Tuesday, July 27, 2021

July 26, 2021

 Monday July 26, 2021

Blog time noon at Panera

Up with the 0615 alarm this morning.  Nancy has several early morning classes.  She was out of the house by 0700.

I did all my calisthenics at home.  Oatmeal breakfast and then headed out on a 10 mile bike ride.

Critter report:

Last night about 0200 looked out the downstairs slider and saw a skunk eating some suet the birds had dropped.  I gently scared it away.  Lesson learned: Must keep area below suet baskets clean.

On my bike ride the morning for the first time in several months I saw wild turkeys.  Great to see them back.

At home I took a quick shower and then got back on bike and pedaled to Panera.  Nancy left about the same time to get her hair cut.

Panera lately has been empty in mid-morning.  Today was no exception.  

Ordered coffee and bagel and started reading.  First thing I read is the Alpena News followed by my email.  Next I finish yesterday’s blog and start todays.  I check the headlines on the Apples News app before heading home.  Normal departure time from Panera is noon.

After lunch I spent some time watching the Olympics on NBC.  I enjoy watching some of the minor sports.  Growing up I never thought I would see skateboarding, surfing, three women BB as Olympic sports.  

Our Condo’s maintenance group spent time this afternoon looking at our buildings water problems.  Blocked downspouts are the cause of much of the problem.

They also checked our basement water problem and they think it is also caused by a plugged downspout.  Work will begin tomorrow.

We keep reading how our legislators are working on physical infrastructure legislation but nothing happens.  The Dems want a social infrastructure package included so nothing get done.

Poll of GOP supporters indicates that Don Trump Jr is the favorite for 2024.  Good Grief who are these idiots.

We had our standard Monday night dinner of Cheerios and fruit.

Watched some of the news and then switched to Netflix.  First show was Call The Midwifes followed by The Kominsky Method. 

The temperature reached 90 today.  I turned the AC on at 1900 and off at midnight.

No nocturnal critters, skunks, raccoons spotted when made my evening check of the courtyard.  Nice bright full moon.

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