Saturday, January 25, 2014

Saturday January 25, 2014

I went out at 0600 and started shoveling. Nancy joined me several minutes later. We got about 8” of snow overnight. This is the deepest snow we had to shovel this year. It took us about 90 minutes to get the drive cleared. Our neighbor used his snow blower to clear our walk. I made Nancy a pot of coffee and then started on my normal walk to Bill’s. I got to Lake Drive and I said the heck with this. The deep snow had made walking difficult. I diverted to Wolfgang’s. I sat at the counter and had eggs and hash browns. Ten minutes after I sat down the entire place was filled. When I left Wolfgang’s all the streets had been cleared. Of course our drive entrance was plugged by the passing plows. It took another 30’ to clear the drive. Nancy wanted to work at the hospital so I volunteered to drive. When I got home I headed upstairs and spent time working on the family tree. Nancy called about 1400 and Ms P and I picked her up. We all shoveled the drive when we got home. I took a short nap. My Sister, Helen, called this afternoon and gave an update on her knee operation. Every thing went well and she is going home tomorrow. Her recovery period will be lenghty. We tried to view Netflix this afternoon but kept getting a message that the show we selected was having problems. No netlfix. It is now 1800 and Nancy is fixing sloppy joes for dinner. We will watch the UM/MSU game tonight. A cold snap is coming to GR. It is now 12 and the temp will drop to five overnight. Monday and Tuesday will have high temps in single digits. Despite the temps we all got our 30 in today. I hope you did too?

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