Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wednesday January 29, 2014

The new norm: shovel before bed and before breakfast. Another cold day but we had sun. Sun is good. Today is my easy day. So after shoveling I walked to the Omelette Shop for an oatmeal breakfast. It was tough walking with all the snow on the ground. Walking (4.5 miles) to the Omelette Shop will be my only exercise for the day. When I got home I read some and then we all got in the Taurus to run a lot of errands. With the roads still being snow covered I do not like to drive the C2. Our first stop was the OH library. Nancy picked up her book. Ms P is getting a bath and her hair cut today. We dropped her off at the groomers. Nancy had to pick up a prescription at Costco. Gas at Costco was $3.12 a gallon. We stopped at the hospital gift shop so Nancy could get some paperwork. The groomers called. We picked up Ms P. I hope they did not take too much hair off with this weather. She looks good. All this running around made me tired so I took a nap. Tonight we are going to Houlihan's for their comfort food special. Meatloaf, pot roast and other mid winter fare at a great price. Not much on TV so I hope Netflix will download tonight. Think Spring!

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