Saturday, August 17, 2013

Saturday August 17, 2013

Up at 0730 and headed to Bill's for an oatmeal breakfast. Yesterday I bought some clip-on bike shoes and pedals. This morning I tried to put the new pedals on. I put one on with no problem but could not budge the other. I loaded the bike on the C2 and headed to GR Bike in Gas Light. They were able to get the old pedal off (with some effort) and put on a new one. I drove to Millennium Park. The trail head parking lot was crowded. I put on my new shoes and practiced getting into and out of the pedals. I then went on a 21 mile ride. When I got home I took Ms P on her mile walk. After a shower I took a short nap. Today is a beautiful summer's day. Blue sky, sun and temperature in the low 80s. Tonight Nancy and I are going out with the Namey's. We are going to Red's on the River in Rockford. We have a table outside. We are celebrating Mary and Nancy's birthday.

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