Friday, August 2, 2013

Friday August 2, 2013

Up at 0455. Pedal to MAC, encountered skunk on the way but no conflict. In pool by 0600 and swam 1500 yards. Performed calisthenics and then pedaled to Kava House. I was so hungry that I had a bagel with my coffee. Read WSJ. Took Ms P on her mile walk. Had lunch and then took a quick nap. Nancy and I headed outside to do some minor yard work. Minor turned to major. We spent two hours trimming and pulling. Filled four yard waste bags. Stopped work at 1630. We took showers and then headed to Charley's Crab for their early bird dinner. Nancy had shrimp and I had white fish. Very good. Moleski's, Namey's and Tim Mast joined us. We got home at 1930. Temperatures for the past week have been below normal. Tomorrow weather is suppose to return to normal.

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