Monday, January 27, 2014

Monday January 27, 2014

I shoveled 4" of snow last night before going to bed and I shoveled 2" of snow this morning. I have no problem shoveling because the snow is nice and light. My problem is finding a place to put the snow. The banks on both sides of the drive are at least 5' high. The temperature has been in single digits all day today. I got up at 0633 and after morning calisthenics I drove to Starbucks in Gaslight Village. I expected the place to be crowded but it was empty. All the schools in the area are closed today. On my new schedule I get to Starbucks about 0830 and leave at 0930 so I can get to MVP when open swimming starts at 0955. Today I did not have to share a lane. I swam 1,500 meters in 41'. On my way home I stopped at Mr Thang's to pick up my leather vest. Mr Thang had to sew up a rip. When I got home I found that Mackinaw had been plowed. I spent about 30' cleaning up our drive entrance. This afternoon Overhead Door Company installed a new opener for Nancy's side of the garage. I took a very short nap and then walked to the Post Office to mail a package. The sun came out and it looked like a dim 30 watt bulb. It is now 1745 and the temperature is 1. We will have a light dinner and then watch the News and maybe another episode of Wallendar.

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