Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tuesday January 28, 2014

Happy Birthday Melissa! I remember her birth very clearly. It was a bitterly cold Sunday morning in Ann Arbor. Nancy told me that it was time and we better hurry. We had an old Volkswagen Beetle and I had a hard time getting the wind shield wipers to work. Half way to the hospital it was snowing so bad that I stopped the car and tried to get the wipers working. Nancy yelled at me to get going. As soon as I pulled into the hospital entrance the Nurses had Nancy in a wheel chair and headed upstairs. I parked the car and headed to the maternity ward. I checked in and before I sat down the Doctor came out and said it was a girl. Talk about a just-in-time delivery. Oh the things one remembers! We are having another very cold day. The temperature was -5 last night and presently, 1730, it is 9. All area schools have been closed both Monday and today. Road salt does not work below 15 so the roads are becoming snow packed. I am glad the Ford has 4 wheel drive. I was slipping and sliding in my C2. The cold weather is getting to Ms P. She slept in until 0630 and when she goes outside it only for seconds. If the cold continues we might have to get some booties. I did my normal routine today, calisthenics at home, coffee at Gaslight Village and in the pool at MVP by 1000. With no school I thought the pool would be crowded with kids. No kids, I had my pick of lanes. Nancy worked at the hospital today. I had a quick lunch and then spent some time looking over some info on our upcoming trip to Panama. I also worked on the family tree. I am having a problem adding to the tree and I just figured out why. The software I am using is called My Heritage. I view all my inputted data on my Apple Air. However, any modifications or additions to the program must be done on a windows machine. I just got my old HP working again and I will have to spend some time adding to the tree. Around 1600 I bundled up and walked to the post office to mail some bills. It was very cold. I needed this walk in order to get my 30' in today. It is now 1745 and I am writing this blog and sipping wine. Nancy gets mad at me whenever I tip over a wine glass. It happens about twice a month. I figure a normal wine glass is unstable so today I started drinking wine in one of my short, fat scotch glasses. They are more stable than a wine glass. Nancy is fixing scrambled eggs and sloppy joes for dinner. Sounds good for a cold winter's evening. We will watch the news and maybe the President's speech. Last night we tried to watch Wallander on Netflix. Netflix said the show was not available and to try later. Is this normal?

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