Monday, August 19, 2013

Monday August 19, 2013

Early morning swim this morning. Up at 0455 and headed to the MAC. We have not had any rain lately so everyone had their sprinklers on this morning. Some sprinkler heads directed their water into the street. I would have to swing out to the center of the road in order to avoid getting wet. Once I had a car right behind me so I had to stop to avoid getting hit. I was in the pool at 0600 and had to the pool to myself. After the swim I did my calisthenics. I was heading out the door at 0800. Before going to the Kava House I stopped at home and picked up a package I had to mail at the PO. With all the news about the financial troubles of the PO I think the employees are going out of their way to be nice. Todays WSJ had a great article on the comeback of manufacturing in the USA. The two major reasons are concessions by unions and low energy cost. Fracking is a game changer for the USA. Last night I was missing my super duper jack knife. I looked everywhere and could not find it. About 0300 I woke up thinking, did I throw the knife out with the garbage? Sure enough I searched through the trash and found my knife. Keep this thought! At 1300 Nancy and I headed downtown to meet with our financial advisor. He provided us with some advice on how to handle our IRA's. It was a good session. Nancy had just received a birthday card from the Horlings. She knew it was a birthday card because it said "do not open till birthday". Nancy misplaced the card and thought it might be in the trash. It was. Tonight was are staying home and having a light dinner. Not much on TV so maybe I will catch up on reading my ENR (Engineering News Record) magazine.

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