Saturday, January 18, 2014

Saturday January 18, 2014

Ms P must know it is the weekend because she slept in until 0630. It had snowed overnight so I had to shovel the walks. It is another cold winter's day. No sun. Nancy did not want to go out for breakfast so I walked to Breton Village and ate at the Omelette Shop. I had their oatmeal. I liked Peggy Noonan's editorial in the WSJ. She and I are on the same wavelength. The WSJ has written several articles on LBJ's War on Poverty which was proposed 50 years ago. They think it was a failure. I tend to agree. After breakfast I walked over to Macatawa Bank to do some business. I then walked home. I was almost home when I heard a big crash at the intersection of Gladstone and Alexander. The Honda going south on Gladstone was broadsided by a west bound Yukon. The Honda was driven by our neighbor, Chris. She and her daughter were ok as was the lady driving the Yukon. This is a bad intersection. I have had some close calls on my bike because the sight distances are bad. When I got home it had snowed enough that I had to shovel again. Nancy spent the day doing laundry and reading. I worked in my office and did take a nap. A perfect winter's day activities. I took Ms P around the block and then took a mile walk. It is now 1741 and I am drinking wine and writing this blog. Nancy is fixing soup for dinner tonight. We will watched Netflix this evening. Nancy has to get to bed early because at 0600 she is taking the train to Chicago. She is going with another Hospital buyer to a show. Ms P and I will have to suffer. It is very important that during these sunless winter days that everyone gets 30 minutes outside. I got mine. Did you get yours?

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