Monday, August 5, 2013

Monday August 5, 2013

Up at 0455, pedal to MAC, in pool by 0600, swam 1,500 yards and then did my calisthenics. Coffee at Kava House. Quick lunch and then took Ms P on her mile walk. I took a short 30' nap. Tree branches are getting tangled up in our phone and cable lines to house. Got out saw and trimmer and got up on our hill and starting trimming. I thought this would be any easy 30' project but 3 hours later I have the east half of the back yard filled with branches. Started filling yard bags. Nancy had PT this afternoon and when she got home she helped filling bags. We quit at 1745. I think I have about 4 more hours of work. We had a light dinner and then watched the news. I was surprised that Amazon's founder bought the Washington Post. I was also surprised that the owner of the Boston Red Sox bought the Boston Globe. I would not think any print media would be a good investment. I like the way Facebook is formatted on my iPhone. I check it at least once a day. On my computer I only check about every 14 days. I think we are close to setting a record for consecutive summer days where the temperature does not hit 80. It got to 78 today. Tonight Nancy and I will watch "Major Crimes". We like this show. Keep a good thought.

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