my iPhone.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEPHEN.  Today is son Stephen’s birthday.  I remember his birth clearly.  

This morning while getting ready for church Nancy walked into the Cedar Closet.  She was barefoot and noted the floor was wet.

On close inspection a small section of the floor had a thin coat of water.  We mopped it up.  I had some clothes stored in a hockey bag on the floor.  All the clothing was wet.  We located the leak at our east wall.  It looked like the leakage had stopped.

After some searching it looks like we will have to have our sewer line leading to the street scoped.  Will call tomorrow.

Church was crowded this morning.  The band was back for the first time in 18 months.  Everyone was in a good mood.

After church Nancy and I stayed and helped fill food bags.  The bags contain four ingredients.  Soy, vegetable, protein and rice.  All are dry ingredients.  The bags are given to folks needing food.  Just put the bags in boiling water for several minutes and you have a nutritional meal.  The goal today was to fill 25, 000 bags.

Trinity Lutheran provided snacks after we finished our shift.  Good cookies.

When we got home I spent time reviewing our leakage problem.  Originally we thought our neighbor might have a problem because we saw a plumbing truck in their drive last week. 

Nancy checked and this was not the source.  Only running a TV camera down our outlet will identify the problem.

This afternoon I took a nap.  After the nap I read news headlines on my iPad.

Because of our heavy lunch at church we had a light dinner.   I had a cup of yogurt with fresh fruit and Nancy had toast.

Tonight we watched 60 Minutes followed by the last episode of Bosch.  Disappointing finish.  Finished the evening watching Shakespeare and Hathaway.

Missy FaceTimed the evening.  They leave for the east coast Monday.

We finally got hold of Stephen to wish him a Happy Birthday.  He was watching Lucas’s baseball game.  

Orange half moon when checked front yard at 2200.  Temp was in high 70s so I turned the AC on.  Turned it off about 0100 when outside and inside temps were equal.


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