Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wednesday January 22, 2014

It was real cold this morning, 8. I had Breakfast Club this morning. I was surprised at the good turnout. Maybe everyone has cabin fever. The speaker, a financial planner, talked on the economic outlook for the coming year. A fellow BCer asked me if I would want to join a group of ex Naval Officers. I said yes. The group meets every other month. It is a social gathering consisting of telling Navy stories. After BC I headed downtown to the eye doctor's. The stems of my new sports glasses had several imperfections and so I got a new frame. After my visit I stopped at the East Bank Towers to see if they had any available condos. The office was closed so I left a message. Maybe Nancy and I might want to live downtown? I stopped at the Wealthy Street Bakery to read the WSJ. The place was crowded. It started to snow about 0900 and when I got home I shoveled the walk. Recently I purchased an external CD drive. I could not get it to work. I loaded up the Apple Air, new drive and a CD of Scottish folk tunes. Nancy went with me because she wanted to stop at several shops. The girl at the Apple store cleaned the CD and put it in the CD drive and it worked. She said it did not work because the CD was dirty. I downloaded the CD to the Air. I did not know I could put CDs that I did not purchase at the iTunes store on the Air. I must had got bum dope. When I got home I took a short nap. It is now 1630 and as soon as I finish this blog I will go on a walk. I will bundle up because the temperature is 12. I will also wear my steel traction shoes. One can't be too careful on snow covered walks. This morning one of the men that sits near me at BC said that he had fallen several times while on his daily walk. He had to have steel pins put in his back and hips. Needless to say he is not doing any winter walking. We are having a light dinner tonight. Not much on TV so we might watch a Netflix movie.

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