Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Wednesday January 15, 2014

Happy Birthday Debbie: Today is Debbie's birthday. I remember the day she was born. It was a Friday afternoon when I took Nancy into the Sequoia Hospital in Redwood City, Ca. We did not have insurance and the hospital would not take a check. I went to a supermarket and cashed a check. The total cost was less than $200 or about 25% of my monthly salary. Eat your heart out ACA. Debbie was born early Saturday morning. Wednesday is my easy day. Ms P got me up at 0430. I did not mind today because Nancy is having Book Club this evening and I had to clear the walk. We got about 1/2" of snow last night. I shoveled the walk and then salted the driveway. After this chore was completed I went back to bed and slept until 0830. I walked to Bill's, 2.5 miles, for breakfast. Instead of healthy oatmeal I had the super special, eggs, potatoes, meat and toast. It was great. I spent an hour reading the WSJ but did not find anything worth commenting on. I am totally turned off by reports from the Middle East. The troubles in Africa seem tribal and not much we can do about it. I like my new rearranged office. This afternoon I continued working on the family tree. I also got Netflix on my iPad and Air. I did take a short nap. Just before 1800 I applied some more salt to the walk and steps. Don't want Book Club members slipping and falling. For dinner tonight I walked over to Harmony on Lake Drive. Harmony is located in an old hole-in-the- wall party store. They make their own beer and have a limited menu. I was surprised the place was jammed. I got one of the last tables. I had a porter beer and pizza. Both were very good. I took my Kindle with me and continued reading "Titiana", a very good book. It is now 2000 and Book Club is going full blast. I am upstairs in the office writing this blog. We had a typical January day today. Temperatures in the 20s with snow and no sun. Think Spring!

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