Thursday, July 29, 2021

July 28, 2021

Wednesday July 28, 2021

Blog time 1030 sitting in Living Room.

Up this morning with the 0615 alarm.  Nancy quickly dressed and headed out to her 0715 class at MVP.

Today I had intended to attend Breakfast Club but because of our water problem I had to stay home to let maintenance folks in.

At 0800 I quickly drove to Panera and got coffee and a bagel.  Brought the coffee and bagel home. 

The maintenance folks this morning checked all our downspouts.  They had to do some minor cleaning but all downspouts are now working.

I hope a plugged downspout caused our flooding problem.  We are expecting some heavy rain tonight.  If out basement is dry I will assume the problem is solve.  

Just to be safe I authorized McDonald Plumbing to TV our basement sanitary sewer line.  I don’t think the water is from a broken sewer main but getting it checked will make us feel better.

Nancy got home from her classes about 1000.  This afternoon she is working at the Gardens.

Nancy drove to the Gardens only to find out that they can only accommodate 2 volunteers.  Nancy was the third so she came home.  Her next work date is in mid August.

Kim comes to clean tomorrow.  I jumped on bike and headed to Macatawa Bank to get her money. 

I go to the bank weekly and rarely do I see another customer inside.  How long can the bank remain open?

Took a short ride after the bank.  Total miles today 6.5 miles. 

After the ride I showered and then quick lunch.  This afternoon I took a short nap.

My new iPad arrived today.  I opened the package and set it up.  Typical Apple product no written manual.  They assume you are tech savvy and can follow their onscreen instructions.  I tried to transfer data from the old to new iPad.  Not much luck.

The weather folks keep talking talking about the big storm heading our way.  High winds and over 2 inches of rain.

To get ready for the storm we:

Brought the trash can in.  Will put out early tomorrow morning.

Removed umbrella from deck table.  

Placed towels in cedar closet so if flooding occurs we can easily mop up.

We had our light Wednesday dinner of Cheerios and fruit.  

Spent an hour after dinner trying to get data transferred between old and new iPads.  Even had Debbie assist me.  The old iPad told me it would take some time to get data transferred.  I left both iPads running all night.

Tonight we watched another episode of Line of Duty.  It is a real cliff hanger.

When checked the courtyard at 2200 the rain had not yet started.  Set the alarm for 0600 so I can get the trash can to curb before the truck arrives.

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