Tuesday, July 13, 2021

July 12, 2021

Monday July 12, 2021

Blog time 1500 sitting in office:

I am back after taking a month off from blog writing.  It was a nice break.  

We left for Ca on Monday June 14.  We flew from GR to San Jose with a stop in Denver.  We came home on the 4th of July.  Every flight we were on was 100% full.

Debbie picked us up at the airport.  The San Jose airport is just a short distance from Debbie’s home in the Willow Glen area of SJ.

Spent 6 days in SJ.  Every morning I would walk to Starbucks for oatmeal and coffee.  Alway brought a cup home for Nancy.

Debbie worked every day we were in CA.  She is working from home, 100%.  

Debbie just acquired a new dog.  Her name is Violet, a Border Collie/Shepard mix.  She weighs 45 pounds.  Nancy and I spent many enjoyable hours walking Violet.  

The weather during our entire stay in Ca was perfect.  Clear, blue sky every day.  Temperature  in high 70s and occasionally in low 80s.  

San Jose is very bike friendly. Every day I would jump on Debbie’s bike and take a 14 mile ride on the Los Gatos Creek trail near her house.  

One day on my way home from my ride I encountered a detour. I got very confused on the detour.  Rode through the streets of Campbell, Ca but even the busy streets have bike lanes.  Ended up riding 26 miles, a long ride for me.

The Willow Glen neighborhoods has many great restaurants.  Several nights we sat outside and enjoyed the great weather.

On Saturday June 19 we headed south to the LA area.  Debbie booked us an Air B & B in Marina Del Ray.  

Debbie drove and I sat in the back seat with Violet.  Except for one episode of car sickness Violet travelled well.

On our way south we passed several water reservoirs.  They were very low.  The drought in CA is very serious.  I am sure most residents would gladly sacrifice a day of sunshine for rain.

Heading south on I 5 we passed through miles of some of the most productive farm land in the USA, the San Joaquin Valley.  Even with irrigation the farmland looked parched.  It was 105+ degrees in the valley both going south and two weeks later going north.

During our stay we visited daughter Missy and Granddaughter Akerke in the Brentwood area of LA and son Stephen, his wife Veronica and kids, Lucas and Alessandra, in Long Beach.

Nancy and I tried to evenly split our time between Missy and Steve’s family.  We think successfully.

Missy belongs to the California Yacht Club which is located in Marina Del Rey a short distance from the air B and B.  We had several evening meal with Missy and AJ at the Club.  We sat outside and had a light meal with drinks.

One afternoon we visited Missy’s store in LA.  The store sells Women’s modesty clothing and is located in a pleasant commercial district.  

Our Air B&B had a nice size swimming pool so AJ went swimming on several days.

Missy found a hole in the wall ice cream store near our rental. After dinner several evenings we had ice cream and frozen yogurt at the Penguin.  Superior ice cream.

We watched several of Grandson Lucas’s baseball games.  His summer seems to be consumed by baseball and soccer.  One one day he had two baseball games and a soccer game. 

However, Lucas has developed a fondness for fishing.  Some thing his father or grandfather never developed. 

Granddaughter Alessandra stayed with Debbie the first week we were in Marina Del Rey.  The second week she had a summer camp.

On Friday the 19 we attended Lucas’s Confirmation into the Catholic Church.  It was a nice ceremony.  After, we all had a nice meal at a local restaurant.

Every day Nancy and I would take Violet for several walks around the Marina.  Marina Del Rey is a big marina loaded with hundred of big boats.  Nice place to walk and people watch.  Most of the residents in our area were young.  We saw few young children.  Most residents had a dog.  The area was nice but we missed lawns and small critters, squirrels and rabbits.

You are not going to believe this.  Bob and Nancy did not watch any TV for three weeks.

Some general comment on CA.

Boy, do they need rain!

The homeless problems is getting worse.

I saw more Tesla sedans than Ford or Chevys.

Everything is organic.  I don’t think I could have gotten a cup of non organic coffee.

Noted the Californians were good about wearing masks.

Can’t beat the weather.

Michigan is green, California is brown.

The State is too damn WOKE!

We arrived back home late on the 4th.  We saw a lot of fireworks displays from the plane.  Milwaukee was best.

Spent the first week home just catching up and getting rid of jet lag. 

This morning we got up at 0630.  Nancy had class at MVP at 0830.  I drove her in the Fusion.  Drizzle with temps in 60s.

Last week the Escape was involved in a minor parking lot bump.  The Escape drives ok but I wanted it checked out.  Wanted to make sure the Escape was ok to drive.

While Nancy attended her class I headed to Panera for coffee and a chance to do some newspaper reading.

Picked Nancy up and we drove to the Hanger Clinic near the new Metro Hospital.  The Hanger Clinic makes foot braces, etc. Nancy met with some technicians and they decided she did not now need a foot brace.

Dropped Nancy at home and then drove the Escape to Ford dealer. They looked at the front grill and said the car was safe to drive.  Good news!  Will take the Escape in next week for some grill work.

At home took a 10 mile bike trip.  Intermittent light drizzle during ride.  Shower and then Lunch.

 Spent some of the afternoon reading.  I did find time for a nap.

Monday night so we had cereal for dinner.  Watched the news and then an episode of Bosch on Prime.  Nancy headed to bed and I spent some time reading the WSJ.

Checked the courtyard at 2200.  All clear.  While we were away a Robin made a nest on top of our motion detecting light.  Our movements do not seem to deter her.

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