Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Wednesday August 21, 2013

Breakfast Club today. The speaker was suppose to be the GR Superintendent of Schools. She did not show up. The Systems PR man filled in and gave an off the cuff talk. It was the best program of the year. Maybe he should be Superintendent. Grits were part of this morning's menu. They were good. After BC I stopped at the Kava House to read the WSJ. I parked the C2 and found out GR had raised their parking rates. It is now $0.50 per hour. Ouch When I got home I loaded up the single speed road bike and headed to Riverside Park. I pedaled north 14 miles before turning around. The White Pine Trail was crowded. I wore my new bike shoes with the clips. They require some practice. Today was another sunny dry day. We are starting a week long heat wave. The temperature reached 86 this afternoon and will reach the 90s this weekend. We might have to turn the AC on. Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. She said they had 800 visitors. Tonight we will have a light dinner. I just started reading "For Whom the Bells Toll". Nancy just told me that I got called to Jury Duty. This will be my third call. Nancy has never been called. I hope everyone is spending some time outdoors. Remember 30 minutes at day is what my Grandfather Scott recommended.

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