Friday, January 24, 2014

Thursday January 23, 2014

Up at 0515, and shoveled last nights snow. Nancy's garage door opener does not work so I manually opened the door and backed the car out. It will be very cold today but sunny. Sunny is better than cold. I did my calisthenics at home and then drove to MVP. Nancy was already in the pool and we shared a lane. After my swim I stopped at the Omelette Shop for oatmeal. Nancy had lunch with Kathi. The Overhead Door man arrived at 1330. He said that the opener's on-board computer was fried. He ordered a new one and it will be installed on Monday. I took a quick nap and then took Ms P around the block. The bright sunshine motivated me to take a 2.5 mile walk. I wore my steel grippers. Thursday dinner was at Great Lakes Shipping. I was very hungry and had their wet burrito. It was tasty. My Sister, Helen, fell and broke her knee cap. She is in a hospital in AZ. We talked to her last night. She will be operated on tomorrow. Helen will be immobile for at least eight weeks. Nancy and I are praying for a successful operation. Not much on TV so we watched the Swedish detective shop on Netflix. We headed upstairs at 2200.

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