Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Wednesday August 7, 2013

Today I had Breakfast Club. BC starts at 0700. The cook must be on vacation because today we did not have any sweets. The Speaker was a local real estate agent and he talked about how bad it was in 08 and how things in 13 are much better. After BC I stopped at Rylee's to purchase yard waste bags. I also bought a magnifying glass that was on sale. I stopped at Starbuck in Gas Light for a quick coffee and to skim the WSJ. My first project was to fix the garbage disposal. The discharge pipe came off yesterday. It was a mess. I had to clean the pipe and put it back on. It seems to be working. This afternoon Nancy worked at the Gardens. I spent about 3 hours in the back yard cutting up branches and putting in yard waste bag. The branches came from my Monday effort to remove tree branches around our phone and cable lines. I still have about two more hours of work. Nancy fixed potato salad with lobster pieces for dinner. It was great. I watched some TV before heading upstairs to write this blog. It is now 2159. Today was the first day that the temperature got above 80 in about three weeks.

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