Sunday, January 19, 2014

Sunday January 19, 2014

We got up early today because Nancy is taking the 0700 train to Chicago. Another buyer picked her up and on Monday I will pick them up. After Nancy left I did a load of laundry and then headed to MVP for my Sunday swim. I was surprised that I did not have to share a lane. Maybe the New Year's Resolution folks have given up already. After the swim I had oatmeal at the Omelette Shop. We have not taken the Taurus on the freeway this year. I headed home loaded up Ms P and took the Taurus to the freeway. We drove full speed up to Howard City. On the way home I pulled off at the Rockford exit. I drove around Rockford looking for rentals or condos. No luck. I read some of the GRP and then headed upstairs for my afternoon nap. It is another cold dark winter's day with no sun. I needed to get outside. I walked Ms P around the block and then walked to the Subway in Eastown. I bought a sandwich. I watched the Denver/NE game and right now I am watching the Seattle/SF game. I want SF to win. This might be the kiss of death for SF. Nancy just called and said everything is going great in Chicago. She and Jennie are having dinner at Harry Carey's.

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