Monday, August 26, 2013

Monday August 26, 2013

It was really dark when I left at 0530. We have had an extended dry spell so everyone along my route had their lawn sprinklers on. With school starting at some private schools traffic has increased. Several times I wanted to swing out to the center of the road to avoid a sprinkler but traffic prevented it. I was wet when I got to the MAC. I was in the pool by 0600. One swimmer was leaving and said that between 0500 and 0600 there were two people per lane. I had the entire pool to myself during my 45' swim. I left the MAC at 0800 and headed to the Kava House. The WSJ had several interesting articles this morning. Our energy explosion has created a transportation problem moving oil to refineries. The pipelines are full and railroads, trucks and barges are filling the void. Who would have thought that in the 70s we were running out of oil and gas and now we have a glut. I just hope the politicians don't screw it up. Who is responsible for the gas attacks in Syria? Chemical warfare is scary and it is important that before we take any action we know the facts. I would like us to get out of the Middle East. As a civil engineer I found an article on barge traffic on the Mississippi interesting. In recent years water levels have either been too high or too low. Barges are an efficient way to move goods. I was amazed when we took our river trip from Moscow to St Petersburg the amount of barge traffic. The Soviets build a series of locks and dams between the two cities. I got home at 1130 as did Nancy. We got in the Taurus and headed to Costco. Nancy had to fill a prescription and I had to buy eyewash, mouthwash, peanut butter and lotion. Costco has the best price for these items. We are having a light dinner tonight. The temperature was suppose to reach 90 today but it looks like it will top out at 81. We might turn off the AC tonight.

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