Friday, August 9, 2013

Friday August 9, 2013

Up at 0455 and in pool by 0600. I had a PB in my swim. Coffee at Kava House. I am getting tired of reading about Snowden and the President' spat with Putin. Enough. My rear light broke apart on my ride to the MAC. I stopped by the bike shop on Fulton and they gave me a new one at no charge. I also found out the the GR Bike Company in Gas Light had just purchased the Fulton bike store. Nancy had her last PT session today at 1300. I took a short nap and when Nancy got home we ran an errand to Costco. We bought eggs, French bread and a rotisserie chicken for dinner. I did take Ms P on a mile walk and then spent some time catching up on my reading. I am about two months behind on ENR and SI. I don't like to be inside in the summer. Kim the cleaning lady came today. Last week she was in Mackinaw on vacation and she purchased some Mackinaw Trails wine for us. I opened it for dinner. In addition to the chicken we had French bread, coleslaw and corn for dinner. It was great. It is now 2014 and if there is nothing good on TV I will take a walk. The days are getting shorter. On Jun 21 sunset was at 2125, tonight it sets at 2053. Today was a beautiful summer's day. The temperature got up to 81. I hope every one is getting their 30' in each day.

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