Friday, January 24, 2014

Friday January 24, 2014

Out at 0500 to shovel about a 1/2" of new snow. I went back to bed and got up at 0647. Today I did the calisthenics at home and then went to Starbucks in Gaslight Village for coffee. I could not get into the pool at MVP until 1000. I got in at 1000 and still had to share a lane. In fact I shared the lane with a neighbor Doug Vance. Doug told me he swam 20 laps. I asked what his time was and he said 15'. I do 20 laps in 30'. Man I am slow. Come to find out Doug did 20 lengths and not laps. So our times are identical. After my swim I headed home. I always hang up my wet swimsuit. Lo and behold, I left my suit at MVP. I had a 1320 Doctor's appointment. The Doctor's is close to MVP. I stopped at MVP and found the suit. I thought I had a sinus infection. The Doctor checked my nose and ears. I did have a sinus infection. The Doctor gave me several prescriptions. I have been using the C2 every day. I don't put more that 10 miles per day on the C2 so I thought I needed to put some miles on it to charge the battery. All this cold weather is bad for batteries. I got on I-196 and headed to Holland. I got to Ottawa County and the high wind was creating a lot of drifting. I got off at 44th St and stopped at the New Balance store. I like the New Balance walking shoes. They last forever. I bought a pair. I had to pick my prescriptions at Meijer's. Nancy went with me. I picked up my prescriptions and Nancy bought some dog food, English muffins, and grapes. We had dinner at Russ's. The place was empty. The weather must be keeping folks inside. As soon as we got home we headed upstairs to change into comfortable clothes. We plan on spending the evening watching movies on Netflix. I tried on my new walking shoes and saw that they had given me the wrong size. Bummer. Think Spring!

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