Friday, August 30, 2013

Friday August 30, 2013

The temperature was in the 70s when I left for the MAC at 0530. Today will probably be the last day this year where all I need early in the morning is just a tee shirt. I was in the pool by 0600. I had my coffee at Starbucks in Gas Light Village. The place was crowded. I heard a lot of talk about last night's high school football game. In fact I checked today's Alpena News and saw that Alpena HS beat Escanaba at Escanaba. Way to go Wildcats! Today is grass cutting day. It is so hot and humid that I decided to just cut the grass and not spend time trimming, edging and blowing. To minimize the amount of grass on the concrete I used my mower's bag to pick up the grass around the edges. It worked. Ms P was outside with me but she soon ran out of gas. I was done in two hours. Nancy said Ms P had an "air" about her so we gave her a bath. I took a shower and a short nap. I just got off the phone with my sister and we were trying to identify some folks from Alpena. Tonight Nancy and I are having dinner at Panera's. We will run some errands. We are still planning our long weekend. Enjoy the last weekend in Summer.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Thursday August 29, 2013

We are having a beautiful summer's day. Temperature is in the mid 80s with bright blue sky. I followed my normal Thursday morning routine. After the MAC I stopped at Starbucks in Gas Light for my coffee. I like this Starbucks because it is bright with comfortable chairs. It is also very cold. I solved this problem. I put an extra shirt in my backpack. Syria still dominates the news. I think yesterday I mentioned that I favor the "do nothing" approach. Think anyone will listen. When I got home I had a quick lunch and then took Ms P on her mile walk. Because of the heat we took it easy. I got a call from GR Bike that my road bike was ready. I had them remove the coaster brake and put on new caliber brakes. I walked over to GR Bike. I turned my iphone pedometer on. It is exactly a mile to the store. Tonight Nancy and I are eating at GR Shipping. So what's new? Today we get a paper edition of the GRP which I will read. We might watch some US Open tennis. Did you know that High School football starts tonight? I guess summer is over.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Wednesday August 28, 2013

Last night we had another thunder storm blow through. We get thunder and lightning and heavy rain. It only lasts about 30 minutes. Today is my easy Wednesday and did I take advantage of it. I slept in until 0830. Today I am stopped by the lab to get some blood work done before my annual physical. I was in and out in less than 15 minutes. Since I had the car I decided to run some errands. I stopped by the credit union to get some cash. I bought weedeater string at Rylee's and then stopped for breakfast at Bill's. The more I read about Syria the more convinced I am that we should select the "do nothing" option. The Michigan Senate finally voted to take part in the medical exchange program under the new health care law. Our Senator voted against it. I am sending him and email expressing my displeasure with his vote. It is very hot and humid but Ms P has not had her mile walk in several days. She needs this exercise. We took an nice easy mile walk. This afternoon I took my hybrid bike to Millennium Park. I rode 22 miles. Despite the humidity it was a good ride. Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. Tonight we will have a light dinner. I will read the e version of the GRP and DFP. I might even watch some TV. Did you know that some trees are showing some color? Bummer!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Tuesday August 27, 2013

Today is Nancy's birthday. Happy Birthday Nancy. I have had the privilege of spending 48 birthdays with Nancy. We had a heavy thunder shower move through at 0600 this morning. It was not raining when I left for the MAC at 0800. Today I set a PB for my 1,500 yard swim. After the MAC I ended up at the Kava House. I got home at 1300. It has been hot and humid all day today with occasional sprinkles. I am really behind on my reading of SI. Today I read May and Junes issues. To celebrate Nancy's birthday we had dinner at Houlihan's. Nancy had a steak and I had salmon. We were both tired so we headed upstairs at 2100.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Monday August 26, 2013

It was really dark when I left at 0530. We have had an extended dry spell so everyone along my route had their lawn sprinklers on. With school starting at some private schools traffic has increased. Several times I wanted to swing out to the center of the road to avoid a sprinkler but traffic prevented it. I was wet when I got to the MAC. I was in the pool by 0600. One swimmer was leaving and said that between 0500 and 0600 there were two people per lane. I had the entire pool to myself during my 45' swim. I left the MAC at 0800 and headed to the Kava House. The WSJ had several interesting articles this morning. Our energy explosion has created a transportation problem moving oil to refineries. The pipelines are full and railroads, trucks and barges are filling the void. Who would have thought that in the 70s we were running out of oil and gas and now we have a glut. I just hope the politicians don't screw it up. Who is responsible for the gas attacks in Syria? Chemical warfare is scary and it is important that before we take any action we know the facts. I would like us to get out of the Middle East. As a civil engineer I found an article on barge traffic on the Mississippi interesting. In recent years water levels have either been too high or too low. Barges are an efficient way to move goods. I was amazed when we took our river trip from Moscow to St Petersburg the amount of barge traffic. The Soviets build a series of locks and dams between the two cities. I got home at 1130 as did Nancy. We got in the Taurus and headed to Costco. Nancy had to fill a prescription and I had to buy eyewash, mouthwash, peanut butter and lotion. Costco has the best price for these items. We are having a light dinner tonight. The temperature was suppose to reach 90 today but it looks like it will top out at 81. We might turn off the AC tonight.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sunday August 25, 2013

Up at 0700 and in the pool by 0800. We did the usual Meijer's trip. Gas was $3.64 per gallon. The Knapp's Corners Meijer's where we shop is undergoing a major renovation. The store remains open during the construction. We are having a difficult time finding our way around. The new store will be huge. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. The temperature is suppose to reach 90 today so we turned on the AC. I did take my afternoon nap. After the nap I took a 2 mile walk. We will have a light dinner and read the GRP before turning in. Today has been an easy Sunday. Folks are asking where were you when Martin Luther King gave his "I have a Dream" speech. In August 1963 I was in the Navy and stationed in Vietnam. I arrived in VN in January 1963 and left in August 1964.

Saturday August 24, 2013

Today is Garage Sale Saturday. No Bill's this morning. Instead I drive to Kava House and got coffee and scones for Nancy and me. All sale items were stored in the garage last night. We had to move the merchandise outside. The sale starts at 0900 but we had folks before 0830. Nancy was well organized. She had enough money to make change. We kept Ms P on her leash. Sale hours were 0900-1400. It was an OHNA sale and there were about 15 neighbors taking part. AT 1200 I loaded up my urban bike and headed to Millennium Park. I rode my 21 mile route. The trail was crowded. The weather today was just perfect. Blue sky, sunny and temps in the low 80s. Nancy started closing up at 1400. It took us an hour to move unsold items to the basement. We also filled the trunks with items that would probably never sell. I took these items to Goodwill. After our showers we decided to take an early dinner. We headed to Rose's on Reeds Lake. We got a table on the deck over looking the lake. After our pleasant dinner we headed to Spoonlickers for dessert. We had their frozen yogurt. At 2100 we were too tired to stay downstairs so we headed to bed. It was a great summer's Saturday.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Friday August 23, 2013

Early morning: out the door at 0530 and in the pool at 0600. I had my morning coffee at Starbucks in Gas Light Village. Nancy also went to the MAC and she headed right home to start pricing items for tomorrow's Garage Sale. Kim came today to clean. I started cutting the grass at 1130 and was done by 1500. I threw my arm out throwing ball to dog. After a shower I napped for 30'. Nancy wanted balloons for her Garage Sale sign so we drove to Dollar Tree. We were both tired so decided to not go out tonight. I bought a pizza at Dominoes. It was very good. I just got back from a walk (2030) and it is a perfect summer's evening. Will watch a little TV before heading up.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Thursday August 22, 2013

Heavy winds and thunder blew through last night but little rain. Both Nancy and I went swimming this morning. Threatened rain all day. Pedaled to Kava House for morning coffee. OHNA having garage sale Saturday. Nancy spent 3 hours moving sale items upstairs. I helped. Took road bike to shop to remove coaster brake and put on original hand brakes. Dinner at GR Shipping. It is now 2110 and we are heading upstairs to read. Written on iPhone.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Wednesday August 21, 2013

Breakfast Club today. The speaker was suppose to be the GR Superintendent of Schools. She did not show up. The Systems PR man filled in and gave an off the cuff talk. It was the best program of the year. Maybe he should be Superintendent. Grits were part of this morning's menu. They were good. After BC I stopped at the Kava House to read the WSJ. I parked the C2 and found out GR had raised their parking rates. It is now $0.50 per hour. Ouch When I got home I loaded up the single speed road bike and headed to Riverside Park. I pedaled north 14 miles before turning around. The White Pine Trail was crowded. I wore my new bike shoes with the clips. They require some practice. Today was another sunny dry day. We are starting a week long heat wave. The temperature reached 86 this afternoon and will reach the 90s this weekend. We might have to turn the AC on. Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. She said they had 800 visitors. Tonight we will have a light dinner. I just started reading "For Whom the Bells Toll". Nancy just told me that I got called to Jury Duty. This will be my third call. Nancy has never been called. I hope everyone is spending some time outdoors. Remember 30 minutes at day is what my Grandfather Scott recommended.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Tuesday August 20, 2013

Left for MAC at 0730. In pool by 0800. On my way to Kava House at 1030. Today is free refill Tuesdays at the Kava House so I spent some extra reading the WSJ. It is a warm summer day so I sat outside. Egypt is very confusing. Whose side should the USA be on? The President seems confused. I had a quick lunch. Yogurt, hard boiled egg and apple is my normal lunch. I took Ms P on a walk and then took a short nap. Nancy is grilling chicken this evening. Nancy has a OHNA Board meeting this evening. I will spent the evening watching the news and reading a paper copy of the GRP. August 20, 1938: Ossineke, Michigan: Great grandfather Sanborn wrote in his diary that it was a warm Saturday with no rain. He filled his car up and then drove to Alpena. He was disappointed that the banks were closed. GGF reported that in a Friday night baseball game, Ossineke lost to Alpena Township, 3-1.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Monday August 19, 2013

Early morning swim this morning. Up at 0455 and headed to the MAC. We have not had any rain lately so everyone had their sprinklers on this morning. Some sprinkler heads directed their water into the street. I would have to swing out to the center of the road in order to avoid getting wet. Once I had a car right behind me so I had to stop to avoid getting hit. I was in the pool at 0600 and had to the pool to myself. After the swim I did my calisthenics. I was heading out the door at 0800. Before going to the Kava House I stopped at home and picked up a package I had to mail at the PO. With all the news about the financial troubles of the PO I think the employees are going out of their way to be nice. Todays WSJ had a great article on the comeback of manufacturing in the USA. The two major reasons are concessions by unions and low energy cost. Fracking is a game changer for the USA. Last night I was missing my super duper jack knife. I looked everywhere and could not find it. About 0300 I woke up thinking, did I throw the knife out with the garbage? Sure enough I searched through the trash and found my knife. Keep this thought! At 1300 Nancy and I headed downtown to meet with our financial advisor. He provided us with some advice on how to handle our IRA's. It was a good session. Nancy had just received a birthday card from the Horlings. She knew it was a birthday card because it said "do not open till birthday". Nancy misplaced the card and thought it might be in the trash. It was. Tonight was are staying home and having a light dinner. Not much on TV so maybe I will catch up on reading my ENR (Engineering News Record) magazine.

Sunday August 18, 2013

Another beautiful summer day. The morning included a swim and shopping at Meijer's. Gas was $3.54. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I did take my ritual Sunday nap. I took Ms P on a walk and spent a couple of hours checking my bank accounts and working on my family tree via the software My Heritage. A lot of folks have the same ancestors and and I spent some time comparing relatives with other family trees. It is interesting. Nancy fixed hot dogs, potato salad, baked beans and corn on the cob for dinner. It was good. I spent most of the evening reading the GRP.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Saturday August 17, 2013

Up at 0730 and headed to Bill's for an oatmeal breakfast. Yesterday I bought some clip-on bike shoes and pedals. This morning I tried to put the new pedals on. I put one on with no problem but could not budge the other. I loaded the bike on the C2 and headed to GR Bike in Gas Light. They were able to get the old pedal off (with some effort) and put on a new one. I drove to Millennium Park. The trail head parking lot was crowded. I put on my new shoes and practiced getting into and out of the pedals. I then went on a 21 mile ride. When I got home I took Ms P on her mile walk. After a shower I took a short nap. Today is a beautiful summer's day. Blue sky, sun and temperature in the low 80s. Tonight Nancy and I are going out with the Namey's. We are going to Red's on the River in Rockford. We have a table outside. We are celebrating Mary and Nancy's birthday.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Friday August 16, 2013

Busy day today. Up at 0455 and in pool at 0600. Pool was empty. Left MAC and headed to Macatawa Bank next door. It was 0830 and bank not open until 0900. Headed to Starbuck in Breton Village. Read WSJ and drank coffee. Completed business at bank in about 20 minutes. Interest rates for folks saving money are horrible. Less than 1%. When I got home I got out mower and started cutting grass. I was not done until 1600. For dinner tonight Nancy and I ate at Olga's. We sat outside. It was a nice warm evening, 79. Nancy just got an email from her sister Peg that their cousin Joan in Fl has died. It is very sad. Joan has a daughter but she lost her husband, Larry, and son some years ago. Nancy and I send our sympathy to her family. Tomorrow the temperature will be in the 80s. I hope to go on a long bike ride. Must make the most of the remaining summer days.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Thursday August 15, 2013

Today is swim day for Nancy and Bob. Nancy drove and I pedaled to the MAC. The pool was crowded today but I did not have to share a lane. After calisthenics I stopped at Starbucks in Gas Light Village. I like this place because it has comfortable chairs and is bright and sunny. However, they crank the air up and I freeze. I am tired of complaining. After lunch I pedaled to GR Bike in Gas Light and bought a tire pump. I also bought a pair of clip on shoes and pedals for my single speed road bike. Nancy and I had dinner at Great Lakes this evening. Today we got a paper copy of the GRP so we read it and watched some TV. Nancy got a sad phone call from her sister, Peg. Their cousin Joan who lives in Florida is in poor condition. Joan is two years younger than Nancy. Peg is four years younger than Nancy. On a happy note the weather is finally getting warmer. In fact we are expecting 80s next week.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Wednesday August 14, 2013

Today is my easy day so I slept in until 0700. Nancy wanted an easy day also so we got in the Taurus and drove to the Omelette Shop for breakfast. We both had their oatmeal. The Taurus was dirty so I dropped Nancy off and headed to the car wash. After the car wash I got the C2 out and loaded up my single speed road bike. Before my ride I stopped at Rylee's to get my lawnmower blade sharpened. They said that my blade was fine and did not need sharpening. I said ok and headed to Millennium Park. Today I rode 21 miles in 1h50'. I had a guick lunch and then took a short nap. Today is another nice sunny but cool day. The temperature this morning was in the high 40s. It is now 1700 and the temperature has reached 70. Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. This evening she has Book Club. I am meeting Ed Namey for pizza at Uccello's at 1800. Not much on TV tonight so I might finish my book.

Tuesday August 13, 2013

Got up at 0655 and pedaled to the MAC. It was cold this morning but the weather man said the rain was over and we would have sun all day. After the MAC I ended up the the Kava House. I am writing this blog on Wednesday so I cannot remember what I read. For some reason I have had trouble sleeping so I took and afternoon nap. At 1615 Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to the Gardens. We are working at the concert. I took tickets and Nancy sold tickets. It was sunny but very cold. I was glad I wore a jacket. Despite the cold over 1,500 people attended. We stayed for the opening act but got too cold. We were home by 2030. I read the paper edition of the GRP before heading upstairs.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Monday August 12, 2013

Up at 0455. Raining hard so I drove to MAC. In pool by 0600. Everyone must be back from vacation because I had to share a lane. Coffee at Starbucks in Breton Village. Rain stopped about 1500. Had time to take Ms P on her walk. At 1730 we headed to 53rd park to see Whitecaps BB game. My old company sponsored a picnic. Burgers and everything. Talked all the engineers. SCECO is busy which is good. Came home after "Take me out to the Ballgame".

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sunday August 11, 2013

Up at 0655 and Nancy and I are in pool at 0800. Shop at Meijer's, gas is $3.45. World famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. Sunday afternoon nap. Took Ms P on 1.15 mile walk, then took 3 mile walk. We are finishing the rotisserie chicken this evening. We are enjoying the Mackinaw Trails wine we first had at the Grand Hotel. Temperature did not reach 80 today. It is now 1750 and it looks like rain. After dinner will watch 60 Minutes and read the GRP.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Saturday August 10,2013

Stayed up to midnight watching a Bourne movie. For about fifteenth time. Up at 0730, breakfast at Bill's. Pedaled around Reeds Lake. Cut lawn. Dinner at Brann's. Another great summer day.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Friday August 9, 2013

Up at 0455 and in pool by 0600. I had a PB in my swim. Coffee at Kava House. I am getting tired of reading about Snowden and the President' spat with Putin. Enough. My rear light broke apart on my ride to the MAC. I stopped by the bike shop on Fulton and they gave me a new one at no charge. I also found out the the GR Bike Company in Gas Light had just purchased the Fulton bike store. Nancy had her last PT session today at 1300. I took a short nap and when Nancy got home we ran an errand to Costco. We bought eggs, French bread and a rotisserie chicken for dinner. I did take Ms P on a mile walk and then spent some time catching up on my reading. I am about two months behind on ENR and SI. I don't like to be inside in the summer. Kim the cleaning lady came today. Last week she was in Mackinaw on vacation and she purchased some Mackinaw Trails wine for us. I opened it for dinner. In addition to the chicken we had French bread, coleslaw and corn for dinner. It was great. It is now 2014 and if there is nothing good on TV I will take a walk. The days are getting shorter. On Jun 21 sunset was at 2125, tonight it sets at 2053. Today was a beautiful summer's day. The temperature got up to 81. I hope every one is getting their 30' in each day.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Thursday August 8, 2013

Happy Birthday to my sister Helen. May she enjoy many more. I can remember when my parents brought Helen home. I can remember Dad picking up mother in his arms and carrying her upstairs. In those days new mothers were not suppose to exercise. I thought it was quite a feat of strength for Dad. This morning both Nancy and I went swimming. Nancy drove to the MAC and I biked. After my swim I did the calisthenics and then pedaled to the Starbucks at Breton Village for coffee. I had a quick lunch and headed outside to finish picking up tree limbs. It took about two hours. Nancy and I had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. We sat outside. We watched some TV and at 2100 I decided I needed to take a walk. It was dark but a lot of folks were also out walking. They were enjoying the nice evening. I wanted to know the temperature so I got out my iphone and checked. I was in EGR and the phone said the temp in EGR was 70. I walked about four houses into Grand Rapids and the iphone changed locations from EGR to GR. The temperature remained the same. I have several apps on my phone that I use all the time. Google, flashlight, pedometer, dictionary, Facebook and the Alpena News I use daily. It is now 2154 and I am heading to bed. 0455 comes early.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Wednesday August 7, 2013

Today I had Breakfast Club. BC starts at 0700. The cook must be on vacation because today we did not have any sweets. The Speaker was a local real estate agent and he talked about how bad it was in 08 and how things in 13 are much better. After BC I stopped at Rylee's to purchase yard waste bags. I also bought a magnifying glass that was on sale. I stopped at Starbuck in Gas Light for a quick coffee and to skim the WSJ. My first project was to fix the garbage disposal. The discharge pipe came off yesterday. It was a mess. I had to clean the pipe and put it back on. It seems to be working. This afternoon Nancy worked at the Gardens. I spent about 3 hours in the back yard cutting up branches and putting in yard waste bag. The branches came from my Monday effort to remove tree branches around our phone and cable lines. I still have about two more hours of work. Nancy fixed potato salad with lobster pieces for dinner. It was great. I watched some TV before heading upstairs to write this blog. It is now 2159. Today was the first day that the temperature got above 80 in about three weeks.

Tuesday August 6, 2013

Left house at 0720 and in pool at MAC at 0800. Calisthenics followed swim. Coffee at Kava House. After quick lunch and dog walk I spent an hour picking branches in back yard. At 1630 Nancy and I head to Meijer's Garden. We are working at the Tuesday Night concert. This concert is free to members and features local talent. I worked 2.5 hours and Nancy had to work 3. We were home by 2100.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Monday August 5, 2013

Up at 0455, pedal to MAC, in pool by 0600, swam 1,500 yards and then did my calisthenics. Coffee at Kava House. Quick lunch and then took Ms P on her mile walk. I took a short 30' nap. Tree branches are getting tangled up in our phone and cable lines to house. Got out saw and trimmer and got up on our hill and starting trimming. I thought this would be any easy 30' project but 3 hours later I have the east half of the back yard filled with branches. Started filling yard bags. Nancy had PT this afternoon and when she got home she helped filling bags. We quit at 1745. I think I have about 4 more hours of work. We had a light dinner and then watched the news. I was surprised that Amazon's founder bought the Washington Post. I was also surprised that the owner of the Boston Red Sox bought the Boston Globe. I would not think any print media would be a good investment. I like the way Facebook is formatted on my iPhone. I check it at least once a day. On my computer I only check about every 14 days. I think we are close to setting a record for consecutive summer days where the temperature does not hit 80. It got to 78 today. Tonight Nancy and I will watch "Major Crimes". We like this show. Keep a good thought.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Sunday August 4, 2013

Up at 0655 and head to MAC for our Sunday swim, 1,500 yards in 43'30". Gas at Meijer's was $3.67. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I did take my Sunday nap. After the nap I took Ms P on her mile walk. Today is Tommy Collin's 74th birthday. Tom lives in San Clemente, CA. Tom was a good friend growing up in Alpena, MI. I will give Tom a call to wish hime Happy Birthday. Nancy is fixing BLTs for dinner tonight. We will watch some TV and read the GRP before heading upstairs. Ossineke, Mi August 4, 1938. It was a Thursday and the temperature was in the high 70s. Great grandfather Sanborn worked in the post office in the afternoon. He attended a church dinner. A big crowd attended, 4 tables. GGF drove several folks home from the dinner.

Saturday August 3, 2013

I slept in until 0700. Breakfast at Bill's, oatmeal. Before heading home I pedaled around Reeds Lake. The trail around the lake was very crowded. Today I cut the grass. Usually in August the grass is turning brown. Our grass is green. OUr rainfall is still 10" above normal. Took a short nap and then at 1730 Nancy and I headed to Shiraz for dinner with the Horlings. Shiraz specializes in Persian food. I had the lamb shank. It was very good. We had after dinner dessert at our house. Cookies, ice cream with blueberries. Very good. The weather was perfect today. Temperature in hight 70s.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Friday August 2, 2013

Up at 0455. Pedal to MAC, encountered skunk on the way but no conflict. In pool by 0600 and swam 1500 yards. Performed calisthenics and then pedaled to Kava House. I was so hungry that I had a bagel with my coffee. Read WSJ. Took Ms P on her mile walk. Had lunch and then took a quick nap. Nancy and I headed outside to do some minor yard work. Minor turned to major. We spent two hours trimming and pulling. Filled four yard waste bags. Stopped work at 1630. We took showers and then headed to Charley's Crab for their early bird dinner. Nancy had shrimp and I had white fish. Very good. Moleski's, Namey's and Tim Mast joined us. We got home at 1930. Temperatures for the past week have been below normal. Tomorrow weather is suppose to return to normal.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Thursday August 1, 2013

Up at 0700 and at the MAC by 0800. Done with calisthenics and swimming by 1000. Coffee at Kava House. The Pentagon is cutting its budget, big time. Good article in WSJ about the big fight between the services. Got home at 1230 and had quick lunch. Got on road bike and pedaled to Macatawa to put some trust documents in safe deposit box. Nancy had some shopping to do so at 1600 we headed to Woodland Mall. Had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. We sat outside. Nothing on TV tonight. Will head to bed early because I have alarm set for 0455. First day of August. Does this mean summer is almost over? I hope not.