Tuesday, July 20, 2021

July 19, 2021

 Monday July 19, 2021

Blog time 1150 at Panera

Up with the 0630 alarm.  Nancy left almost immediately for her classes at MVP.  Later this afternoon she has a Dentist appointment.

First thing I did this morning was pick up all the pants that got wet during our Cedar Closet leak.  They were all dry.

This morning I did all my calisthenics at home and then took my morning bike ride, 11 miles.  

Noted this morning that traffic was light.  Also noted that for the first time in over a year only one car in line at Starbucks.

As soon as I got home I put the bike rack on the Escape. Took the Bad Boy bike in for a check up.

On way home I stopped at Panera for a quick cup of coffee.  Lunch and then spent time in office reading and writing blog.

We are having all kinds of water problems.  Our condo neighbor has had water in his garage.  They think it is caused by our garage downspout.  Luckily maintaining the downspouts is the responsibility of the Condo Association.  I notified them of the problem.

Our other water problem is the water leak we had in our cedar closet.  For the past several days we have checked the leak area and it has not reoccurred.  

Monday night and instead of cereal I finished the leftover pizza.  Also pineapple and grapes.

After the news we watched an episode of Shakespeare and Hathaway. 

Debbie FaceTimed the evening.  This evening Missy and AJ are taking the Red Eye to Boston area.  We also found out that Veronica and Lucas are also heading to New England.  Lucas will attend at Baseball camp at Dartmouth College.  

Checked the front yard at 2200.  The temperature was still in high 70s. For the past few days the moon had been orange.

I turned on the AC at 2200 to cool the house down.  At 0100 I turned it off.

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