Monday, April 30, 2018

Sunday April 29, 2018

Sunday April 29, 2018

Blog time 0800 sitting in hotel in downtown Buenos Aires

Once again playing catch up

Friday April 27,  spent day in and around the resort town of Bariloche, Argentina with snow capped mountains and alpine lakes.

It was cool today with temps in 30s but with clear sky and sun.  In Patagonia the wind blows constantly but have not seen one windmill.

First thing this morning we had a lecture on the Nazis in Patagonia.  The speaker was a third generation citizen of Argentina.  His family immigrated from Germany.  His father was a member of the Hitler youth group in Bariloche.  Some members of the Argentina/German community supported the Nazis.  After the war a famous German war criminal lived undetected in Bariloche for 30 years.  Very interesting talk.

After the lecture we got on bus and headed to the Patagonia steppe to visit a large working ranch.  Patagonia is both a temperate rain forest and a arid steppe, not unlike western and eastern Oregon.  We had a lecture on the daily life of the Argentine Gaucho (cowboy).  The ranch did raise beef cattle but their main income was from raising merino sheep for their wool.

We had a BBQ lunch prepared by the staff of the ranch.  I elected to go on a raft trip down the Lima’s River.  Nancy did not go.  Always amazed to see a fast flowing river in middle of a desert.  Noted a lot of fly fisherman on the river.

We had dinner on our own.  Nancy and I were both nursing colds so we elected to have a sandwich in the hotel’s bar.  Surprise! nearly our whole group had the same idea.  A lot of folks have caught a cold.

Saturday April 28,  today is a travel day.  We are going to our last stop on the tour, Buenos Aires.  We took the local Argentina airline to BA.  The flight was a little under 2 hours.

After we checked in we attended a lecture on Argentina’s recent economic and political history.  The talk was give by an expat American citizen who has lived in Argentina for the last 33 years.  Volatility described the economic and political environment.

For dinner our group was divided into three sections. We were driven to a small apartment where a local family prepared dinner for us.  We had the Argentine version of Shepard’s pie.  We had a local wine with our meal. Our host explained her life style.  She is a teacher who commutes to work on a bike.  She had very strong political opinions.  It was a good evening with spirited conversations and plenty of wine.  As soon as we got home we were in bed.

Sunday April 29. 2018:

First full day in BA. After breakfast we took a bus tour of the city. Although the temp was in the high 60s it rained constantly.  We visited the cathedral where the current Pope served.  We were able to watch a service underway.  We also visited the cemetery where Evita Person was interned.  First skyscraper cemetery I have ever visited.  We also visited a local shopping area.

As soon as we got home we got out of our wet clothes and headed out to visited a shopping areas within walking distance of our hotel.  I did buy Nancy a tee shirt.

To warm up after our wet walk we stopped at the hotel bar for a glass of wine.  We were soon joined by three other members of our group.

Took a short nap and then we attended a Tango lesson.  After the lesson some folks headed to a Tango show and dinner.  Nancy and I elected not to go.  We instead walked to a local pizza restaurant for dinner.  It was a great evening for a walk.  The rain had stopped and the streets were loaded with folks out for a night on the town.  Monday is a national holiday so most folks have the day off.  

The pizza joint was jammed but we did get a table with little wait.  We shared a small pizza and had a piece left over.  Great pizza.  It was 2200 when we left the restaurant and the number of pedestrians seems to have increased dramatically.  We headed to bed as soon as we got to our room.  Every hotel on our trip has had a TV.  We have not turned on TV.  What does that tell you?

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Thursday April 26, 2018

April 26, 2018, Thursday;  blog being written in hotel room over looking a large lake in Bariloche, Argentina.

Catch up time; Monday April 23;  today is a travel day.  We are taking a plane to Puerto Montt, Chile.  Plane ride was uneventful.  Santiago is at latitude 33 and Puerto Montt is at lat 41 so we flew south about 500 miles.  

Puerto Montfort is the capital of the southern district.  It was an important port before the Panama Canal was built.  Because of 30 foot tides it is no longer a popular port.  We visited the fish market and walked around.  

After our short stay in Puerto Montt we took a bus to Puerto Vargas.  Puerto Vargas is a small tourist town on a big lake.  It reminds me a lot of Banaff, Alberta in the Canadian Rockies.  Our small hotel was located on the banks of the lake.  The hotel was very rustic, wood floors, exposed wood beams and posts.

We had a demonstration how to make a popular Chilean drink, Pisco sour.  The drink was strong but good.  Nancy especially liked it.  We walked as a group to a local restaurant for dinner.

Tuesday April 24, still in Puerto Vargas;  first thing we had a talk given by the leader of a local Indian group.  He talked about their problems with the Chilean government.  Not unlike problems in USA.

We all got on the bus and were driven to a private museum dedicated to the early German settlers.  The Germans arrived around 1870 before Germany was united.  They established a successful farming community.  The museum was very interesting and included home furnishings and tools used by the settlers.  The displays could have been shown in any small German farming community in the USA and no one would know the difference.

After the museum we were driven to a working Chilean ranch.  We were given a demonstration of Chilean cowboys horse riding skills.  Their horses are small and agile not unlike the US quarter horse.  The cowboys use their riding skills when performing in their popular rodeos.  We had a very good lunch at the ranch.

We had dinner on our own tonight. We were tired so ate at the bar in the hotel.

Wednesday April 25,  today we cross over to Argentina.  To get to Argentina we have to cross the Andean mountains.  Our entire trip was spent in huge national park that spans both countries.  Our crossing of the Andes included a boat trip across an alpine lake followed by a bus trip and then another boat trip, followed by a bus ride and finally our third boat trip.  

The National Park is in a temperate rain forest, not unlike the forests in our Pacific Northwest.  Annually they get 100” of rain so every thing is very green.  It is fall in SA so the hardwood trees are turning colors.  

We did not get to our hotel in Bariloche, Argentina until 2030.  Once again our hotel room overlooks a large alpine lake.  The entire group had dinner at the hotel.  Long day but great scenery.

Thursday April 25, 2018.  We get to sleep in today.  No activities until 1000.  

We were going on a walking tour through the National Park but it started to rain.  The walk was canceled so we headed to our next stop a small brewery run by a third generation French family.  We were given a tour of the brewery and the brew master showed us his beer making prowess.  We had lunch at the brewery and were given samples of the beer.  

Because of the heavy rain our cable car ride to the top of a big mountain was canceled.  We took a bus tour of Bariloche.  Stopped at a chocolate factory and bought several items.  I elected to go back to the hotel.  Nancy said the rain had stopped so she walked to a shopping area.  It started to rain on her way home and she got soaked.

For dinner tonight we ate in the hotel’s bar.  Not an original idea because many folks on the tour also did not want to go out in the rain.  

Monday, April 23, 2018

Sunday April 22, 2018

Sunday April 22, 2018

Blog being written on Sunday April 22 sitting in Crowne Plaza in Santiago, Chile 

Saturday April 21, 2018

First night in Santiago, we are staying at Crowne Plaza.  We both slept great after a tiring overnight flight from USA and a busy first day in Chile.

The hotel has a nice breakfast buffet.  Eggs, yogurt, oatmeal and croissant was my selection. Good.

At 0900 we boarded the bus for a tour of the city.  We made several short walking tours around the city looking at various government building.  We did see the colorful changing of the guard at Government building.  The guards were all spit and polish.  The new replacement guards marched into the square accompanied by a military band and mounted horsemen.  I was very impressed.  They change the guard every two days.  Being Saturday a large crowd, mostly families, attended the ceremony.

This morning we also visited a museum dedicated to folks who opposed the dictatorship that ruled Chile during the 70s and 80s.  It was not a good time for free speech in Chile.  All the displays were in Spanish but we did get a feeling for the times.  

We had lunch at the main fish market.  The lunch consist of a big selection of local fish.  It was very good.  After lunch we walked around the fish market.  

We had a free afternoon so Nancy and I walked through a mall selling souvenirs and trinkets.  I even had time for a short nap.

At 1800 we attended a lecture on the turbulent times.  The lecturer focused on the election of Allende and his administration from 1970 to 73 when the military took power led by General Pinochet.  Very good lecture.

After the lecture we walked to a neighborhood loaded with restaurants.  Nancy and I select a restaurant that had a light menu.  We sat outside drank wine, ate and people watched.  It was a great evening, especially being able to sit outside.

Sunday April 22;  today is my 80th birthday.  This trip is Nancy’s birthday gift to me.  Great present!

It was another sunny day in Chile.  Temps in mid 50s this morning but should get to 70 later.

Today we are taking a trip to Valparaiso on the Pacific coast.  The trip took about two hours.  The countryside looks like Southern California.  I did note that the road we traveled on was high quality.  

Valparaiso is located on 40 large hills.  The coastal fog had not yet burned off when we arrived at 1100.  We took a cable car to the top of one hills and walked around a colorful residential area.

Took another cable car down and then we rode taxis to the top of another hill.  The fog had not lifted so we could not see the ocean.  We visited with an artist couple who are paid to paint graffiti on the side of homes.  Very colorful.

For lunch we split our group in half and had lunch at a local home.  We had roasted chicken with peas, carrots and rice.  After lunch we all gathered in one home for dessert.  Surprise!  A birthday cake complete with candles awaited me.  The group even sang Happy Birthday.  I slept on the bus ride back to Santiago.

For dinner this evening Nancy and I walked to another neighborhood that was loaded with restaurants.  For the second night we sat outside, drank wine and people watched.  Great experience.  Santiago is very pedestrian friendly with wide sidewalks.  

We were in bed by 2200. Last night I Santiago.  Tomorrow we take a plane south.  Stay tuned!

Saturday, April 21, 2018

April 20, 2018

Thursday 19, GRF INT at 1530
Flight to Atlanta depart 1800 arrived at 2000

Leave for Chile at 2230.  Nine hour flight, very tough, I did not sleep

Friday April 20,

Grand Circle meets us at 0900 and take us to Crown Plaza in Santiago.

Long check in, no lunch finally get room at 1300.  Very quick shower and change of clothes and at 1400 we have orientation meeting in motel.  36 folks in group.

1500 get in bus and head to small organic winery.  Owner give a short talk on Chilean wine growing.  Took a short walk to see grapes almost ready for harvesting.  

Sampled several wines produced by this winery.  Good.  We were provide sopapillas bread with each sample.  Love this bread.

Dinner was a sweet corn and meat casserole.  Very good.

It is now 2200, Nancy is asleep and I am not far behind.

The temperature in Santiago was sunny and warm.  High temp in low 70s.

First impression of Santiago;  surrounded by mountains, very large city over 7 million folks, air pollution problems, reminds me of LA area because it is arid.  It is fall and leaves are turning.  Noted a lot of palm trees. 

All signs are in Spanish.  No English signs.  Most folks in tourist trade do not speak English.  

Thursday April 19, 2018

Thursday April 19, 2018

Blog time 1145 sitting in office.

Today is our long travel day.  I slept in until 0700.  It was 31 and sunny when we headed out this morning.  A trace of snow last night.  Nancy and I started to walk to Panera when we hit an ice patch.  Nancy slipped and she said she was heading home and driving to Panera.  I continued walking.  We both commented on how busy Panera was.

I had my standard oatmeal breakfast and Nancy had just a coffee.  At home I called Metro cab and they were full as was Calder cab.  I downloaded the Uber app but got confused on ordering a cab for later today.  I called Uber’s local office but no answer.  In the meantime Nancy called our house sitter and she will drive us.

1500 left for airport and checked in and passed through security with no problems.  Atlanta airport was busy we took train to international terminal.  Plane for Chile was on time.  Nancy and I lucked out we were in a three seat row and the middle seat was vacant.  This gave us more room.  

Next blog will be from Chile.  Stay tuned!

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Wednesday April 18, 2018

Wednesday April 18, 2018

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Wednesday my easy day.  Slept in today until 0645, it was light when I first went out.  Temperature was 30 but should reach mid 40s later today.

Nancy headed out early for a 0715 class at MVP.  I had breakfast at home and Nancy was home before I left.  She said it was a short class and like me she was winding down before tomorrow’s trip to South America.

Today I rode my bike to the Y.  I took the shorter 5 mile route.  Performed some mild exercises before heading to Panera.

Sad to hear about Barbara Bush’s passing.  She was a class lady.  Married over 70 years to the same man.  What a novel concept.  I thought that Barbara Bush was unique in being the wife and mother of a president. But I forgot about Abigail Adams.  Another great lady.

Why can’t POTUS meet with the Japanese Prime Minister in DC instead of his Florida resort.  It looks like a conflict.

Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon.  She said they were busy.

For first time in a week I took Ms P on a walk.  She was glad to get out.

Lunch and then trash and laundry before a nap.  When Nancy got home we headed downstairs and downloaded our boarding passes to our iPhones for tomorrow’s flight.   Ain’t technology great.

Light dinner tonight.  Both Debbie and Missy FaceTimed tonight to wish me a happy birthday and safe trip.

We watched an episode of Heart Guy followed by Bosch before turning in.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Tuesday April 17, 2018

Tuesday April 17, 2018

Blog time 1000 at Panera 

Happy Birthday Alessandra!  Today is  Granddaughter Alessandra’s ninth birthday.  Enjoy this nice sunny, warm day in Long Beach, CA.

Today is also the birthday of Alessandra’s Great Grandfather Scott, my father.  Dad would be 112 today.

The snow continued overnight.  Temp was in low 20s this morning with about 1/2” of new snow.  I even shoveled this morning.  Temperatures will remain in the 30s all day.  I am tired of wearing long underwear.

Took my snow tires off the winter bike so no bike ride to Y today.  Normally I would walk to the Y but since my hip problems the 1.7 mile walk is too much.  Instead I did all the exercises at home.

I got out my winter jacket and walked to Panera.  I had an oatmeal breakfast.

President Trump and all the attorneys for and against him still dominates the news.  A pox on all attorneys.

Did the raid on Syria’s chemical warfare facilities do any good?  The USA and allies should have gone after Assad before Russia was involved.  President Obama’s failure to act was a big mistake.  

 Just listening to comments by business folks on the recent tax cut it appears the cuts are great for their companies.  I hope the individual tax cuts have the same effect.  Speaking of taxes today is tax day.  Of course the IRS’s computers are down on this important day.

As soon as I got home I got in the Escape and headed to Costco.  I needed prunes, bulk fiber powder and Cheerios.  Costco looked like they were having senior day, nothing but gray hair.

I called my sister today.  I always contact her on Dad’s birthday.  She said Gaylord was snowed in.  The had over a foot of snow on the ground.  Schools and businesses in the area were all closed.  They have been home bound for over four days.  We did talk about another big April snow around 1948.  The snow banks on the side of the roads were over six feet tall.  At my Grandparents’s farm my Uncle and Grandfather had shoveled a path to the barn.  The snow banks were over my head.  This was the worst snow I remember from my youth.  Would make a great “when I was your age” story.

This afternoon took my first shower since Friday and then a quick nap.  Spent the rest of the afternoon packing and then taking a 1.5 mile walk. 

Chicken pot pie for dinner.  Love chicken pot pie.  Our direct TV was acting up so we watched an episode of Inspector Lewis before turning in.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Monday April 16, 2018

Monday April 16, 2018

Blog time 0945 at Panera

Today is Patroit’s Day in MA.  It is always on the third Monday in April.  It commemorates the April 19, 1775 ride of Paul Revere.  Every 4th grade kid in Alpena had to memorize Longfellow’s poem about the midnight ride of Paul Revere.  The Boston Marathon is always held on Patroit’s Day.  I ran in the 1975 and 77 Boston marathon.

The temp was 32 when I first went out this morning.  We still had a layer of slush over roads and walks so no bike today.  

I did all my calisthenics and stretches at home today.  Bundled up and put on my rubber boots and walked to Panera.  I had an oatmeal breakfast.

Nancy left early today because she has a 0730 class at MVP.  No scheduled activities for today.

The Comey/Trump feud continues and it keeps getting nastier.  It reflects poorly on both.  

I complain about our snow in GR.  Talked to my sister, Helen, yesterday.  She lives in Gaylord, MI said they had over 15 inches of snow on the ground and it will continue snowing until Tuesday.  I should complain.

When I got home I decided to run some errands.  First stop was Costco, bought eyedrops and vitamins.  Next  stop was Meijer’s.  I filled the Escape, gas was $2.80, also bought apples and yogurt.

After lunch I headed downstairs and spent time reading and packing for our South America trip.  Finished the afternoon with a mile walk.  

Light dinner and then we started watching a new show on Netflix, Requiem.  We watched 10 minutes before stopping.  Not our thing.  We ended up watching Death in Paradise.

More snow predicted for tonight.  Will it never end.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Sunday April 15, 2018

Weekend Update

Saturday April 14, 2018

Blog time 1650 sitting in downstairs office with space heater running full blast.  We got a memo from our friendly power company saying we use more power than our neighbors.  I told Nancy the reason is her chilly Willy hubby.  Our downstairs is cold so I always have the space heater on.  I also have my electric blanket running all night.  I love my electric blanket.

We have been under a winter storm warning since last night.  High winds and heavy snow/rain all night.   It was still sleeting and blowing this morning.  No walking to Panera this morning, we drove.  Most folks stayed home because the place was empty.

Stopped at home so Nancy could start the laundry.  I drove to Meijer’s for milk and eggs.  At 1000 we headed to Breton Village.  Nancy visited Talbot’s and I stopped at Fitzgerald’s and Orvis.  Nancy did not make a purchase but I bought socks at Orvis.  We stopped at Trader Joe’s to buy a baguette for dinner.

I made one more run this morning.  I drove to Barnes and Noble at Woodland Mall to get a map of Chile and Argentina.  Guess what they did not have any.  I did look through a tour book of the area and read up on Patagonia.  Very interesting.  I turned on my Apple Watch indoor walk function and walked a mile around the mall so it was not a wasted trip.

Lunch and then I headed downstairs where I remained all afternoon.  I did take one break when our condo mate called and asked if I could help her set NPR on her radio.  Sonya has trouble seeing small numbers.  I was glad to help.

Tonight we will finish the beans and rice.  I will also have some of the baguette we purchased at TJ’s.

Blog resumes on Sunday at 1530 sitting at Dining Room Table.

The beans and rice were as good Saturday as on Thursday.  We watched Death in Paradise and Bosch before turning in. 

Today because of the weather I did not get my thirty minutes outdoors.  Winter storm warning will be in effect until noon on Sunday.  It was still snowing and sleeting with howling wind when we turned in.

Sunday April 15, 2018;

Easy blog today.  We woke up to snow/sleet mix with high winds.  Temperature was below freezing.  The TV folks told us to stay home.  We took their advice.  Even Trinity Lutheran canceled services.

I am an optimist because I spent the morning putting away my winter clothes and getting out the warm weather gear.  I finished reading the GRP by noon.  

Quick lunch and then took a nap.  It stopped snowing about 1400.  I might even take a walk later today.

Nancy will be fixing her world famous scramble eggs for dinner tonight.

Stepped outside and noted the snow/sleet had stopped so I put on my boots and walked around the block.  About 4” of slush cover the roads and walks.  I stayed on the walks because of the heavy spray put up whenever a car passed.  Not pleasant but I did get my 30 minutes outside.

Yes Nancy did fix her world famous scrambled eggs.  I had mine with spinach pie and fresh cut melon.

We watched 60 Minutes and then Murder in Suburbia and The Heart Guy.  It was an Acorn evening.  Winter storm warning still active.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Friday April 13, 2018

Friday April 13, 2018

Blog time 1140 at Panera

Boy I slept in today to 0700.  The sun was up when I went out.  Temperature was 39 with rain and snow starting this afternoon.

Most folks have problems with the # 13, especially Friday the 13th.  13 has been a good number for me.  In 1956 I won a Jeep in a raffle with the number 13.  The Jeep changed my life.  The night I graduated from high school I got in the Jeep and headed to Oregon.  The start of a big adventure for a naive boy of 18.  The Lord protects young folks doing stupid things.

All the news outlets are announcing a USN Armada heading to Syria.  I hope it is only for show.  

Rain and snow are on the menu for this weekend.  Bad news for all the high school spring sports athletes.

Showered and then had lunch before heading downstairs.  I spent several hours reading and checking emails.  I am being bombarded with emails from My Heritage informing me they have found another third to fifth Cousin.  

For dinner Nancy and I headed to Brann’s.  I had the lobster bisque and split a turkey sandwich with Nancy.  The restaurant was nearly empty.

I finished reading the papers before watching an episode of Murder in Suburbia.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched an episode of Babylon Berlin.

Winter storm warning were issued for our area.  

Just before going to bed I got an alert on my iPhone that an attack on Syria was underway.  Talk about telegraphing your moves.  What happened to the old adage “loose lips sink ships”.  Did you think Syria had enough warning?

Friday, April 13, 2018

Thursday April 12, 2018

Thursday April 12, 2018

Blog time 1100 at Panera

It rained last night but when I went out at 0650 I could see the sun just coming up.  It was warm, 48, with temps predicted to reach mid 60s later.

Nancy headed out early for her Thursday swim.  My big problem today is to decide how to dress.  This is our warmest morning in awhile.  I ditched my rubber boots, snowmobile mitts and long underwear.  It felt good.  We must have had quite a bit of rain last night because I encountered many big puddles on my hour ride to the Y.  Everything smelled and looked fresh.  A truly great Spring morning for a bike ride.  I savor these mornings.

Good grief enough with the Zuckerberg testimony.  Several channels are covering his testimony live.  All I see are a bunch of pols grandstanding.  I really don’t think they understand what they are talking about.

I was not surprised at Paul Ryan’s announcement that he will not seek re-election.  I think between having to deal with the fringe elements in congress, Dems and GOP, along with PONTUS he just burned out.  

My big worry is that if the Dems do take control of congress they will spend all their time trying to impeach President Trump.  Bitterness will prevail and nothing will get done.

After lunch I made a quick trip to Groskopfs to buy a grounded electrical outlet suitable for use in SA.  Speaking of our trip Nancy got a call yesterday from our tour guide inquiring if we had any questions about the trip.  She reminded us to bring rain gear and clothing that can be layered.  Cool mornings and warm afternoons are common.

I found time to take a nap and after dinner a walk.  Nancy fixed beans and rice for dinner.  Love beans and rice.

We watched an episode of Bosch.  Nancy headed to bed and then I watched Babylon Berlin.  I like this dark crime story set in Berlin in the 20s.  Germany was in complete turmoil and the commies and nazi are trying to fill this vacuum.