Friday, July 16, 2021

July 15, 2021

 Thursday July 15, 2021

Blog time 1220 at Panera

We both got up this morning at 0700.  This morning Nancy is swimming at MVP.

I checked the weather and rain will start at 1200.  Hot and humid today.

My early morning game plan was to bike to the Y.  Do calisthenics, shower and then bike to Panera.  I would be home before the rain started.

Wrong! Five miles into the ride it started to pour.  I bypassed the Y and headed straight home.  I was soaked when I arrived home.

Kim was cleaning.  I told her that I would quickly shower and head out.  Took a long hot shower.  Dressed and took the Escape to Panera.

This and that:

Today is BASTILLE DAY in France.  July 15, 1789 the King was dethroned.

Schools and masks are a hot topic.  Today I read in the Alpena News that the Alpena School District will not require masks for K-12 students.   Also no masks on buses.

Bad weather is also causing havoc in Germany and Belgium.  Heavy rains are causing serious flooding.

Kim was still cleaning when got home in fact the kitchen floor was still wet from her recent cleaning. 

I set up my mobile computer stand and continued reading.  Finally the kitchen floor was sufficiently dry that I could move the furniture back and have lunch. 

This afternoon I rearranged my office furniture.  I do this about every three months.  

Fell asleep reading in my rearranged office.  Decided to go upstairs and take a real nap.

Akerke Facetimed Nancy late this afternoon.  They had a nice talk.  Akerke has been practicing drawing human form.  She is getting good.

For dinner we drove to Brann’s.  A lot of empty tables but an hour wait.  No staff.

Next stop was Copper’s Hawk.  Again a lot of empty tables but a two hour wait.  We left.

Drove by Sundance and saw that it was no longer open for dinner.

Finally we stopped Bagger Dave’s a hamburger joint near our house.  Plenty of empty tables.  We both ordered a drink.  Nancy had a cheese sandwich and I had fish and chips.  The food was good.  We will return soon.

Both Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Everything ok.

Watched an episode of Bosch this evening.

Checked the front yard at 2200.  Everything ok.  Set the alarm and headed to bed.

About midnight we heard a noise on our deck.  Looked out and it was a raccoon.  I thought I had scared it away.

At 1300 we again heard movement on our deck.  Looked out and there were two raccoons on deck.  This time I grabbed a stick and opened the slider.  

Loud screech, I had set the alarm off.  I had to hustle to get it shut off.  Within a minute of getting the alarm off I get a call from the Security Firm, EPS.  I told them everything ok.  Of course the raccoons were gone when I checked again.

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