Friday, January 17, 2014

Friday January 17, 2014

Another cold gloomy day: We had received about 1/2" of snow overnight. Ms P and I went out at 0415 and I shoveled the walks. Today I changed my schedule so I slept in until 0700. I did calisthenics at home. I drove to Starbucks in Gaslight Village for coffee and a chance to read the WSJ. I left at 0940 and headed to MVP. I jumped in the pool at 1000 and as I had been told the pool was not crowded. After the swim I headed home. Kim came today to clean. Nancy got home about 1130 and we headed to Costco to pick up a prescription. I spent the rest of the afternoon hooking up the mini box for the basement TV. I did get it to work. I ended the afternoon with a two mile walk. I wore the steel grippers on the bottom of my boots. The grippers are great for walking in snow. Both Nancy and I had received gift cards to Applebee's from our dentist so that is where we had dinner. We ran into Jennifer Dougherty and family at Applebee's. She also had a gift card. We stopped at Toys-R-Us on the way home. No purchases were made. Nothing on TV tonight so we fired up Netflix and watched a BBC mystery called "The Fall". It takes place in Northern Ireland. It seems that all BBC productions are filmed in the dark. I also have trouble understanding the dialogue. They talk too fast. We headed to bed at 2130.

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