Friday, July 30, 2021

July 29, 2021

 Thursday July 29, 2021

Blog time 1100 sitting at Panera

Up this morning with 0600 alarm.  Took the trash can to curb.

What a dud!!  The weather folks said we would get a lot of rain and high winds over night.   Did not happen, only light rain.  All our efforts to get ready for the storm were for nothing.

Nancy left early for her Thursday swim at MVP.

I checked the iPads downstairs.  I made some small moves on the new iPad and all the data was transferred.  My new iPad is now working fine.  I really don’t know what I did.

I do light calisthenics before breakfast.  After breakfast I drive the Fusion to the Y.  Calisthenics and a short walk.  Showered at Y and drove to Panera. Bought coffee and bagel before setting up my new iPad.  I like the iPad but my big accolades are for Apples new keyboard.  It is great!

Reading the news I get very confused on what officials are saying about the Delta strain.  Do we wear masks inside?  The impact of the Delta strain on vaccinated folks?  Etc,etc

At noon I drove to the Apple store.  I purchased an Apple Pencil for the new iPad.  Also bought a mini-iPad to replace my aging mini.

At home I put on bike clothes and took a 9.5 mile ride.  Took another quick shower.

For dinner tonight we drove to NO CO (north country).  NO CO is located at the intersection of Forest Hills and Cascade Road.  Same place as the old Forest Hills Inn.  I had fish and chips and Nancy had a pasta dish.  With both had a drink to go with the food.  We sat outside.  The food was very good and sitting outside on a pleasant summer’s evening was great.

Tonight we watched another episode of Line of Duty.  Great show, tomorrow night we will binge on the final two episodes.

Debbie and Missy both FaceTimed this evening.

Courtyard was quiet at 2200.  Haven’t seen a critter in weeks.

Tonight I reclined in bed and finished reading the WSJ on my new mini.  Could not get WSJ on old mini.

Big cool down this evening.  Temps in 50s tomorrow morning.

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