Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Tuesday January 21, 2014

It was a very cold day but we had brilliant sunshine, a perfect winter's day. I slept in until 0700. After the morning calisthenics at home I headed to Starbuck's in Gaslight for a quick morning coffee. I left Starbucks at 0930 in order to get in the pool at 0955. I swam my usual 1500 meters. The pool was crowded but I did not have to share a lane. I had not finished reading the WSJ so I stopped at Breton Village and finished reading. I had Nancy read an editorial on the California cancer labeling law. CA requires labeling on all product that contain materials that might cause cancer. This includes Starbucks coffee and most manufactured products. It is a silly law and has not reduced cancer in CA. Nancy in her role as a buyer for the hospital had purchased purses that had the CA warning. The manager of the gift shop would not sell the product even though you could buy the same purse at most major department stores. The WSJ was mocking the law. Only in CA. I took a short nap and walked Ms P around the block. It was too cold to walk a greater distance. I think her feet were getting cold. If the cold continues we might have to buy some booties. I took a quick mile walk. Nancy fixed soup and hamburgs for dinner. She had an OHNA Board meeting. I watched a rerun of NCIS and when Nancy got home we watched the last episode of BBC's The Fall on Netflix. It had a strange ending.

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