Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sunday January 26, 2014

We had a light dusting of snow overnight. So what is new! Temperature at 0800 was 11. The pool was crowded today. Nancy and I had to share a lane. After our swim we headed to the Meijer's at 28th and Kzoo. The place was crowded. We did not need many groceries this week. Gas was $3.33 today. I also picked up a nose drop prescription at Meijer's Pharmacy. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. After breakfast I headed out and shoveled the walk. About 2" of snow had fallen since 0600. I also did my weekly task of emptying my laundry basket. After these chores I took a short nap. Nancy and I finished watching an episode of Wallander on Netflix that we had started last night. I like this series. I think we have already recovered our initial investment in the blu-ray player we needed for Netflix. I took a 2.25 mile walk. Debbie just Facetimed us from San Jose. She had spent the last week in London and came back with a bad cold. She showed me how to get Closed Captions on our TV. Missy said that if I use this feature when watching a BBC series I will be able to follow the dialogue. Nancy has fixed her world famous chili for dinner tonight. A great cold winter's night meal. Speaking of Sunday night meals, when I was a boy we use to visit the Scott Grandparents on Sunday. They lived on a farm in Hubbard Lake, MI. We always had soft boiled eggs in a cup. The top of the shell was cut off and we used a spoon to get the egg out. The egg was placed in a special egg holder. We also had Grandmother Scott's freshly baked bread. Grandfather would go to the root cellar and get a canned fruit sauce for dessert. It was a great dinner. We talked to my sister yesterday. The surgery was a success and she is coming home today. We will call her later today. We will watch 60 Minutes this evening and finish reading the GRP. Maybe a Netflix TV show before heading upstairs.

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