Saturday, May 31, 2014

Friday May 30, 2014

Up at 0630, 50% calisthenics and then pedal to D&W in Breton Village for coffee. Stop at bank and get a cashiers check for purchase of condo. At 1430 head for Grand Rapids Title Company. We sign papers and bought our condo. We are now the proud owners of a condo in "The Meadows". We spent some time talking with the Sellers about our new purchase. We met the Moleski's at Chili's for dinner. We spent two hour eating and talking. An enjoyable end to a big, big day in the lives of Nancy and Bob.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Thursday May 29, 2014

I set the alarm for 0630. For the first time in several weeks I did my calisthenics. Of course I did them at 50%. I have a drooping right eyelid so this morning I went to the eye doctor. The MD eye doctor not the OD. He gave me several tests and also took some blood. I have an appointment to see a MD who specializes in eye plastic surgery. This morning an Appraiser for the buyers of our house stopped by to check out the house. Nancy said his visit lasted about 40 minutes. I am glad we do not have to get a loan. Speaking of homes, tomorrow at 1500 we will close on the condo. I had coffee at the Hall Street Bakery. I also bought a bag of day old scones. The scones are great and the day olds are 50% off. This afternoon I spent several hours arranging furniture in our condo. Using ACAD makes moving furniture around easy. The City of GR emailed me asking if I wanted another term on the GRBA. I had to tell them we are moving and will no longer live in GR. I took a short nap and ended the afternoon with a two mile walk. We had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. I thought we would sit outside but their deck is not ready. We had another warm sunny day. The temperature reached 80. The GRP is just a shadow of its former self. Both the print and digital editions are second rate. It took me about 15 minutes to read the paper. We will watch some TV and Netflix before retiring. We might even have to turn the AC on.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Wednesday May 28, 2014

Today for the first time in a month I attended Breakfast Club. We had a very light turnout. Today the speaker was the Poet Laureate of Grand Rapids. He was really good. It was one of our better programs. After BC I stopped by the Farmer's Market and bought some rhubarb. Nancy will make some rhubarb sauce. After dropping off the rhubarb I got on my bike and headed to the Kava House. I spent about an hour reading the WSJ and drinking my coffee. When we move I will have to find a coffee house within bike range of the condo. I think a Panera Bread is nearby. Nancy has to work at the Garden's this afternoon. She left about 1230. The AC man stopped by about 1300. He had to put a new fuse in the unit and change some old wires. The AC is now working. Just as soon as we get the AC fixed the temperature drops. It is now just 70 and the low tonight will be 52. Hardly AC weather. I plan on a two mile walk this evening. We will finish our Costco chicken tonight. Not much on TV so we will watch another episode of Midsomer Murders on Netflix.

Tuesday May 27, 2014

The first summer holiday is over. Weather wise it was a beautiful holiday. Today I continue my rest period before resuming my exercise routine. I feel fine but Nancy would kill me if I started exercising before two weeks. Using this criteria I can start on Thursday. This morning I did sleep in until 0800. After breakfast I got on the bike and headed to the Kava House for coffee and the WSJ. Not much in the news lately that is of interest to me. When I got home I headed to Macatawa Bank. With all the security problems that keep popping up I decided to take a Money Market fund offline. I was worried because I did a dumb thing yesterday. I opened a link before checking if it was ok. I talked to my guru about changing my email password and he told me that it was not necessary. He was not very encouraging. He said that the phish folks would soon find my new password. Is nothing sacred? I did take an afternoon nap. After I spent some time using my ACAD software to see if our furniture will fit in the new condo. I measured all the rooms in the condo and also the furniture we are keeping. We had a light dinner and then read the GRP and watched a NCIS rerun. We headed upstairs early. It was very hot, 79. Tomorrow our AC gets checked out. May 27, 1938: From the diary of James Lee Sanborn of Ossineke, Mi. Great grandfather Sanborn has been spending a lot of time in his garden. Yesterday he planted Kukes and Mush mellows (his words). Today he spent the morning in the garden and then worked in the post office in the afternoon.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Monday May 26, 2014

Memorial Day is the start of the Summer season. Until 1968 Memorial Day was on May 30 instead of the last Monday in May as it is now. Alpena, Michigan always had a big parade on Memorial Day. For several years when I was a Boy Scout our Troop 78 would march in the parade. It was usually warm when we marched the mile parade route. While Memorial Day had a special significance for veterans for Bobby Scott it meant that I could finally quit wearing long underwear. From about Halloween to Memorial Day I wore what was called an union suit. A union suit was one piece. In other words the top and bottom was one piece. A buttoned flap was provided in the rear so that one did not have to remove the entire suit when doing ones bidness. I wore the union suit until I was about 12. It was a happy day when my Mother said I did not have to wear the suit. Today Nancy and I slept in until about 0730. We had breakfast at the Brandywine on the East Beltline. After breakfast we did our shopping at Meijer's. Gas today was $3.88. I did take a nap this afternoon. After the nap Nancy and I walked Ms P around the block. I spent some time on my computer. I made a mistake opening an email so I am in the process of changing my email address. It is a pain. Nancy fixed sloppy joes for dinner tonight. I took a mile walk after dinner. We will watch some TV before heading upstairs.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Sunday May 25, 2014

Today we all slept in. No MVP, no Meijer's and no breakfast because we are going to brunch at Moleksi's at 1030. Today is another beautiful sunny spring day. The temps reached 80. At 1015 we headed to Moleski's. We had the brunch on their back deck. It was very pleasant except that as with all brunch's I eat too much. When we got home we watched the end of the Indy race. I think I am almost recovered fully from pneumonia but I still took a nap. We are having a very light dinner and then we will read the GRP and watch some TV. I might stay up late and watch some WW II films on the History Channel. Speaking of channels we might have to change our cable company from Comcast to Charter when we move.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Saturday May 24, 2014

I set my alarm for 0230 so that Nancy could go out and watch the meteor shower. Nancy came back about 10 minutes later saying she could see nothing. I got up at 0700 and got on my bike and pedaled to the Omelette Shop for breakfast. I had their super sized oatmeal. We are having another beautiful spring day. Sunshine and temps in the low 70s. When I got home Nancy was busy packing boxes. She wants to fill one box every day. In the process of cleaning out our book case I found several boy's books on famous men. I loved these book when growing up. I sent a book on Davy Crockett along with a coon skin cap to Lucas. I made a trip to Goodwill to drop off some books. On this Memorial Day weekend in 1966 Nancy and I were living at 875 Woodside Road in Redwood City, Ca. I had been working many weekends during the winter and was really looking forward to having three days off. I planned on sleeping in every day. On Saturday our alarm goes off about 0600 and I tell Nancy to shut it off. Nancy said the alarm was not on. She then sticks her head out the door and smells smoke. The alarm we were hearing was the fire alarm. Nancy grabs Debbie and heads downstairs. I was following her when I realized that I forgot my cigarettes. I ran back and got my camels. I don't think I had my priorities right? Anyway the fire was confined to one apartment. The complex was cleared out in minutes and we all assembled in the courtyard. The apartment complex had mostly single folks. I think Debbie was the only child. We noted that a lot of our neighbors were sleeping in apartments other than their own. I also found out that we were the only tenants that had a renter's insurance policy. Oh the things one remembers! I did take a short nap and then walked with Ms P to the OHNA mailbox. Nancy is fixing chicken sandwiches for dinner tonight. I will take another walk and then watch some TV. Usually on this weekend there are some good military films.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Friday May 23, 2014

The recuperation continues. I have been sleeping in and last night was no exception. After breakfast I got on my bike and pedaled to the Kava House. This was my first time on the bike is over a week. I read the first section of the WSJ. For Africa's largest economy Nigeria seems to have a military that is totally incompetent. They cannot protect their own people. I read an article on the Pope's visit to the Middle East. The Christian population in this area has declined drastically in the past 50 years. In my lifetime will the birthplace of the Christian faith be devoid of Christians? Russia and China have signed a big deal for Russia to sell gas from Siberia to China. Russian is having problems getting Russians to live in Siberia. Will China claim that since there are more Chinese living in Siberia than Russians that this area should become part of China? This is the same reasoning that Russia used in Crimea. What goes around comes around? After coffee I pedaled home and rounded up Nancy and Ms P. Kim is cleaning today and she brought Ms P back after a week at her house. We headed to Art Van furniture and bought a new mattress and box spring for our bed. We will have it delivered when we move. We also stopped at Costco to load up on some supplies like peanut butter, cereal and sandwich rolls. Lunch today was a Costco hot dog. I took a nap this afternoon. After the nap I took Ms P around the block. We are having a stretch of really nice weather and it should continue through the holiday weekend. For dinner tonight we are having a Costco chicken. I hope to take a mile walk after dinner. Sunset is after 2100. I love the long days. This is my favorite time of year.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Thursday May 22, 2014

Nancy and I arrived back in GR yesterday about 1500. We spent Monday and Tuesday at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island. The following is a brief summary of our trip. Monday May 19: We left GR a little before 0800. It was a bright sunny day. When we got to Gaylord we stopped to see Helen and Don. They really looked relaxed and fully recovered from their 9 day road trip from AZ to MI. We left off a brick of swiss cheese that we can now get in GR. We were introduced to this cheese my Missy when she lived in Cleveland. The cheese is made in an Amish Community outside Cleveland. We got to Mackinaw City in time to catch the 1330 ferry to the Island. Our bags were checked through to the Grand and so we had a pleasant walk to the Hotel. Tourist season has not started yet so the Island was not crowded. I like the clip-clop of the horses. I am still not fully recovered from the pneumonia so I took a short nap. Nancy and I attended a 1830 wine and cheese get together. We met Ed and Mary Namey who arrived shortly after we did. After the wine and cheese we headed to the main dining area and had a great five course meal. After dinner we sat in the main lounge area and listed to harp music. We retired early. Tuesday May 20: The rain moved in last night. It was cloudy and cold with the temperature never getting above 45. We had breakfast in the main dining area. Breakfast was great. The nice thing about the GH is that no tipping is allowed. We had a small break in the rain and Nancy and I walked downtown to buy some fudge. We nearly froze to death. We did spend a lot of time reading. In fact I finished my book. About 1600 we walked upstairs to a bar on top of the hotel. It is called the Cupola Bar. The view of the Straits of Mackinaw is great. We met the Namey's at 1900 for dinner. We had another fine meal. The Grand Hotel is a fine dining experience. While we were freezing in Mackinac it was nearly 80 in GR. Wednesday May 21: We had another fine breakfast. We caught the 1000 ferry to Mackinaw City and then drove home. It was 80 when we got home at 1500. We had a light dinner and then headed upstairs early. All the eating and drinking of the past two days tired us out. Thursday May 22: I slept in until 0800. I had coffee at Hall Street. I did buy a bag of day old scones at 50% off. We love Hall Street's scones but not at full price. I stopped at the bank to make a deposit. I also got the Taurus washed. Nancy continues to pack. I cleared my in-basket and paid some bills. We filled out a form for the condo association and we are now waiting for our Realtor to pick it up. We had to fill out a form asking permission to have our dog, Petunia, stay with us. Would the condo association deny our request? Dinner tonight will be at Great Lakes Shipping. Every day in every way I am feeling better and better.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Sunday May 18, 2014

Saturday May 17; A pleasant cool spring day. I drove to Bill's for breakfast. I ordered the Super Breakfast because I am feeding my pneumonia. Today was an easy day for Bob and Nancy. I took a long afternoon nap and spent some time reading. I did fire up my ACAD Lite and starting drawing our new condo. As soon as I have the rooms laid out to scale I will see how to arrange various pieces of furniture in each room. About 1730 we got in the Taurus and picked up Nancy's friend Kathi. We had dinner at Brann's. Tonight instead of sitting in the bar was ate in the main lounge. We all had the sizzler. We gave Brann's Main Lounge a C. It does not get dark until 2100 so we spent some time riding around the neighborhood. We are going to miss Ottawa Hills. Sunday May 18: A bright sunny day with temps in the low 60s. I drove to Kava House for coffee and scones. Spent most of the morning reading the GRP. I did take my Sunday afternoon nap and then I packed for our trip to Mackinac Island tomorrow. It did not take long. The sprinklers went off this afternoon. The sprinkler man' setting was off by 12 hours. The system should have gone off at 4:30 AM and not 4 PM. This is a good argument for the 24 hr clock. I took my last pill this morning and I hope all this medicine will lead to a speedy recovery. I have really been taking it easy. Nancy is fixing her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner tonight. We will watch 60' and then a netflix show.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Friday May 16, 2014

The recuperation continues as does the cold weather. The normal high for this date in May is 70 and today it was in the low 50s. I slept in and then had coffee at Hall Street Bakery. I took some time to give the WSJ a good read. Confusion in the Middle East, Iran recruits Afghan young men to fight in Syria. India has new leaders and who knows what is happening in Thailand. Vietnam is pushing back against China. Japan is moving towards a stronger defense to combat Chinese moves against some rocks in the East China Sea. The Europeans don't know how to handle their primary energy supplier Russia. Who can figure it all out. Today we spent some time going to our Credit Unions to get some money for our May 30 closing on our condo. It is really not that complicated we just have to get all our financial ducks in a row. We have about 30 days between purchasing the condo and selling our house. In those 30 days we must carry insurance on two homes. Our Realtor is providing us a check list to help navigate the transition period. Kim came about 1300 and picked up Ms P. She will be with Kim and family for a week. I did take a nice long nap. We had fried egg sandwiches and then headed downtown to the GR Art Museum. We saw the exhibit on Michigan design. It covered everything from auto manufacturing, furniture design and architectural designs unique to Michigan. Everything from the Keeler House on Reeds Lake to the design of Ford Rouge River complex. It was very interesting. We finished the evening by watching Midsomer Murder on Netflix. Frost warnings are up for tonight. Bummer!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Thursday May 15, 2014

Catch up time: Monday the tossing and pitching continues. More trips to Goodwill. My chest cold continues to get worse. The house is looking good. Tuesday we put the finishing touches on our cleanup. Nancy got good news from Dr Sprik. Her second biopsy has come back clear. The score is 1-1, so we are in a wait and see mode. It was cold and rainy all day. I continued to read and throw out old magazines. One more day and I will have caught up. My chest cold takes a bad turn so I call our GP and get the on call Doctor. He said come in early tomorrow. I called the Realtor at 1945 and asked if the house was on the market. He said he was just finishing up and would post the house later. At 2145 the Realtor put the house on the market. Wednesday: Busy, busy day. Nancy had to drive herself to the Doctor to get the last of her knee shots. I called the GP and got 1530 appointment. The Realtor called and said that the first showing was scheduled at 1300. Nancy and I quickly put the finishing touches on the house. At 1100 I go to the skin doctor to get my stitches removed. At 1130 the "For Sale" sign goes up. At 1230 we all get in the Taurus head to Meijer's Garden. Nancy is working today. Ms P and I drive around until it is time for the GP appointment. The Realtor keeps texting me about request for visits. Eight showings are scheduled for tonight with the last one ending at 1930. The GP checks me over and said I have pneumonia. He gave me a prescription for a strong antibiotic. We pick up Nancy at Meijer's. We stop at Meijer's to pick up my medicine. For dinner we stop at Russ's. Nancy has soup and a burger. I have a hot turkey sandwich. We get home at 2000. The Realtor calls at 2100 saying we have an offer for the house. Nancy and I review offer. It looks good. The Realtor stopped by with some papers that have to be signed. The house has sold in less than 24 hours. Thursday: We all sleep in today. There are several showings scheduled for this afternoon but they are canceled. The estimator from "Two Men and a Truck" stops by to see what we want moved. He will give us an estimate on Friday. Bob and Nancy crashed this afternoon. Dinner tonight at Great Lakes Shipping. The Buyer's have scheduled an inspection of the house on Monday. Nancy and I will be at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island for a well deserved rest.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Sunday May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day: Nancy and Bob's first Mother's Day was spent in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park. Nancy fixed a picnic lunch and we were taking Debbie to the Zoo. The animals did not mean much to Debbie but she sure liked watching the pigeons. It was very cold so we ate our lunch rapidly. Today in GR we had a beautiful Mother's Day. Sunshine and temperatures in the low 80s. I still can't swim so we headed to Cheri Inn for breakfast. We got there at 0800 and had no trouble getting a table. Ten minutes later and we would have had to wait. After breakfast we headed to Meijer's. Gas today was $3.66. We did not purchase much because we don't want to take a lot of food when we move. I read several sections of the GRP before heading upstairs for my Sunday nap. After the nap I cleaned out my nightstand. I was surprised at how many big books that I had. I tossed most. I finished the afternoon with a mile walk. We are having a light dinner tonight, cold cut sandwich. We will watch 60' and a netflix show before heading upstairs. I did find a poem Missy wrote to me on my 42nd birthday. It was nice and I am keeping it. Last night we had a long enjoyable FaceTime conversation with Debbie. I love FaceTime.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Saturday May 10, 2014

I thought the flu and cold season was over. I developed a cold last night so I slept in until 0800. Nancy did not want to go out for breakfast so I got on the bike and pedaled to Bill's for oatmeal. After breakfast I pedaled around Reeds Lake. When I got home Nancy was busy cleaning out the upstairs cedar closet. I must have made 25 trips out to the garage with bags of trash or bags for Goodwill. Once the car was filled and headed to Goodwill. It was 1400 when Nancy declared the job done. She deserves a medal. I was tired so I took a shower and then a nap. We are replacing the mattress and box springs on our bed. I just texted Debbie and she told me the brand of her new mattress and box springs. Today has been a beautiful spring day. The leaves on the trees are 90% out and the temperature was a perfect 66. For dinner tonight we are going to Brann's or Sundance. Both are near our new condo. After dinner we will watch some Netflix.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Friday May 9, 2014

We had a heavy rain come through early this morning. For the first time in 10 days I did my calisthenics, no aerobics. Had coffee and read WSJ at Hall Street Bakery. I also bought some day old scones at 1/2 price. Kim came again today and the preparation for the sale continues. At 1000 Clean Sweep came and took about three cubic yards of trash. Nancy and I took our winter comforters to the cleaners. We also drove around our new neighborhood. Surprisingly most of the stores we regularly use are closer. The sun came out about noon. The temperature was in the low 70s. I did take a 2 mile walk and during the walk my fitbit buzzed me to say I had reached my 10,000 step goal. The realtor called about 1500 and said he was on his way to take pictures of the house. We made a last minute check. We got high marks for getting the house ready. We signed some more papers. The house goes on the market on Monday. We are having soup and hot dogs for dinner tonight. I think we will head upstairs early because we have had a busy week cleaning.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Thursday May 8, 2014

We all slept in today. Helen and Don had a light breakfast and were on the road by 0800. After they left I got on my bike and pedaled to the Kava House. Kim came today to wash windows and do some heavy dusting. She will also return tomorrow. The house is looking good. Nancy spent some time cleaning the garage. I took a load of clothes and books to Goodwill. We have the garage loaded with trash. Tomorrow at 1000 a rubbish hauler is stopping by to take all the trash. His fee is reasonable? It was a beautiful Spring day today. It is now 1600 and the temperature is 82. 82 is hot in GR. We are staying home tonight and cleaning the reefer. We will read the GRP and watch some TV. We like the Big Bang TV show. Right now I am heading out for a two mile walk. I have to get my 30 in.

Wednesday May 7, 2014

Wednesday May 7, 2014 Today Nancy had the second of three shots in her knee. We were at the clinic at 0830 and did not have to wait. On our way home we stopped at the Wealthy St Bakery for coffee and a scone. This morning our painter arrived at 1030 and he was done by 1300. We have now completed all the repair work that was needed before the showing. Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. I drove her. At 1300 Grapids Irrigation turned on our sprinkler system. We needed three new heads. It is now 1600 and in few minutes I will out to the Gardens to pick up Nancy. My sister, Helen, and Don will be here about 1700. We are going out to dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. Helen and Don are spending the evening before heading home to Gaylord. Helen and Don arrived at 1700 today. For dinner we ate at Great Lakes Shipping. After dinner we spent several talking in the living room. We were all in bed at 2200.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Tuesday May 6, 2014

I have been sleeping later since the Doc said take it easy until the stitches are out. I slept in and then headed to the Hall St Bakery. After coffee I stopped by the bank and then an used clothing store. I was told that my Navy uniforms are a hot item with young folks. The first store told me they were not interested but a store on Leonard that sells used Military items might buy the uniforms. I stopped home loaded up the C2 with items for recycle. This is my second trip this week. I also stopped by the Military store and they told me the Navy clothing would not sell. I will take to Goodwill later this week. The grass is getting long so I cut the grass. This afternoon Larry Fill who has an Estate Sale company stopped by to see the furniture and other items we want to sell. He liked what he saw and we set up a date for the middle of July. Nancy fixed scallop potatoes for dinner. They were great. We watched NCIS and read the GRP. Nancy thinks Ms P is getting better. She is on three special pills per day and a bland diet. My fitbit says I reached my goal of 10,000 steps today.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Monday May 5 2014

Up this morning at 0630. I ate a quick breakfast and then headed to Hall St Bakery for coffee and to read the WSJ. Mondays the WSJ seems to have a lot of foreign news. Of course there were several articles on Mr. Putin but they also had good articles on Chile and Asia. After my coffee I headed home for more cleanup. Nancy was concentrating on the two bedroom used by the girls. She did a lot of tossing. I made a trip to Goodwill and then spent the rest of the morning and afternoon cleaning my office. I threw out a lot of old class books that have no value. I also tossed a lot of class notes from the 50s. Old running shoes got the boot (no pun intended). I dusted and now the room looks presentable. At least I think so. Our Realtor will inspect the rooms before we put the house on the market. We might have to do any more cleaning. I have stored a lot of trash in the garage. I found a company with a pickup that will stop by and remove the trash. The price is reasonable. Our painter said he can start painting the bathroom on Wednesday. Don't you love it when a plan comes together. It is now 1700 and I am going on a two mile walk. I don't think walking will pull the stitches in my leg. We will have a light dinner and then watch some TV. All this cleaning and tossing is tiring so we will head upstairs early.

Sunday May 4, 2014

Week end Update: Friday May 2, We slept in today. After breakfast we headed to 6174 Tahoe to meet with Steve Yared. We hired Steve to inspect our new condo. It took about 2.5 hours and only minor repair items were found. This trip to the condo reinforced our decision that 6174 is right for Nancy and Bob. We got home about noon and received a call from the Larry Reames, the dry waller. He wanted to apply the finish sand on his work. It took Larry less that 45 minutes to finish. It look good but there is heavy layer of dust all over the bathroom. Now we have to get the painter in to finish. We continued packing and tossing this afternoon. For dinner we went to Brandywine for their “Ham da Scram”. It tasted great. We watched Unforgetable before heading up. Saturday May 3: I drove to Bill’s for breakfast. Nancy did not want to go. I made several stops on my way home: My first stop was at the Vets. I wanted to get Ms P in becuase she has been off her feed lately. Her stomach was growling all night. She is scheduled for next week. I also stopped at the Rental Store to see if they had a shop vac for rent. They did. Nancy called and said she thought that Ms P was constipated. I stopped again at the Vets and asked about some medicine. The Vet told me to come in at 1430. Nancy and I took Ms P in and the Vet knew immediately what the problem was. Ms P had injured her back. She got two shots and some medicine. She must be quiet for two weeks. No walks, or rides in the car and we have to carry her upstairs. It took me about two hours to dust and vacuum the bathroom. It is good to have this bathroom back in use. Of course when the painter comes I will have to remove all the items out of the bathroom. Nancy has really been working hard in the basement. Any one who has ever been in our basement recently would be surprised. I make many trips to the garage with things we are throwing away. I spent considerable time cleaning my office. I cleaned out closets and tossed a lot of things. 19 long sleeve T’s, 12 sweaters, 20 SS T, 2 sport coats, 5 dress pants, 2 vests 14 dress shirts were all tossed. I kept a recored for tax reasons. I made a trip to Goodwill. I did not throw away a tux I had in college because it fit. I also kept a 3 button blue suit that I have had for years. It is now back in style. We were very tired so I got a pizza for dinner. Sunday May 4, 2014: Doc says no swimming so Nancy and I went out for breakfast. We ate at the Cheri Inn. It was very good. After breakfast we headed to Meijer’s for our weekly supplies. Gas today was $3.51. I spent some time cleaning my office before taking a nap. For the first time in about a week the sun was out. At 1530 we headed to Moleski’s for dinner. All of the book club was in attendance. Nancy got to announce our purchase of the condo. We got home about 2000. We watched a BBC show on Netflix and read the GRP before heading upstairs.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Thursday May 1, 2014

Thursday May 1, 2014 Doc says no exercise until stitches removed so I slept in. Still had coffee at Hall St. Nancy has been working very hard cleaning the basement. I started running errands. I loaded up the C2 with books to take to Goodwill. Also sold 150# of dumbbell at Play It Again. To keep the stitches in place I bought some shin compression socks. My last morning stop was at Macatawa Bank to see about a bridge loan. They said it was no problem but the process time takes three weeks. After lunch we met with the realtor. He wants the house on the market in one week. Yikes! Made a run to the recycle drop off this afternoon. We had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. We both fell asleep watching Netflix. I am writing on my mini. It is now 2130 and we are going upstairs.